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60, Rich and Ass-F**ked Across Alabama

It’s never too late to be a multi-orgasmic, lubricating, ejaculating, well-f**ked woman.

In Anami Land, everything is possible.

Women are multi-orgasmic, lubricating and ejaculating into their 80s and shooting vaginal ping pong balls across the room.

Men have hours-long stamina. have multiple, life-changing orgasms and can separate orgasm from ejaculation.

Today’s all star is Michelle.

At the age of 60, she left a stifling 40-year marriage.

A year later, at 61, she’s the most well-f**ked she’s ever been in her life.

I LOVE hearing when people have the courage to leave something that deep down they know isn’t good for them.

Despite finances, social standing, children, and public opinion.

They do it anyway.

If you find yourself in a situation where you aren’t sure you have what it takes to propel yourself into a new life, this episode is for you.

This woman is wild as f*ck and has some of the best sexual descriptions I’ve ever heard:

“There was always a gallon of lube by our bed.

Now, with my new man, all I have to do is talk to him on the telephone, and I’m dripping down to my knees.

“What the fuck is that?” I mean, it is absolutely amazing.”

We talk:

  • Radical income jump during the WFW Salon: “I had a $100k month!”
  • Being a strong woman and needing to be “taken” by an even stronger man
  • Two-hour blow job sessions: “I’m loving it. I’m dripping on the bed!”
  • First ever cervical orgasms at age 60
  • Processing 41 years of trauma and anxiety through the healing power of sex
  • Getting ass-f**ked all over Alabama
  • Non-negotiable “Fuck Fridays”
  • Leaving a 40-year marriage to become a well-f**ked woman

“I’m 61, and I’m telling you, it’s never too late to go grab it.”

Well-F**ked at any age and stage.

In the Well-F**ked Woman Salon, my 10-week, online signature salon for women that shows you how to be well-fucked at every age and stage, including menopause and far beyond:

We cover much of what Michelle and I talked about:

  • How you can be dripping wet just from hearing the voice of your lover
  • Surrender to activate your feminine magnetism and generate cash 
  • My cock whispering secrets to ecstatic blow jobs, deep throating, anal play and manual techniques to bring him to his knees
  • How to have the deeper vaginal orgasms: G-Spot, squirting and cervical
  • And much more!

You can check out the free video preview series and take the quiz and find out ARE YOU UNDERFUCKED?

Sign up NOW for my free video series to become a Well-F**ked Woman!

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Podcast – 60, Rich + Ass-F**ked Across Alabama

In Anami Land, everything is possible.

Women are multi-orgasmic, lubricating and ejaculating into their 80s and shooting vaginal ping pong balls across the room.

Men have hours-long stamina. have multiple, life-changing orgasms and can separate orgasm from ejaculation.

Last week in the Squirting to Manifest Your Life episode, I spoke with Tia.

At 22, she’s our youngest Well-F**ked All Star and a total legend.

We’ve had 70 and 80-something women and men take my salons, including a 72-year-old widower who came to one of my Bali retreats.

He was studying Tantra and had been married to his wife for 50 years.

At 72, he was on the path to find the next love of his life.

I LOVE these stories and the attitudes of it’s NEVER too late to be well-f**ked and blissfully happy.

Today’s all star is Michelle.

At the age of 60, she left a stifling 40-year marriage.

A year later, at 61, she’s the most well-f**ked she’s ever been in her life.

I LOVE hearing when people have the courage to leave something that deep down they know isn’t good for them.

Despite finances, social standing, children, public opinion.

They do it anyway.

If you find yourself in a situation where you aren’t sure you have what it takes to propel yourself into a new life, this episode is for you.

This woman is wild as f*ck and has some of favourite sexual descriptions I’ve ever heard.

** Well-F**ked All Star INTERVIEW with Michelle**

KIM: Hi, Michelle. I’m so glad to have you here today.

MICHELLE: I’m really happy to be here. Excited!

KIM: You have such an incredible story of your later-in-life, total about-face evolution, upleveling to the highest heights. So tell us, where were you before? Where are you now, and how did you get there?

MICHELLE: I am a 61-year-old woman. I was married for 41 years and divorced in May 2023.

