How To Be a
Well-F**ked Woman

10-week online salon


The Anami Guarantee is that EVERY woman can have a high libido, lubricate and ejaculate easily and be wildly multi-orgasmic.

If you’re suffering from the symptoms in this video, there’s a good chance you’re underf**ked.


Whether you are single or coupled, 25 or 75 years old, in a new relationship or an old one, you can still be well-f**ked!

"Salons" are a tradition of learning that dates back centuries.

In this modern-day version, you’ll receive pre-recorded HD videos, followed up by live, interactive coaching calls, including community breakout sessions. In between, you’ll have “homeplay” assignments to flex your new sexual muscles. I’ll be there to troubleshoot with you every step of the way.

In the salon, we explore:

The essentials for self-pleasure, including step-by-step techniques for achieving the deeper, vaginal orgasms: G-Spot and cervical

Breast massage to enliven, enlarge and firm the breasts

Taoist practices for harnessing sexual energy and channeling it as a creative power

Full tutorials on pleasuring your male partner: expert oral, manual and sexual skills

How to clear and alchemize blockages that stand in the way of you realizing your fully well-f**ked potential

Are you underf**ked?

Take this quiz to find out

As a modern-day sexual savant, it is my experience that over 95% of women are radically underf**ked. Are you?

If you are, you certainly aren’t alone.

Look around you. The woman sitting next to you in the restaurant. Your best friend. That glamorous movie actress.

Chances are, all of you are underf**ked. Take this quiz and discover the truth.

The Anami Guarantee

Every woman can. Every woman can have multiple orgasms: clitoral, G-Spot and cervical, and hit the ceiling with her ejaculate. Every woman can lubricate profusely at every age and stage of her life. Every woman has a high libido and is sexually voracious.

These things aren’t just the domain of a special few. Every woman can get there, with the right tools.

Kim Anami is the sex guru we need right now

I’ve always been rather sex-savvy, and so most “sexperts” have absolutely nothing to teach me that I don’t already know… but Kim takes the power of sexuality to a completely different level, inspiring even the most knowledgeable women to reach erotic potential beyond their wildest dreams.

What she has to teach makes all other modern sex advice out there seem archaic.

