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5 Unusual Self-Pleasuring Techniques for Women

A mainstay of the Anami lifestyle is: an orgasm a day.

And, the idea, that whether you are single or coupled, you can still be well-f**ked.

It’s essential that you are.

Good-fuck medicine is good for ALL that ails you!

Often people stick to the same routine, because… it works!

When the goal is to quickly “get off”, that approach makes sense.

But we have other goals in Anami Land:

To make you a multi-orgasmic, ejaculating, well-fucked woman.

To have your orgasms that are therapeutic, transformative, life-changing and leave you feeling ecstasy for DAYS.

In order to get there, you need to be willing to try NEW approaches, and explore new territory in yourself.

Busting out a “get me to sleep” orgasm to your favourite porn scene is the most base use of your sexual energy.

I have no judgement about what you do.

BUT my work is all about elevating your sexual energy so that it becomes a massive pleasure and creative force in your life.

It makes you a better person.

So I say this with great sincerity:

Go fuck yourself!

Learn some new ways to in this week’s video.

Sign up for the Well-F**ked Woman Salon and free video series:

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Jade Egg Kit and Salonette

The Holy Trinity

Anami Crystal Elixirs


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