I used to have a lot of pain during sex which prevented me from getting any enjoyment out of it whatsoever. The pain has now reduced by at least 85%!
I have opened up so much more to my sexual energy to the extent that I can feel intense heat, pulsing and arousal that I have not had so regularly before. I also notice more openness around sex and a willingness to explore where I used to be so closed because of the pain. The salon facilitated me in having a sexual experience where I was truly penetrated and had my barriers broken down. It was beautiful and I know it is just the beginning of what is to come!
I have begun to open up more to my dream, vision and purpose for being here. I have had so much career indecision, fear and doubt. I feel that these practices have helped me to have more confidence to explore things that are out of my comfort zone which have facilitated my growth in such a way that I am now able to visualize myself doing what I came here to do.
Kim’s presence, patience, encouragement and empowering messages have really penetrated to my core and have helped me to internally reorganize my beliefs and shame around being a woman. Just the way she listened to and addressed our concerns during the calls have helped tremendously.
The salon has been pivotal in changing the way I relate to myself as a woman.