Dita Von Teese
Queen of Burlesque, Model, Entrepreneur

Salon Syllabus

Salon 1: All Women Love Sex
“Coming out” sexually and owning it. Clearing your sexual blocks. Secrets to unfolding your sexual potential. Sexual shadow work.
  • How to break through your conditioned beliefs about sexuality and reclaim your natural birthright of insatiability and live as a sexually fulfilled woman
  • Quantum techniques to clear trauma and rewire neural pathways
  • How to reset your ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) and soothe your vagus nerve
  • Biohack your hormones to create optimum vitality
  • How to overcome body issues and love what ya got!
  • Build sexual confidence so you can surrender more fully with your partner while still feeling safe and in control
Salon 2: Self-Pleasuring 101
Create yourself. Love and pleasure thyself. Growing confidence and power in bed and in life.
  • Self pleasuring 101: techniques and toolkit (so you’re never underf**ked again!)
  • How to use your sexual energy to create anything you want in your life
  • The most seductive quality in the world and how you can emulate it to triumph in relationships and in life
  • Toss your lubricants and become turned on from the inside out
  • Guided, healing yoni massage and reconnaissance
  • Taoist qi gong techniques to activate your feminine and creative power
NEW Salon 3: Feminine Self-Healing
Heal yourself emotionally and physically with your sexual energy.
  • Transform PMS, menstrual and menopausal struggles into blissful portals
  • Trusting your intuition and amplifying your truth and voice
  • Manifest anything easily and effortlessly from your feminine energy
  • Natural and holistic birth control for contraception and conception: the power is in your hands
  • Increase your feminine magnetism and charisma
  • Surrender spiritually and sexually to build your life and empire
  • Well-f**ked beauty: rewilding and holistic practices
  • Learn a daily breast massage practice to enlarge, lift, firm and make the breasts more radiant
Salon 4: Amping Up Polarity and Chemistry
Keeping sexual chemistry hot. Tuning into your femininity and using its power. The art of letting go.
  • The biggest secret to reviving sexual chemistry in a relationship and keeping sparks flying for decades
  • Learn to inhabit your divine feminine energy to easily magnetize what you want into your life, instead of falling into burnout and adrenal fatigue by “forcing it” to happen
  • How to get past the fear of letting go and fully abandon yourself sexually
  • How Kim lived Fifty Shades of Grey (before the book even came out!) and how it was one of the most pivotal experiences for her sex life
  • Learn how you can use these dynamics of surrender and control to activate the sacred feminine and masculine in your life and relationship
  • Spiritual and conscious BDSM techniques to practice letting go and exaggerate feminine and masculine polarity
Salon 5: The Multi-Orgasmic Woman
Orgasmapedia. How to achieve clitoral, G-Spot, cervical and anal and throat-gasms.
  • The fundamental differences between clitoral orgasms and deeper, vaginal orgasms and how to have each of them
  • How to shift your orgasms from “genital sneezes” to life-changing experiences, leaving you euphoric and radiant
  • Techniques to orgasm through intercourse and oral sex
  • How to channel orgasmic and creative energy into everyday life, accelerating your productivity at work and your stamina in relationships
Salon 6: The Ultimate Seductress
Unleash your wildness. Understanding the male mind, heart, and body. For the love of cock.
  • Seduction 101: What’s most attractive to men and how to embody it naturally.
  • How to give the best blow job ever
  • The ultimate hand job + sexual reflexology points of the cock
  • Increase your spiritual connection with your lover through sex
  • Tools to ignite him physically and emotionally
  • My legendary “cock whisperer” tutorials
Salon 7: Sex and Money
Money falls into your lap because your lap is what attracts it.
  • How your sexual juiciness directly affects your business success.
  • The biggest mistake you can make in your intimate life that will suck the flow and cash out of your business and relationship
  • Deep throating: Why, how and what to do to eliminate gag reflex (I’m the only person I’ve ever heard talk about this—and it works!)
  • How to use anal sex as a pathway to enlightenment
  • The mystery few people understand about how to use your feminine and sexual power to find your calling and make more money
  • The three sex acts that will boost your business
NEW Salon 8: Bombshell as F*ck
Owning it. Being the hottest woman in the room as a way of life.
  • Owning your sexual power and beauty
  • Overcoming the fear and judgement of being “too much”
  • Be the most charismatic, hottest woman in the room
  • Dominating your life and empire without holding back
  • Evolving from girl to woman
  • Activating your dark feminine powers and loving it
  • Everyday habits of a seductive siren
  • Glow up and ooze confidence

Kim is a total rockstar and a tour de force of all things sexual. Her stuff is a cut above anything I've seen

Dr. Christiane Northrup

OBGYN, New York Times best-selling author

10 Signs You Are Well-F**ked

  • You lose weight

    I’ve bought my first size 6
    and lost another 17 pounds!
    ~ Robin

Meet some of our Well-F**ked All Stars

Dr. Selvi
Went from clitoral orgasms to “deep, satisfying, rejuvenating, extended satisfaction and pleasure in the vagina”

Navigating a successful business and SIX children and still having sex EVERY day

Reached radical career success and financial abundance after Kim Anami's online salons

Magnetizing people, opportunities and money through her sexual energy

Your Mentor

Kim Anami is here to infuse more passion into your life and bed

  • She is a holistic sex + relationship coach, vaginal kung fu master, writer and speaker.
  • Her work has been endorsed by health professionals from around the world, including obgyns, integrative physicians, naturopaths, therapists, midwives and doulas.
  • “Holistic” in the sex and intimacy field means that Kim addresses root causes and doesn’t settle for allopathic Band- Aids. Egs. most OBGYNs prescribe hormonal birth control to women to address everything from acne to irregular periods.
  • Kim works with a host of natural methods—emotional and physical—to permanently heal and resolve these issues, rather than accepting a lifelong sentence of prescription medication.
  • She looks at sex as a tool for self-growth and self-realization.

