
Praise, love and breakthroughs

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Our libido is back and so is our relationship! We have been having longer and deeper sex sessions.

Bringing your sexuality into everything you do looks different than you’d expect it to…but it really is this great secret to success and happiness that no one talks about…except Kim!

I feel more clear on what I need to do next in my life, for my personal growth and vocational success.

My boyfriend and I realized that polarity (or lack of it) was at the heart of so many mysterious blocks we had, that we now understand and are shifting.

My understanding of what sexuality is has been radically deepened and expanded, or rather, the deeper conception of sexuality which I’ve always felt to be true got much validation from Kim, and elaboration.

I guess we’ve gone from one or two mediocre sessions a week to three deep sessions. One time last week we didn’t even have much penetration but I felt emotionally and spiritually penetrated after the session…and wet!