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Lose Belly Fat Overnight. With Orgasms.

Did you know that orgasms are one of the best fat-busters going? Science says! 

I’ve worked with people who have done EVERYTHING to lose weight.

They had trainers, nutritionists, they were disciplined about eating and working out and there would be that last 10 or 15 pounds they just couldn’t seem to lose.

And then they’d start having gourmet sex.

The kind of sex I teach about, where they are being seen, fed and nourished.

Their hearts and genitals are open, and they are being changed by the potency of this deep, sexual love.

And then the extra weight evaporates.

They don’t do anything different – no changes in their diet or exercise.

They just got well-f**ked.

Deep, cataclysmic, vaginal orgasms, powerful connections.

And suddenly those abs were svelte and chiseled.

Like magic.

From your orgasms.

In this episode:

  • 5 tips to lose belly fat overnight
  • The relationship between cortisol, stress and belly fat
  • Why orgasms burn fat like nothing else
  • How cataclysmic sex transforms your baggage and emotional “weight”
  • Well-f**ked all star Robin shares her story of becoming a widow, being diagnosed with the big C-word, and using her sexuality to alchemize her way through it all, healing herself, working through her grief and losing 60 lb in the process. All through the magical power of orgasms.

Or download and listen to the audio on the go.


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One thought on “Lose Belly Fat Overnight. With Orgasms.

  1. Fantastic Robin. I lost my wife last year and and I did something similar. I am not quite there with the weight loss though.
    The most important thing is to listen to your own body and not to other people.
    As for the mess when you are squirting, what is the mouth of your partner for?
    That should reduce the mess quite a bit.