KIM: So you are recently out of this very long-term, four-decade relationship?

MICHELLE: Absolutely. May 2023, that was it for me. I met him when I was 16 years old, so I really knew nothing else in my whole adult life. I stayed because the story sounded really good [laughs]. I have three beautiful girls, my husband was a doctor, and it just seemed like the greatest life. And you stick with that, right? Because I’m not a quitter. I’m going to stick to anything if it seems like it’s going to work. But I did sacrifice a lot of my own being to be with that man, and I did not realize how much I gave up.

I finally walked out a few days before Christmas in 2022. I got very sick. I lost 30 pounds in probably less than four months. I was having abdominal spasms and lying on the ground heaving for 30 minutes at a time.

I knew my body was trying to tell me there was something wrong. When you stay around for that kind of trauma year after year after year, you don’t even recognize that you’re dying inside. I knew the only way I was going to save myself was to get the fuck out, finally. And I did. I walked out. It was probably the bravest thing I ever did. I left him the house. I left him his mother, who also lived there. [Laughs] “I’m gone. I’ll see you all later. I can’t do this anymore.”

The tears were not done yet. I was very sad. I was very lost. I had never been alone. I’m from a family of six girls. I have five sisters. We’re all very, very close. So I had never been alone in my entire life and now I was. I was terrified. I was now the breadwinner in our family, so I was thinking that I wasn’t sure what was going to happen to me.

I filed for divorce and ended up being the one to have to pay him alimony, which was a horrible thing to have to do, and I now owe him big time for the next three years. The more I worked, the less he worked, and he’s the one who’s a doctor. I cannot believe that I ended up in this place.

But that’s kind of where you came in. I actually knew this guy I’m with now, Chris, for years. We worked together, and we both were at a place where we just wanted someone to love on us. We weren’t thinking, “Oh, this is going to be some kind of a serious relationship,” or anything like that, but sometimes when you fuck around, things happen. And that’s what happened.

KIM: You fuck around and find out. Have you heard that expression? Fuck around and find out?

MICHELLE: No! Oh boy, it was different. It was on a level I had never experienced before in my life. I said, “What the hell is this? Wow! It’s like everything is firing off.”

I honestly didn’t think I could leave my husband because we actually had a decent sex life. But looking back at it, it was mechanical. I had a need to have a dopamine fix every day. It was the one thing in my life I could count on. “I’m going to get fucked, and I’m going to feel good, and it’s going to be okay.” And he could do that for me. I didn’t want to go because of that. That’s sad. [Laughs] Especially when I met Chris. I said, “Damn! There’s more to this than just the dopamine fix?” I just didn’t understand that.

I masturbated almost every day just to get myself ready to go to work. It was part of my routine.

KIM: It’s amazing that was intact within you, despite whatever else was going on in your relationship. You were still connected to that part of yourself and using it in the Anami way of fueling yourself.

MICHELLE: Absolutely. I would have a meeting scheduled for 10, and I didn’t give a shit if it was a quarter till 10—I wasn’t leaving the house till I masturbated. I got myself to feel, “At least I can do this. I. Can. Do. This.”

And it worked. I’m very successful at what I do, and I have to attribute my energy to that. It just makes a huge difference.

But back to this new thing. It was just … wow! We were doing things with each other that were so comfortable. For instance, the first time we had sex, [laughs] I remember it was going on for a couple of hours or so. “Man, we’re just fucking— what’s going on here?” On and on and on. It wasn’t, “We’re going to have sex, then we’re done, and we’re going to part ways.” I think we tried everything that first day.

I’m 5’8,” and you said that certain people fit each other, so yeah, he fit me very, very, very nicely. I remember [laughs] he grabbed me and flipped me over on my stomach. He said, “I’m going to do this.” He ass-fucked me. I had never been ass-fucked before in my life. I thought, “Well, damn. I don’t even know what to say, but I’m all in. I’m doing this.”

This is a guy who knows I’m a woman that has a lot of testosterone. I need to be taken. I need to be made to feel like, you know what? I can be in charge of you. You don’t have to be in charge. I love that. I could not believe that he did that. I kind of snickered and said, “I’m all in. I’m done. You’re it, buddy.”

