Podcast & Videos

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Does Size Matter?

A definitive and honest answer to the quintessential question.

A definitive and honest answer to the quintessential question.
  • Is there such a thing as “too small”?
  • Can a man be too big?
  • Five ways a man can occupy his full cock size and power
  • Can you really grow cock? Organically?
  • How to f**k like you have an 11-inch cock

Listen to the episode now:

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The Sexual Mastery for Men Salon opens soon!

This is my signature 8-week online program for men, to become sexual masters of themselves—and their cocks.

In the salon we cover:
  • How to build epic stamina and separate orgasm from ejaculation
  • Cock exercises to lengthen, strengthen and grow cock: organically!
  • Deeper healing modalities to release trauma
  • Detoxing from porn
  • How to channel your sexual energy as a creative power, increasing your vitality, confidence and cash flow.
  • A pelvic weight lifting routine
  • Orgasmapedia: the guide to female orgasms
  • Finding your masculine expression in the world: how to “man up” in today’s “hostile-to-masculine-energy” climate.
For the free preview videos you can watch, and my “7 Days to Supercock” series with exercises you can practice TONIGHT to build stamina, signup at Sexual Mastery for Men.

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Haha, gotcha.

Well, that was the short answer.

Now I’ll give you the expanded one.

So the answer to the ages-old question of “Does size matter?”

Is: Absolutely, yes. It matters.

For the record, we’re talking about the size of a man’s cock.

Women rarely ever ask about the size of their yonis.

But men wonder ALL the time about the sizes of their cocks.

First of all, let’s get some things out of the way.

Can you be *too* small?

Oh yeah. For sure you can. 100%

If you have a micro-penis, you can be too small. By this, I mean some kind of statistically very unusually small size.

However… even then, never fear.

You can find a petite woman with a petite vagina and even your micro-penis can find a home for itself.

But micros are a very, very small, micro-percentage of the population.

The Taoists speak about the idea of “genital matching”.

As in, a literal match made in heaven.

Where your shapes and angles and dimensions perfecting mirror etc other.

I have had this before—and it was utterly, life-changingly epic. We both felt it, because it was so…. unmistakably perfect.

It’s like our genitals were talking to each other, like they knew each other and immediately formed their own language and relationship.

They knew each other.

But… most people probably don’t end up with their EXACT physical match.

But so long as you are pretty close, you’ll be fine.

So like I just said, a 3-inch cock could find a 3-inch vagina, and you’ll be snug as a bug.


If you are a 3-inch cock and you have a *regular-size* vagina, you are going to feel the discrepancy.

You are an itch that can never be scratched.

Conversely, you can have a 7-inch cock and meet a 3-inch vagina, and never those twains shall meet either.

A former partner of mine had this experience. He was above-average endowed, and he was dating a very petite woman—she was petite everywhere—and they couldn’t make it work.

They broke up because they didn’t fit. They could not make themselves fit.


So while it’s great to physically meet at a perfect or near-perfect match, the big secret about genitals, outside of the anomalies I’ve already mentioned, is that they are very malleable.

And they take on the consciousness of their inhabitants.


You could have a man who is by any standard “well-endowed” and yet *he* doesn’t think so, or no one has ever really loved his cock before, and he walks around feeling totally disconnected from his cock.

How is that going to feel when he fucks you?

Utterly disconnected. And even strangely creepy, because you are fucking a disembodied cock.

And the truth is, most men DON’T occupy their cocks.

so much negativity and anti-masculine sentiment is thrust at men and all of this gets projected—consciously or unconsciously—into his cock.

Maybe he internalizes that his cock is a symbol of “toxic masculinity” or violence, and he needs to minimize its power.

So he doesn’t inhabit his full erection.

He doesn’t wield the full force of the magic wand he has been bestowed with.

because the true purpose of a man’s cock is exactly this: as a magic wand. A divine penetrator, designed to open, excavate, activate, alchemize and heal.

And fuck the shit—the metaphorical shit, demons and all—out of his woman.

That’s his job.

And he can’t do that if he has a bunch of insecurities about his cock.

Because he’s automatically just castrated himself.

And turned himself into a eunuch.

So the name of the game is cockfidence.

I‘ve worked with men, and had male partners, who GREW the size of their cocks, simply by OWNINg and inhabiting them.

Because prior to that, they never had.

They apologized for their cocks, they wandered around sheepish about them and hiding them.

As an interesting aside, I was in Italy recently and went to visit a guy who was very masterful at his art and trade.

He was wearing these very, very tight pants and you could see the full outline of his cock.

I thought this was noteworthy. Because as much as women are encouraged to put their full chest on display, with low-cut and tight, revealing shirts, men generally aren’t encouraged to do this and to highlight what they’ve got.

It was really sexy and he owned it. He wore it well. His cock wasn’t some disembodied part of his anatomy, but was the full expression of who he was in the world.

How many men *own* their cocks?

This doesn’t mean you need to have it all out on display, but how many men truly *occupy* their cocks?

Not many that I’ve met.

Iv’e bene with men who were “built like horse” and they even they had cock insecurities.

Seriously. I asked one of them:

“Don’t you guys check each other out in the locker rooms???”

And he said they generally didn’t look for that long, or that closely.

And I suppose there are “growers and showers”.

Anyway, when you truly inhabit your cock, then you are able to wield the full power and force of your instrument.

THAT is how you truly fuck a woman open.

