Most women have numb, under-functioning vaginas.
Can you shoot ping pong balls with your vagina?
If you can’t you aren’t alone. 99.9% of women haven’t mastered this essential life skill. Once you do, you’ll have more (and better) orgasms, and be able to cause your man to ejaculate (or not!) with the power of your vagina alone. You may even learn to ejaculate yourself!
Register today for my FREE 3-part video series How to Manifest Men, Money and Miracles with Your Vagina! Plus be notified when this salon opens again.
"Salons" are a tradition of learning that dates back centuries.
In this modern-day version, you’ll receive pre-recorded HD videos, followed up by live, interactive Q+A calls, including community breakout sessions. In between, you’ll have “homeplay” assignments to flex your new sexual muscles. I’ll be there to troubleshoot with you every step of the way.

In the salon, we explore:
Guided mp3 exercises and visualizations for a daily vaginal workout routine.
Learn emotional anatomy and sexual reflexology points in the vagina so you can heal yourself by having sex!
How to heal past trauma (even emotional) that is stored in the vagina and holding you back sexually and in your life.
Breast massage techniques to tone, lift and enlarge breasts.
Techniques to transform menstruation and menopause to be energizing and rejuvenating spiritual power portals.
Are You a Super Pussy?
Take this quiz to find out
As a modern-day sexual savant, it is my experience that nearly every woman has a weak, under-performing, under-pleasuring vagina.
Do you?
If you do, you certainly aren't alone. The truth is that most women are disconnected from their bodies and lives.
Take the quiz and discover the truth.

The Anami Guarantee
Every woman can be multi-orgasmic, having G-Spot and cervical orgasms on the daily. Every woman can lubricate and ejaculate profusely, with an off the charts libido at any age and stage of her life. Every woman can have a flute-playing vagina that shoots ping pong balls across the room.
This is the baseline for every single woman. Even you.

Kim Anami is the sex guru we need right now
I’ve always been rather sex-savvy, and so most “sexperts” have absolutely nothing to teach me that I don’t already know… but Kim takes the power of sexuality to a completely different level, inspiring even the most knowledgeable women to reach erotic potential beyond their wildest dreams. What she has to teach makes all other modern sex advice out there seem archaic.
Dita Von Tesse
Queen of Burlesque, Model, Entrepreneur
Salon Syllabus
- Sexual feng shui: Find and clear the blocks that have been holding you back emotionally and sexually
- Yoni gazing and reconnaissance to know thyself
- Using your vagina as your ultimate compass in life. How to listen to the voice of your vagina
- Taoist sexual medicine for self-healing and opening energy pathways in the body
- Sexual shadow work
- Sexual detoxification
- Guided Visualization: Vagazing with a Yoni Portal Mirror
- Discover why orgasms are your infinite power source and how to use them to their maximum potential
- Convert sexual energy into creative energy to fuel your life, work and relationships.
- Increase the magnetic power of your vagina and your womb to attract your deepest desires
- Learn the emotional anatomy and sexual reflexology points in the vagina so you can heal yourself by having sex!
- All the do's and don'ts of a vaginal weight lifting practice
- Holistic yoni care
- Rewilding sexuality and cultivating optimal hormonal balance. Learn what the biggest culprits are for throwing your system off
- Guided Visualization: Charging Your Jade Egg with Talismanic Powers
- Guided Visualization: Crystal Uterus
- Learn to read and listen to the messages of your body so you can heal yourself
- Step-by-step holistic guidance on multi-dimensional modalities to address everything from recurrent yeast infections to brutal periods and PMS
- Guided Visualization: Loving and Owning Every Inch of Your Body
- How to use menstruation and menopause as power portals, rather than times of depletion
- Eradicate PMS, challenging periods and difficult menopause forever
- Taoist qi gong ancient techniques to utilize sexual energy and channel it into manifesting power
- Heal your relationship to your feminine energy and tap into this power to create your life
- Natural birth control: Learn your fertility windows by observing your own body.
- Guided Visualization: Activate Your Sexual Organs as Life and Creative Engines
- Techniques to give yourself a natural breast-lift and facelift so you can look and feel more youthful
- Learn holistic breast care and healing practices
- The secret to having nipple-gasms!
- How to grow your breasts by channeling your sexual energy (It’s true! I’ve grown mine!)
- Guided Visualization: Connecting and Opening the Heart, Breasts and Cervix
- Kim's top techniques for busting through plateaus
- "This is why we can't have nice things!" Do you feel worthy? Self-love as the key to opening to abundance and expanding your capacity to receive and uplevel
- Reprogramming the subconscious for success with subliminals and binaural beats
- Shadow work secrets for illumination
- Surrender as the source of all your power
- Guided Visualization: Unf**k Your Unstuck and Get in the Flow
- Holistic suggestions for healing reproductive ailments including herbs, supplements, nutrition and vibrational medicine
- Ancient indigenous healing: Yoni steaming and womb massage
- How to heal past physical and emotional trauma that is stored in the vagina and body that holds you back sexually and in your life
- Step-by-step guide for performing a healing vaginal massage to loosen stored tension and increase sensation and orgasmic potential
- The Three Horsemen of Sexual Trauma: the places where most people don't think to look and how to heal these areas
- Guided Visualization: The Cracks Are Where the Light Gets In
- How deeper, vaginal orgasms increase your cash flow
- Learn how to attract and let good things come into your life, rather than stressing to make them happen
- Your pocket mood guide to which sexual positions will help balance you depending on how you feel
- How to use different movements in sex to increase the flow of energy and healing
- Strengthening the heart-vaginal connection so that you are more emotionally present and open during sex
- How to give your man a hand job. With your vagina.
- Guided Visualization: Your Vagina Is Money