We were more and more intimate, and things just started connecting. I have to tell you, I had lots of hangups. You have no idea how many hangups. Number one, I wouldn’t swallow come—ever. I was married for what, 41 years? Would not swallow. I claimed it gagged me.

Number two, I couldn’t come in the mornings. That was not going to ever, ever happen. Of course, you gave me some advice during Well-F**ked Woman, and I actually took it. And guess what? I come in the morning not once, but twice now sometimes. I’m telling you right now, I can do it.

What else did I believe about myself? Oh, that I could only have sex if I had several drinks. I just thought I had to loosen up to be able to have sex with my husband, so I’d be at least somewhat lubricated.

Oh, and speaking of lube, let me tell you something right now: there was always a gallon of it by our bed. Now, with Chris, all I have to do is talk to him on the telephone, and I’m dripping down to my knees. “What the fuck is that?” I mean, it is absolutely amazing.

I don’t need lube. I can have orgasms in the morning. I swallow now and that is incredible. I never thought that I would, but you said something in one of your podcasts. The first one I ever listened to was because of him. You talked about galloping. If somebody’s not galloping with you, get the fuck out. I listened to it and thought, “That is so true! I get it. I see what you’re saying.”

It was incredible to me. We’ve started having one-or-two-hour blow job sessions, and I’m loving it. I’m dripping on the bed. There’s ejaculate everywhere. It opened up everything, and it opened up a door to me being more sensual. Once we got to intercourse, it made it even more pleasant to me.

Let me go back to my trauma. One of the things that I would do, like I told you, was lie on the floor and convulse for 30 minutes at a time. I didn’t know what to do. I’d been to the doctor, and they said, “There’s nothing wrong with you.” But what you actually helped me understand was this vagus nerve thing and how it’s connected to your vagina and your brain. So it’s stomach, brain, and your vagina.

Because once I started this relationship, I would have cervical orgasms, which I’d never had before. Thank you very much. I didn’t even know what that was. [Laughs] And I would start sobbing. For 20 minutes I couldn’t stop sobbing. I had never had anything like that before in my entire life. I didn’t understand it, and Chris didn’t understand it; he’d never had anything like that before. But we realized that was healing my anxiety, healing my body. It just all came together that this sexual healing was what I had to have to recover from the trauma of my last 41 years.

It’s been very special and validating to know that I’m not an anomaly. I think there are other women out there who are just like me, saying, “I want to know I’m normal. Maybe sex can fix pain and anxiety and give you a happier life and a better life.”

KIM: Well, I love that your healing journey involved your sexual experiences. And that having transformative, powerful, rejuvenating sex helped to heal the decades in your marriage that weren’t in your best and highest good.

MICHELLE: It’s unbelievable that I could end in an orgasm that is so amazing. Chris touches me in places I don’t think I’d ever been touched before. We got the measuring tape out one night. It’s about nine inches, okay? Just saying. And his girth is huge, so …“Well, that’s good stuff.”

So we’re very playful. [Laughs] When he fucked me, I remember being done and lying there with him and saying, “What are you looking for? What are you reaching for?” Because it was almost like he could not get deep enough. I was glad that I could give that to him, but it was so deep. He was touching places inside the vagina that I had not discovered before. I now have an awareness that the vagina is not just some hole. There are nerves in there that it took me a while to figure out. It was like things were going crazy in there, and I said, “What is going on? I’ve never had this experience before.”

The cervical orgasm was probably the biggest surprise I had ever encountered, and I’d been married for 41 years. We had a decent sex life. I guess all I ever had was a G-spot orgasm. I didn’t know that. Or a clitoral orgasm, which I find to be very “okay.” [Laughs] It’s not a cervical orgasm. [Laughs]

KIM: Well, that’s the beauty of them; they help to change and propel your life forward. Then once you have them, you don’t look back. Or if you do look back, you’re thinking, “Whoa, I was on this steady diet of starvation for all these years, and now I’ve eaten food and look what it’s doing for my life.”

MICHELLE: In some ways it’s hilarious. When I masturbated before, it was just with a little vibrator, “Brrr.” Now I’m so spoiled, I cannot just do that. I have to have something inside of me. I have some very nice glass dildos, but it’s not the same thing as the real thing. I want to get fucked and I want to go back there. You always want to go back to a cervical orgasm.

