Are you having juicy, passionate, heart-opening, kitchen-counter toppling, mind obliterating sex?
You can be.
In these videos, explore powerful Taoist and Tantric techniques for full-body and multiple orgasms, secrets to skyrocketing sexual chemistry and how to cut through your fears and open to more love.
Register today for my free 7-day Sex Cleanse! Receive daily inspiration and homeplay for relationship renewal and sexual ignition. Plus be notified when the salon re-opens.
"Salons" are a tradition of learning that dates back centuries.
In this modern-day version, you’ll receive pre-recorded HD videos, followed up by live, interactive Q+A calls, including community breakout sessions. In between, you’ll have “homeplay” assignments to flex your new sexual muscles. I’ll be there to troubleshoot with you every step of the way.

Coming Together: Emotionally + Sexually. Multiple Times.
How many orgasms have you had today? This week?? This month???
We all need more juicy, passionate, heart-opening, kitchen-counter toppling, mind-obliterating sex.
Most couples are not coming together. Some couples are not coming at all.
Not emotionally. Not sexually.

We live in a culture where over 50% of marriages end in divorce. Only one third of women ever come or orgasm at all.
My work: all about coming together: emotionally + sexually. Multiple times.
Everyone ought to be on a diet of rich, deep, fulfilling, powerful, soul-food sex. Yet, few people are.
Most people subsist on a steady diet of fast-food sex that is neither fulfilling nor nourishing.
Like any poor diet, the effects build up over time.
A lack of gourmet sex and intimacy leads to everything from lethargy, depression, anger, weight gain and physical ailments. Women lose their reproductive organs, men are saddled with “erectile” and prostate issues; all the result of stuck sexual energy.
Sex is the glue.
If you aren’t using it as this superfuel, I guarantee that you are underperforming in every area of your life.
When our intimate relationship is thriving, other parts of our lives thrive.
So here’s the “sex school” I wish I could have had. The one I have spent over three decades curating, testing and exploring.
I’m sharing it all with you: Ideas, techniques and solid action steps that will radically change you and your relationship from the inside out.

Here’s Coming Together®:
Lifelong Passionate Sex For Couples
A 10-Week Virtual Salon
In the salon, we explore:
Guided mp3 exercises, visualizations and PDFs with Kim's RX for becoming eachother's biggest turn on.
Learn well-f**ked wisdom for her and for him to keep the simmer going 24/7.
How to breakthrough blocks (even emotional) that are clouding your relationship and holding you back sexually and in your life.
Enlightened sex acts to crack each other open to orgasmic bliss.
Techniques for ongoing relationship feng shui and taking your charged up power from the bed into the world.
Are You a Super Power Couple?
Take this quiz to find out
People love to rationalize that sex isn’t such an important part of their relationship.
They explain, with an air of maturity, that they are such AMAZING partners and work really well together at the “business” of raising a family and running a household.
I assert that the true purpose of relationships is to self-realize. To take us to wilder, wider, more incredible places in ourselves.
And if it isn’t doing that—feeding you—it’s a drain on you.
Take the quiz and discover the truth of your relationship.

The Anami Guarantee
Every couple can have lifelong, passionate sex. Every couple can have cosmic-connecting orgasms, with an off-the-charts libido at any age and stage of life. Every man can last for hours, giving his woman deep vaginal orgasms.
This is the baseline for every single couple. Even you.

Kim Anami is the sex guru we need right now
I’ve always been rather sex-savvy, and so most “sexperts” have absolutely nothing to teach me that I don’t already know… but Kim takes the power of sexuality to a completely different level, inspiring even the most knowledgeable women to reach erotic potential beyond their wildest dreams. What she has to teach makes all other modern sex advice out there seem archaic.
Dita Von Tesse
Queen of Burlesque, Model, Entrepreneur
Salon Syllabus
- Learn how to give skilled and healing yoni and lingam massages to each other, using therapeutic massage techniques and genital acupressure secrets
- How to clear space, openly communicate and have the tough conversations in your relationship
- How to identify blockages that are keeping you stuck, and clear them
- Be guided step-by-step in my master techniques to release old patterns and sabotage mechanisms
- Clear tools to disarm your defenses and open to vulnerability and love
- Why most couples never hit the point of “life-changing” sex and how you can
- Talking and f**king: how to keep the “conversation” going in bed
- Step-by-step instructions to create your own sexual manifesto and conscious relationship intentions
- How to use your intimate relationship as a powerful tool for growth and self-actualization
- The #1 mistake you can make in intimate relationships and how to correct it
- Learn how to bring your weaknesses and “dark side” into the light to be illuminated and transformed
- The most important secret you MUST, MUST, MUST embrace in order to create lifelong, passionate sex
- The biggest secret to using sexual taboo to enliven your relationship
- How to shift unconscious patterns that keep repeating once and for all, so that they never repeat again
- Learn 5000-year-old ancient techniques to harness your creative, orgasmic energy and use it as a power source
- Discover the secret to full-body and multiple orgasms
- The best techniques to build stamina in men: you, too, can f**k like Sting!
- Your guide to different sexual positions and their health benefits: it’s prescription time!
- How to use different sex acts to tap into different emotional and healing qualities
- Master the secret techniques few people know about to “transmute” sexual energy to increase your bank balance
- The key to having “energy” orgasms with your partner from across the room and across the continent
- Learn the ins-and-outs of sexual reflexology
- The biggest secret to reviving sexual chemistry in a relationship and keeping sparks flying for decades
- How to break out of being “buddies” and bring back the guttural passion with your partner
- Women: learn about the biggest block to tapping into your feminine side and how to release it
- Men: step-by-step instructions to regain the masculine strength she desperately wants you to live from
- How to use fantasy to exaggerate polarity and enter into the realm of sizzling 50 Shades of Grey play
- The 5 sex acts that increase sexual chemistry and polarity in your relationship
- The fundamental differences between clitoral orgasms and deeper, vaginal orgasms
- Why most women don’t achieve powerful, internal orgasms and how she can
- How to channel orgasmic and creative energy into everyday life
- Learn the golden rule of female orgasms
- Techniques to orgasm through intercourse and oral sex
- The male G-Spot: why and how
- The number one reason for premature ejaculation and how to ELIMINATE it permanently
- The biggest mistake men make with women and how to turn it around in seconds
- Daily techniques to open her and keep her open
- How to get her to surrender at the deepest possible level
- The absolute hottest quality you can cultivate which is irresistible to your man
- How to get him out of his head and into his body
- Learn the one thing that will consistently melt him
- How to convert the major block most women have into absolute confidence and power