As Seen In

Everthing You Need To Know!


What is the cost?

$1497 USD

Do you offer a payment plan?

We do. You may choose to spread it out over two months, with two payments of $797. Or, over three months with three payments of $557.

If you sign up for the WFW notification list, you’ll also receive an offer for a payment plan spread out even longer.

It’s summertime! I’ll be on vacation for part of this! What if I miss a week or two?

Fabulous! You’ll be relaxed and open—the ideal state to be in to absorb this work!

Everything is archived—from the videos to the weekly Q+A calls. Plus, you have lifetime access to all the material to review as much as you like, and have your own personal library of sexual ed and revolutionary techniques to refer to whenever you like.

What is the difference between How to Be a Well-F**ked Woman™ and Vaginal Kung Fu™?

VKF and WFW are like part 1 and part 2 of WFW.

The WFW salon is the ultimate guide to how to thrive in a female body and harness your sexual energy so that it fuels every part of your life. We cover everything from the full range of female orgasms, to learning how to truly, deeply surrender and open as a woman and a feminine being, as well as common blocks to full sexual expression that most women have—like body image issues.

The VKF salon goes deep into the vagina. The jade egg exercises are expanded over the entire eight weeks and you also learn other core and pelvic strengthening exercises. We cover everything from healthy habits/nutrition for the vagina to how to truly harness the creative and “birthing” power of it as well as your sexual energy in general.

Combined, both of these salons are your powerhouse for female sexuality! I highly recommend you take them both. VKF next runs in January of 2022.

Each salon stands alone with original and innovative content. And each contains amazing bonus salons and WFW includes an entire additional 4-week, 16-video salon on G-Spots (a $297- value).

How much time will I need to devote to this?

The more you put in, the more you get out.

I’ve designed this course to be a concentrated download of the best techniques I know. I’d suggest committing at least 4-5 hours a week to focus on watching the videos, writing, exercises and “sex dates”—if only with yourself!

How do I know this is a fit for me? What is your refund policy?

If you’ve read my blog and watched my videos, you’ll have a good idea of who I am and what I can offer you.

Here we go deeper and fuller.

I KNOW these tools work. They have changed my life and thousands of people I have worked with. If you can prove to me, by submitting the finished product of the work you have done by August 29th, that you’ve put in the effort and still no results, I’ll refund your money.

I live in Australia/Dubai/Zimbabwe. Will I be able to participate on the Q+A calls?

The weekly call times are varied to accommodate a variety of time zones and all calls are recorded and posted on the private members’ site the next day. You can download and listen to them at your leisure. We also transcribe each call, and that is typically posted a few days later.

If you can’t make a live call, you may send in your questions ahead of time via email. Some people choose to do this anyway—not everyone is as bold as me when it comes to talking about sex!

How far will this take me?

Your sexual evolution is a constant practice, much like your career. Meaning, in the work we choose, we typically get some kind of training. Then we continue to expand ourselves through seminars, workshops, reading about new developments in our industry and mentoring with people we admire. If we didn’t do these things, we’d stagnate.

Your sexual and intimate life is no different.

This course will jumpstart you and take you further than where you are now. Depending on how open you are, it can be the turning point from which you never look back. Your openness and commitment are what will decide that.

Is this salon suitable for those in a same-sex relationship?

Yes! We welcome all sexual orientations in our salons, and while the terminology and teachings outwardly reflect those in a heterosexual relationship, we ultimately believe in male and female archetypal energies which are relevant in any relationship.

Anyone is welcome to disregard the physical exercises that do not apply to them, but learn about the yin/yang qualities we all hold within. Moreover, all of our salon offerings are excellent to take as an individual and offer vital teachings that help people connect to their own sexuality, aside from their intimacy with their partners, making it a fit for all.

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