I’m 61, and I’m telling you, it’s never too late to go grab it. If you haven’t ever had it, go see if you can get it, because it’s worth it. I don’t even think for one minute now that, “Oh my God, it’s over.” I used to think that. It was very sad. I thought, “How in the hell can you walk away after 41 years? What are you doing? You’re a fool. You’re 60 years old. This is insane. Your life is over.”

Oh, hell, no, it’s not either. I take care of myself. I’m very sexual. I like to be pretty. I buy pretty dresses, pretty clothes. I want to be a girl, and I love being soft for my man. It’s not over; it’s just the beginning.

KIM: I love that. You’ve had these epic experiences with cervical orgasm. It sounds like you’ve had some transcendent ass-gasms and nipple-gasms. Anything else you want to share about these orgasmatopia experiences?

MICHELLE: I breastfed all three of my girls. They were all talking by the time I weaned them, so my breasts really were for breastfeeding. I don’t believe that I actually thought of them as a sexual thing at all in my marriage. I never even liked to be touched.

That is something that has come into play with me and Chris. I had no idea that I could be so turned on by breast stimulation. In the Well-F**ked Woman, one of the sessions was talking about the nipples and breast massage and all this stuff. If I had known that 40 years ago, I would’ve been a much happier married woman, at least on my side. I enjoy that now. I like to have them in his mouth. We could just be sitting watching TV and I’ll say, “Oh, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, if you don’t stop that, I’m about to … [laughs].” It is absolutely amazing what you don’t think you want. Just surrender.

That’s what I had to do. Why did I say no before? Maybe, in my mind, it was my way to control my environment. I needed to control something. If I could say, “No, I don’t want you to touch my breasts,” that meant I had some control of my life. That was my trauma that I was trying to control, so I would say no to certain things or, no, I can’t have an orgasm in the morning. I would just let him fuck me and then say, “Okay, we’re done.”

All these no’s I told myself were not good for my well-being, but it was my way of controlling the circumstances I was in. “Oh, I don’t enjoy nipple stimulation. You can fuck me once a month, okay. That’s our deal.”

Most of the time it’s a control thing, and I’m not proud of that, but I think women do that because they are frustrated. They’re not happy in their circumstances. If we open up and listen to our bodies and surrender, everything can be beautiful. In my previous marriage, I was embarrassed about sex stuff because, “That is so messy. What do we do with that?”

You made it real last summer for me when you said, “It’s going to be messy.” I said, “Oh, other people experience that, so I guess it’s okay.” If he is willing to do that to you, then what is wrong with that? If he’s willing to flip you over and fuck the hell out of you, so be it. I mean, he knows what he’s getting into. It’s not like he’s going to be surprised that it could be a mess.

But just let it go and enjoy it. What is sex, really? It’s all these things that we do with each other. It’s not hetero and homo; it’s all these sexual acts that are interplayable. We experimented with something that I shoved up his ass one night last summer. We had this conversation about how this is not hetero or homo; this is just sex. Why can’t it be fun? Why can’t we just play this out and see what happens?

I was giving him a blow job, and I shoved that thing up his ass, and the unload that he experienced was like, “Holy shit! This is a lot.” [Laughs] For some girl who had just started swallowing a few short months ago, I was getting a load that was beyond a load. I must have hit something that had not been tapped into in a long time. If ever.

To take away all the silliness of should we do this or not—I think that we women live with a lot of things that we’re taught, so we think, “That’s not very ladylike or whatever.” Screw it all. When you’re in the bedroom, everything is fair play, as far as I’m concerned now.

I can run around naked. We have fuck Fridays. They’re the best. We cannot wait until Friday. By Wednesday, we’re on the phone and it’s like, we have to hurry up; fuck Friday is coming up! We can’t wait!

And we spend the whole weekend naked, running around. We can fuck whenever we want to, do whatever we want to do. It’s so liberating to just let go. Why have hangups? It’s just not worth it. And it’s so much more fun when you can be playful.