Once you’ve attained that level of Supercock-dom, your cock size is malleable.

Because you can fuck a woman like you have an 11-inch cock.

If you fuck her with the full weight and force of all of your archetypal masculine energy, and everything you’ve got, she’ll be well-fucked.

And whatever *size* you’ve got is going to be irrelevant.

ITs’ the same way with a pussy.

A woman can have a “vagina” on lockdown, which literally shuts the gates if she’s holding onto unresolved trauma.

OR, she can have a totally numbed out empty cavern.

Or… she can have a sultry, luscious, ultra-sensitive, handjob-giving vagina that plays the flute.

Like I said, genitals are malleable.

They reflect the level of intimate connection you have with yourself and them.

One woman’s flute-player can be another woman’s vagina dentate – a vagina with teeth.

One man’s magic wand can be another man’s soft-cooked spaghetti.

It all comes down to you.

Your cock is the barometer and expression of all that you are as a man.

THAT is what you fuck your woman with.

I’ve had men who were not “well-endowed” fuck me into absolute oblivion because they fucked me with every fibre of their being, and that translated into every fibre of their cock.

And I’ve had very well-endowed men fuck me, and because they were so disconnected, they fucked me with their dissociation.

And it repelled me.

So yes.

Size matters.

The size of your cockfidence.

And that’s something you can grow.

I actually teach men exercises in SMM to strengthen, lengthen and widen their cocks.

Because yes, you can do that too.

But again, unless you are truly inhabiting everything you’ve got, it doesn’t mean anything.

Own your cock as a man is a big deal. Because you have to own your masculinity, your power, your drive, your ambition, your sheer force of nature.

And when you do, it all comes together.

SO how do you do it? How do you occupy your cock?

1 Build your stamina. I always say that the most important sexual skill for a man to cultivate is stamina.

Stamina is your un-flappability. How you hold the line in the face of overwhelming challenge.

This is about having command of your sexual energy, your cock, and ultimately, your woman.

A woman will never be well-fucked if she’s with a man lacking stamina.

You need to be able to go the distance, and as fast and far and furiously as she demands, and take her over the edge. Again and again.

For more on that, check out last week’s episode on She Comes First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth.

This is you being in control of your cock, not it being in control of you.

2) Heal sexual trauma.

People will dissociate from their bodies, and their sexual organs in particular, if they’ve been abused there.

In men, this often shows up as premature ejaculation, or impotency, or a “so-called” low libido, or like I’ve been saying, they don’t fully occupy what they’ve got.

By every other name, it’s all just dissociation.

When you heal and alchemize any painful past experiences, you no longer have the fear and avoidance that keeps you from being present in your body and your cock.

3) Own your masculine power.

I spend a lot of time encouraging men to man the fuck up.

Giving them permission to “be men”

I love masculine men.

Women love and want to fuck masculine men.

Any of the programming you see glorifying beta males is simply a top-down agenda to rid society of what used to be the guardians of the realm: men.

No woman wants to fuck a beta male, or a man whose disconnected from his masculine energy.

And any of that beta self-flagellation will show up in your cock.

So alpha up, and your cock will respond in kind.

4) Cock-sercises.

Just like vaginas, cocks can have a daily workout routine.

You can use exercises to strengthen and increase your length and girth.

I’ve seen and known men grow a full inch in length and girth.

If you add a pelvic weight lifting regimen onto that, you’ll be off to the cock races.

You’ll be maximizing your physical potential, and energetically reconnecting to and owning your cock all at the same time.

I teach a full cock and testicle workout routine in my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon.

5) Get yourself a decent, cock-loving woman.

To my great surprise, there are not a lot of cock-loving women out there.

So it’s my job to make them.

And I do.

I pump them out of my Well-F**ked Woman Salon all the time.

A woman who is afraid of cock or who doesn’t LOVE your cock can do massive damage to your cock-esteem.

If your woman doesn’t drop to her knees whenever she sees your cock, and try to put it in her mouth or vagina, something is not right in your world.

A good cock-loving woman can go a LONG way to restoring your innate cock love, when she’s licking, sucking and fucking that thing all day long, like it’s food, like it’s sustenance for her.

So this particular item is a little more out of your control, but I’m telling you if you have a cock-averse woman, it’s time to rethink what you want and deserve in your life.

And a woman who doesn’t like cock, ain’t it.

One thing that’s in your control is being a consummate lover and adorer of pussy.

Because like attracts like.

And then signup for my new Anami dating site to find a woman who LOVES cock!

Haha, I’m half kidding on that one. That doesn’t exist yet… and I”m not sure if it ever will! But we certainly get a lot of requests for it!


In the meantime, my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon opens soon!

This is my signature 8-week online program for men, to become sexual masters of themselves—and their cocks.

In the salon we cover:

  • How to build epic stamina and separate orgasm from ejaculation
  • Cock exercises to lengthen, strengthen and grow cock: organically!
  • Deeper healing modalities to release trauma
  • Detoxing from porn
  • How to channel your sexual energy as a creative power, increasing your vitality, confidence and cash flow.
  • A pelvic weight lifting routine
  • Orgasmapedia: the guide to female orgasms
  • Finding your masculine expression in the world: how to “man up” in today’s “hostile-to-masculine-energy” climate.
For the free preview videos you can watch, and my “7 Days to Supercock” series with exercises you can practice TONIGHT to build stamina, signup at Sexual Mastery for Men.

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