Orgasmatopia ~ Day 3!

The breasts are connected to the heart. When we love and feel loved, our chest literally swells.

When we feel sexually loved, our breasts swell too.

If we are cut off from the breasts, we cut off the flow of love.

If we are cut off from the breasts, we cut off the flow of sexual energy.

There are several energy meridians which run through the breasts. The kidney meridian is one of them, and it is responsible for most of our feelings of sexual arousal.

In Taoist sexual medicine, the kidneys get the sexual “waters” flowing.

If that meridian is blocked, it will manifest as low libido and an inability to get in the flow, or to feel “juiced” up.

To reclaim your sexuality, you need to reclaim your breasts.

So that’s what I’m going to have you do, as it will pave the way to becoming a Well-F**ked Woman who loves and owns her body.

One of the breast ways to bring your breasts back to life and unleash their super and sexual powers is by doing a daily breast massage.

Even five minutes a day will activate, enlarge, lift and tone your breasts.

I’ve had scores of women go through my salons, reporting stunned results.

It works!


– Give yourself a minimum 5-minute breast massage in my tutorial video Breast Massage to Enlarge + Lift

– Make this a daily practice. You can easily implement a routine in the shower, and can also turn this into a more devotional, sensual, self-care practice, or a breast sex date with your partner.

– Go braless! Pick certain hours of the day where you will not wear a bra, or even challenge yourself to a whole week. Having our breasts bound up all day leads to massive disconnection, so set them free and see how it feels!


For discussion or journaling:

– How do you feel about your breasts? What kind of messaging did you grow up with around breasts?

– How often do you pay attention to your breasts? Have you ever consciously given them loving touch yourself? Have partners dedicated time adoring your breasts? If so, how did it feel?

– What do you think about going braless? Is this something you do already? If not, why?

– How did your breast massage make you feel on a physical and emotional level?