KIM: Absolutely. I love your whole spirit. You shared an experience where you had some contact with your ex, and then you came home, and your partner gave you some good fuck medicine. I’d like you to explain that because you’ve already touched on how you were able to process a lot of the trauma from your long-term relationship through your current one and through the deep, powerful, transformational sex you were having with your new partner.

There was a particular instance where you said you got thrown off your game and you came home, and you got the medicine. So tell us about that.

MICHELLE: Yeah. I could hardly be around my ex-husband. Last summer in particular, I went to my granddaughter’s birthday party. He just triggered me so badly that by the time I got back to the house to be with Chris, I was shaken up, and I was just in tears. He let me talk it out. He listened to all my fears, all my sadness.

Then he took me by the hand and said, “We’re going back here.” And he took me to the bedroom, and we took off our clothes, and [laughs] I’ll tell you right now: face-fucking. I’d never really had that before. I got face-fucked, and I got fucked in the ass. And when it was all done, it was like, wow. There was just so much healing. There seems to be stigma about those things as if there’s something wrong with doing that. I felt so cared for, so loved, like I didn’t need to worry. I was going to be okay.

It started changing things in me. I’d already been enjoying blow jobs. We were having one and two-hour blow job sessions and I was benefiting from it. So he knew that. He also knew that I liked anal sex. I mean, he said, “Let’s go do the two things you love,” and he did that. And it was wonderful.

So yeah, it’s very healing to have a partner who is willing to share in those intimate things with you so you do not feel like you’re doing something different. It’s all normal. We normalized everything. There’s nothing that is abnormal. Whatever he wants to do, I’m open to that.

I’ve told him, “If you wake up in the middle of the night and you need me, please fuck me. Whatever you need, I’m there.” And I mean that with all my heart. And it has happened. And it’s very pleasant, so I’m okay with being woken up. I love it. We wake up at 2:00, 1:00, 4:00 in the morning. It’s really sweet to have that kind of partner.

And he does check all the boxes. Having somebody that intellectually, spiritually, physically, and sexually matches up with you—there’s something beautiful about it. My ex-husband may have only possessed three of those things, and I didn’t know there was more that needed to be connected on this level. I guess there’s so much oxytocin that occurs sexually with me and Chris. It’s the dopamine. It’s all these things that are firing off in us. It does make for amazing sex, and it does come from spending time with each other, without the noise. There are a lot of outside interferences. I think people put too much in their lives without sitting outside for hours and watching the birds, which is what we do a lot. We just sit there, and we talk.

I think that people spend a lot of time trying to fill their time with dinner dates, going different places with other people, instead of just spending time alone and trying to figure out, who is this person? Intimately, I think we know each other very, very well. I don’t feel uncomfortable. He doesn’t feel uncomfortable.

And it’s fun. On Friday nights, I always come down in something really sexy and soft and he loves that. Maybe Saturday comes along and he’s in there cooking breakfast, and I have my little housecoat on, and the next thing you know, I’m getting thrown over the counter and am getting fucked. I love that! Why not be surprised? Who says it has to be in the bedroom? We’ll be on the back porch talking for hours, and I’ll just take everything off. I don’t even care what the neighbors think. I’ll just sit in his lap and fuck him right there or grab him and take him in the house.

We don’t worry about stuff like that.

He’s a great cook. I’ve never had somebody do that for me before. He’ll be getting everything ready, and I’ll just run in the bedroom and throw something really sexy on and come out and he’ll say, “Wow.” It’s distracting, but it’s so much fun.

We’ve spent hours playing around, with me being sexy and beautiful and messing with him when he’s trying to cook, dancing to great music. It’ll be 11:00 when we’re eating dinner, but we started it at 4:30 or 5, just having fun. Sex is fun. Sex is great. You shouldn’t be inhibited. You should enjoy it as much as you can.

KIM: Wow, you’re so inspirational. It’s so moving, listening to you and your spirit and your full lack of inhibition and openness and the way you just dived right into this new life. It’s incredible.

MICHELLE: It’s a lot of fun. I did the Well-F**ked Woman last summer, and I do feel very well fucked. It’s just been an amazing journey to put everything that you teach into something that makes you feel like a normal person.

