Podcast & Videos

juice up your life and love

7 19

5 Tips for a Magnetic Feminine Aura

How to be irresistible.

What’s the milkshake that brings all the boys to the yard?

How can you draw good things to you in your life?

From our Well-F**ked All Stars, we hear of men crossing eight lanes of traffic to ask a them for their numbers.

Or making websites just to ask them on dates.

Yes. All true stories.

So what is this uber-attractive quality and how do you get it?

It’s definitely something you can cultivate within yourself.

But it’s not any kind of 8-step beauty routine or gua shua secrets or special hair serum formula.

Nope. It comes from within.

Deep within.

Like, vagina deep.

In this episode: 

  • 5 keys to creating irresistibility 
  • Magnetic vaginas for all 
  • Eau de Well-F**ked Woman: the ultimate perfume 
  • Vaginal orgasms and the secrets of the universe 
  • Magically attract bucketloads of cash, men and jobs without doing anything “different.”
  • Feminine flow: doing less and creating more

If you’d like to go deeper into all things orgasms, signup for my free Orgasmapedia series where you’ll learn about 9 different types of orgasms EVERYONE can have. Go to kimanami.com and you’ll see the signup there.

Come one, come all!

Feeling Insatiable?

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