Vaginal Kung Fu salon registration now open!


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CarlaWomen's Health Coach, Costa Rica

I am more confident about my body.

I am having longer sexual encounters with my husband, and more often. I now talk to my husband about my needs and desires.

I have started taking more action with confidence in the project I’m launching, which is focusing on the mind/body connection for women dealing with infertility. I truly think that a percentage of women dealing with infertility is linked to all this repression in our sexuality, so it’s been eye opening from a professional stand point also.

I feel more confident in general. I am letting go of beliefs that don’t serve me anymore and open to explore my sexuality and how I feel pleasure, what excites me.

I would definitely recommend your work … I believe the way you present sexuality is a well balanced approach between the physical and energetic bodies. You are direct and feel as the first time that I get good information about my body.

I love it and constantly review the videos with my husband. He’s told me that I am more open to explore and to express likes and dislikes. Even he’s willing to show his masculine energy more as I soften and let him do it.

I am from Costa Rica and currently work with women dealing with infertility, through coaching, yoga, meditation, etc … Truly think that a % of women dealing with infertility is linked to all this repression in our sexuality, so it’s been eye opening from a professional stand point also.