I thought I was a nymphomaniac for years. “Is there something wrong with me?” Even my mother asked me, “Are you a nymphomaniac?” Because I talk about sex all the time. I’ve always thought it was fun. I’m the kind of person that jokes about a lot of stuff. So I might have inappropriately said something in front of my mother. She said, “Are you a nymphomaniac? There’s something really wrong with that.”

It’s exciting to know that no, I’m not a nymphomaniac; I’m actually normal, and that I may have a higher libido than he does is even better. I don’t feel abnormal anymore.

KIM: You noticed a correlation between your business and your income swelling when you signed up for Well-F**ked Woman. We talk about how, the more well-fucked you get, the more your income goes up and the abundance and the opportunities just drop into your lap. Because your lap is what attracts them. So tell us about that.

MICHELLE: [Laughs] I believe the session started the first of July, and I really got into it. I’m a brownnoser, and I’m going to do the work. If somebody is going to put something in front of me, I’m going to study, and I’m going to do it well.

I did the whole eight-week session. In the month of July, my GCI was $100,000. I’m a real estate agent.

KIM: What’s a GCI?

MICHELLE: That is your gross commission income. $100,000. That’s what I brought in in July. During Well-F**ked Woman, I was very focused on trying to discover why I did certain things. I asked you some questions and you gave me great clarification, so I was totally into it. I was getting up at 4:30 in the morning, doing some of the sessions where we got to talk to each other. Doing my homework. I mean, masturbating and meditating? Man, I was in on that. I totally got into that every day. I wouldn’t go to bed till 11:00 at night.

But to produce that much money and be that intensely focused on what I was trying to learn, and to just become a better version of myself? I said, “You know what? I’m 60 years old. I am not going to let this pass me by. I’m going to understand all these reasons why I didn’t believe in myself.” I wanted to know why I was hung up on certain issues. I was being uninhibited with my partner, but there were still these little things that you can say to yourself, and you helped me see that maybe I did think, “Well, if I dress like this, maybe I am slutty.”

Well, no, that’s not slutty. That’s just being warm and soft and sexual for this person that you love. To try to just say, “I’m going to address these issues now. I’m not going to go back to being the meek person”–

KIM: Were you ever meek?

MICHELLE: I don’t know that I was ever that meek. I was the church lady. I taught religious education for 22 years, but I was a fun teacher. And I taught sexual education for a while. So I had all the dos and don’ts down pat.

I had all these frickin’ rules that I had to live by. I was very black and white. And as I got older, I decided that this was not working for me very well. I decided to start letting go of those things.

In going through Well-F**ked Woman, there were things that I just let go of. I mean, I had to be me. I had to admit I’m a very sexual being and some of this stuff—it’s wrong thinking. It’s stuff that was a belief that was given to me that I should’ve never accepted, and it prohibited me from being comfortable in my marriage with my ex-husband.

We did play around, and we made videos and things like that, so I got a hold of those after the divorce. I made sure I got those videos. I took the computer outside on my little porch, got a hammer, and started watching them. I thought it was very mechanical-looking—at the time, it felt good. I had an orgasm, great. But the way that he approached me was very mechanical, and the chemistry was not anything like what I’m experiencing right now.

And it was very sad to me. I thought, “Well, I wonder how many other women are out there doing the same thing that I did, hoping if they can just get an orgasm, they’ll feel a lot better.” It’s not about that. It’s a whole-body experience. It’s a whole emotional, spiritual, sexual experience. It should all be there. You shouldn’t just have just that one aspect of a sex life.

It was kind of ugly. With great pleasure, I took a hammer to every one of those little cards and just beat the shit out of them. I said, “You know what? Screw it.” I didn’t have it all. I thought I did. I had a story. It looked really good. Here’s a pretty woman, three beautiful little girls. She’s married to a doctor. We’re having a great life, and everybody knows it.

Well, it wasn’t a great life. It sucked. Finding somebody who totally gets this whole sexual experience, this sexual healing, does matter. You don’t have to live a sad life, and it’s not over just because you’re 60. I don’t care if you’re 40; it’s never too late. Just get up and do something different. You do not have to live out your whole life sad.

