Is Your Vibrator Cockblocking Your Sex Life?
Are you cuckin’ when you should be f**kin’?
I’m a holistic sex + relationship coach and I’m here to bring more juice to your life and your bed.
I’ve propelled millions into higher stratospheres of connection, sensuality, energy + aliveness. I connect with people all over the world via my online sex + relationship school and my intimacy retreats in Bali and Mexico.
My main message: Everyone ought to be having more sex. And better sex.
When you are, you’ll revitalize not only your intimate relationship but everything else in your life from your career to your bank balance.
I’ll show you how.
The Anami Guarantee is that EVERYONE can.
Sign up for this FREE 9-day series on all things orgasms, and start practicing tonight!
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Kim explains different female orgasms: cervical, G-Spot, ejaculatory, multiple and more.
"It's my assertion that the normal, healthy baseline for all vaginas is to shoot ping pong balls," says Kim in this weekend feature.
This mega-viral video shows Kim lifting a surfboard using her OBGYN-endorsed yoni egg vaginal weight lifting practice.
I often use the phrase #poweredbyvagina to describe how I have created my life and manifested my desired reality.
From a painful vagina-on-lockdown to gushing ejaculate and orgasms anytime, anywhere.