I’m pretty confident. [Laughs] I like being me. I am fun and adventuresome, and I’m totally a different person at this point. And I’m still very successful financially. I pay my ex a considerable amount of money every month. I have to do that for three years, and I’m down one year. One is over. Yay. And I’m doing it. I bought a new house. I’m making alimony payments, and I’m going to be okay. I feel charged and excited about life.

KIM: That’s amazing. Your story is so inspirational. Is there anything else that you want to add?

MICHELLE: If you’re settling, you might want to ask yourself why. If your sex life is mediocre, you really want to ask yourself why. If there’s a lost connection, maybe there’s hope with that person that you’re with. But you’ve got to do the work. You cannot just accept the belief that you currently have without trying something new, removing those inhibitions and surrendering to the feeling that sex can give you. When I’m lying there sometimes, maybe I’ll still have some anxiety, some fear and sadness that I have to overcome. I’m not 100%. But I can surrender and let it go. I can completely surrender to my partner and be happy.

You can do that. Don’t tell yourself you can’t.

KIM: I love it. It brings tears to my eyes to hear you talk about all these things and to feel your exuberance and radiance. It’s wild. Because you have the spirit of a thirty-something, but you’re a powerhouse with the wisdom of decades and still smashing out the transcendental orgasms.

MICHELLE: Yeah! That’s incredible. That is …[sigh] I never, ever thought that—if you’ve never had it, it is possible. I mean, it is understanding the anatomy of your body, and I didn’t understand it when it did happen by accident. It wasn’t on purpose. I didn’t know that it was even possible. But there are ways to learn how to use your body.

There’s this one exercise I did with the jade egg where you stick your fingers inside and feel; you squeeze from the right side and then you do the left side. Doing that exercise while trying to strengthen those muscles, you have to know yourself. You have to know your body.

And by doing that exercise, I’ve been able to do that to him. Holy crap, that man is thrilled to have the feeling going all the way up to the end of his penis. He is dying. I mean, we’ve had orgasms just from me doing that. I can do it ten times, maybe, and the next thing you know, he’s done. Because it is that fantastic. You have to know your body, and you have to know what it’s capable of so that you can have those experiences. I’m thrilled that I get it now. [Laughs]

KIM: I love it! Thank you so much for sharing. It’s so infectious, your whole enthusiasm.

What was the final straw for you that made you leave? After being in a relationship for so long and being at this stage of your life, what was it that compelled you, finally, to say, “Okay, this is it. I’m going”?

MICHELLE: I had recognized there was something missing about a year before I walked out. I said, “Something’s wrong.” And then my body started reacting. I started losing all this weight, having these stomach issues. I wasn’t throwing up, and there was nothing wrong except I was heaving, and I couldn’t control it.

I think I just got to the point of realizing, “He’s not hearing me. I don’t even think he’s listening to me.” Really, I was just asking for God to give me clarity. I prayed two weeks before I walked out the door. I said, “God, I don’t know how to get through this. This is very muddy and I’m very scared. Just let me know. Give me clarity. Let me know when it’s time to go.”

I remember I was lying in one of my girls’ bedrooms, heaving again. It went on for 30 minutes. I was crying, and I stood up and heard this audible, “You’re done.” I’m telling you right now, God spoke so loudly, it was like my whole body just shook. I said, “I’m done?” It was like God answered that prayer. “You’re free to go, my sweet girl. Just get out.” And the next morning was when I got up and called an attorney and said, “I’m out of here.”

I’ve got to give God some credit for helping me hear His words and saying, “You’re done.” It was so loud. I was very specific. “I just need clarity, God.” He gave it to me. “Get up. You’re done.”

KIM: Wow. I love that.

MICHELLE: It’s amazing. That’s the other thing I found out. How much do you really need to be happy? When you walk away from everything that you’ve accumulated for 41 years, it’s just stuff. Life will go on.

I’m definitely a better version of myself. Chris is a better version of himself because we have each other. I’m not the same person that I was.

Did I contribute to some of the sad things in my previous marriage? Absolutely. It wasn’t a good relationship. We didn’t match. Opposites don’t attract. They shouldn’t. They’re curious about each other, but seriously, my husband and I were complete opposites. Like attracts like. I believe that with all my heart, and we were never going to be okay in a married world. I’m so glad that I’m the person that I am now. I am better. I’m a better version of me. Chris is a better version of himself because of all the things that we’ve done to help each other through sexual healing, through conversations, through just being more alike. It’s amazing.

KIM: You obviously have a really beautiful and clear strong connection with God, spirit, energy, the universe, whatever people want to call it. You said that you had to do some processing of ideas that were perhaps put upon you about what sex and God, that relationship, is all about, or what God thinks sex ought to be. It would seem to me you’re in a pretty resolved place around all that stuff. What would you say about being somebody who clearly has a strong, spiritual connection and is also very attuned to their sexual energy? Is there any incompatibility there for you, or do you see that as the ultimate similarity in terms of surrender and connection?

MICHELLE: My relationship with God is solid. I have no problems. I think that God is in all of us, and yes, my ideas have transformed over the years. Like I said, I taught for 22 years, and I still believe in God. I have a very strong connection with Him. I’m not “religious” anymore. I believe religion conformed me and made me stay in a relationship that was extremely unhealthy for me, and that did make me angry. But it doesn’t make me not love my God. I don’t know. Is He energy? Is He in human form? I don’t know who He is, but He is with me. He does speak to me, and that energy is great.

I think He’s up there saying, “Go for it.” He wants us to be happy. He wants us to have the fulfillment of all the great gifts on this earth.

A lot of the sex that we have is very heavenly and it feels powerful; it feels good. Is God in it? Absolutely. He’s all for it. He’s up there saying, “Yes, this is what it’s all about. Enjoy each other while you’re there.”

KIM: So let’s back up a bit. You had this epic financial month. Give me some context for how that’s different from an average month or the month before that.

MICHELLE: Okay. This last month, I made $38,000, and that was a good month. I mean, people are high-fiving me. Maybe even $50,000 is pretty good. But to make $100,000 in one month is sensational. That is really amazing. And even $70,000 in one month is really, really good. I would love to make $100,000 every month; that would be fantastic. So the high energy that I experienced last summer, just by participating in Well-F**ked Woman, made all the difference in the world.

I could do anything and everything while I was in that class. It was just fantastic. Just the mere focus of working on yourself, discovering things about yourself, and going out into the world—things just come to you. And that’s what happened to me. It was fantastic. I was very, very excited, and I did very well for my entire year, so that was great.

KIM: And then tell me about the whole not caring what other people think of you thing. You’ve reached the stage where the way you talk and express yourself in a way that, I can just tell, you’ve hit that Well-F**ked Woman milestone of no fucks given because you’re giving all your fucks in bed. That’s where all the fucks need to be given. None of them out into the world to random people. They don’t deserve any of your fucks.

MICHELLE: They don’t deserve it, absolutely not. I cared so much about what other people thought, and that caused me to stay in a marriage that was very, very unhealthy. I’ve learned to love myself enough to say, “You know, I really don’t give a fuck what you think about me. I’m going to go out here, and I’m just going to be me.” Sometimes I’m crass. Sometimes I tell really stupid jokes. I’ll joke about sex when it’s inappropriate. I mean, if you’re talking to your mother about sex, it’s probably inappropriate. But I do it anyway. Then she’ll ask, “Are you a nymphomaniac?” “Well, yeah, maybe I am. I don’t know. I like sex, Mom.”

It’s kind of like it’s okay to be me. It’s okay to laugh about things that I probably shouldn’t laugh about. I’m enjoying my life. I’ve got one life to live, but this is all I’m ever going to get. And if this is heaven, then I’m going to take it. This is it.

KIM: Love it.


In the Well-F**ked Woman Salon, my 10-week, online signature salon for women that shows you how to be well-fucked at every age and stage, including menopause and far beyond:

We cover much of what Michelle and I talked about:

  • How you can be dripping wet just from hearing the voice of your lover
  • Surrender to activate your feminine magnetism and generate cash
  • My cock whispering secrets to ecstatic blow jobs, deep throating, anal play and manual techniques to bring him to his knees
  • How to have the deeper vaginal orgasms: G-Spot, squirting and cervical
  • And much more!

The salon begins next week!

TO sign up, go to How to Be a Well Fucked Woman.

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