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Science and Myths of Jade Yoni Eggs

The FACTS on the BEST tool for pelvic strengthening in the world.

Let’s talk science and myths of jade yoni eggs—aka the best tool in the world for pelvic strength, pleasure and reconnection. 

This. Here.

Is the most powerful tool on the planet to: 

  • Strengthen your pelvic floor.
  • Have more orgasms.
  • Have better orgasms. By better I mean, mind-, body- and spirit-altering G-Spot and cervical orgasms that are longer, deeper, more intense, and include the ability to ejaculate.
  • Keep your internal organs (I.e. no pelvic organ prolapse).
  • Have an easier childbirth and recover more quickly afterward.
  • Up your libido. When the vagina is weak, it feels numb. Sex is infinitely more pleasurable with a sensitive and articulate vagina.
  • Eliminate issues of urinary incontinence.
  • Lubricate easily. Increase circulation in the vaginal canal and produce lubrication more easily (this is the main reason women do not lubricate profusely).
  • Integrate your sexual energy into everything you do. When women are dissociated from their vaginas, they are also cut off from the natural and enlivening flow of their sexual energy. When the vagina is brought back to life, that vital, life-force energy is available to you to channel into all parts of your life.
  • A natural facelift. When you strengthen and pull up the pelvic floor muscles, you create an energetic lift throughout the entire body, which even registers in the face. I have had clients stop using Botox after beginning their lifting practice.
  • Be able to shoot ping pong balls. This is every woman’s God-given right.

What is not NORMAL, but has become NORMALIZED is vaginas and other internal organs falling out, and women peeing their pants when they laugh, sneeze, exercise or get on a trampoline with their kids. 

Nope. Not normal. 

The Yale University School of Medicine states that up to 60% of women have urinary incontinence issues and 50% of women after childbirth suffer from some kind of pelvic organ prolapse (POP). 

These stats are insane. 

My assertion is that the normal, healthy baseline for vaginal strength is to be able to shoot ping pong balls, have multiple, ejaculating orgasms as a way of life, and be lubricating and full of libido well into your eighties. 

I guarantee this is possible for ALL women. 

In this video we’ll talk: 

  • How the jade yoni egg has been scientifically proven to be the very best tool on the planet for vaginal healing, strengthening and activation.
  • What makes it so powerful for reversing urinary incontinence—within weeks of use. 
  • Why there are smear campaigns and misinformation spread about it
  • Addressing the common myths and speaking the truth about what the egg can do.
  • Comparing the jade yoni egg with the typical treatment given by an OBGYN. (Hint: the jade egg comes out on top. Of course.)
  • Getting real about the side effects of the jade egg: multiple orgasms, vaginal orgasms, ejaculatory orgasms, increased lubrication, increased libido, an easier and more pleasurable childbirth and faster recovery, ecstatic bliss and sensation, boosted self-confidence, reversal of urinary incontinence, prevention of POP, easier periods, PMS and menopause.

I mean, someone needs to tell the honest truth about these things.

It may as well be me.

Watch the video now:

Or download the podcast version and listen on the go:



My premier guide to all things vaginal—how to make your sexual energy your power and manifesting source in the world.

My legendary 10-week salon includes:

– Step-by-step guided mp3 exercises in how to use your jade egg
– Guided visualizations to activate your creative and manifesting powers
– Secret, ancient Taoist techniques to beautify
– My breast rejuvenation and massage routine to lift, tone and enlarge the breasts
– Pilates-style core exercises to complement your pelvic strengthening, shown to be the most effective way to build tone
– My personal sex Rx guide: prescriptions for using healing sexual positions
– Techniques to balance and consciously control menstrual periods, PMS and menopause to make them pleasurable and empowering
– A gorgeous jade yoni egg kit, complete with rose quartz lifting stones, a selenite cleansing disk and silk string.
– And much, much more!




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Science & Myths of Jade Yoni Eggs Transcript:

Let’s talk science and myths of jade yoni eggs, aka the best tool in the world for pelvic strength, pleasure, and reconnection. This is the most powerful tool on the planet to strengthen your pelvic floor, have more orgasms, have better orgasms, multiple orgasms, G-spot orgasms, cervical orgasms, and ejaculating orgasms that hit the ceiling. This is how you can keep your internal organs, i.e., avoid pelvic organ prolapse. You can give birth more easily and recover more quickly afterward. You’ll up your libido because when a vagina is weak, it feels numb, and sex is infinitely more pleasurable with a sensitive and articulate vagina.

A jade egg practice eliminates issues of urinary incontinence and helps you lubricate easily. Having a strong vagina increases blood flow and circulation. More circulation equals lubrication. And it enables you to integrate your sexual energy into everything you do.

When women are disassociated from their vaginas, they are also cut off from the natural and enlivening flow of their sexual energy. When the vagina is brought back to life, that vital life-force energy is available to you to channel into all parts of your existence. It gives you a natural facelift because when you strengthen and pull up the pelvic floor muscles, you create an energetic lift throughout the entire body, which even registers in your face. I have had clients stop using Botox after beginning their vaginal weight-lifting practice with a jade egg.

What is not normal, but has become normalized, is vaginas and other internal organs falling out and women peeing their pants when they laugh, sneeze, exercise, or just get on the trampoline with their kids!

This is not normal. Not in any sense of the word.

The Yale University School of Medicine states that up to 60% of women have urinary incontinence issues and 50% of women suffer some kind of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) after childbirth. These statistics are insane.

My assertion is that the normal, healthy baseline for vaginal strength is being able to shoot ping-pong balls, shoot darts, and open beer bottles, if you so desire. 

The idea of vaginal strengthening has existed, at least in Eastern cultures, for millennia. The Taoists in China practiced pelvic strengthening 5,000 years ago and the time-honored tradition in Thailand and on certain Indonesian islands for having vaginal dexterity is also rooted in the wisdom that vaginas need exercise. Just like any other part of the body, if they don’t get it, they atrophy. It’s that simple.

The first emergence of this idea of pelvic strengthening in the Western world came from Dr. Arnold Kegel in 1947. He witnessed so many women in his practice with urinary incontinence issues that he developed an exercise program for vaginas that would strengthen the pelvic floor.

These exercises involved contracting and releasing around an internal device called a Kegel perineometer. And through this practice, his patients had a 90% success rate in the treatment of urinary incontinence. Ninety percent!

What passes as a Kegel exercise these days isn’t even a Kegel. It’s a diluted Kegel. When people, especially uneducated and under-fucked OB/GYNs, tell you to Kegel and just flap your vagina randomly in the wind, it’s useless. I have never met a single woman who has ever had any benefit from simply flapping her vagina in the wind.

But when I get them to use a jade yoni egg, they have immediate results. I have seen women who have suffered from urinary incontinence for decades have it reversed in one week. Women who had no orgasms ever, now have G-spot orgasms and tear-inducing cervical orgasms. Postmenopausal women in their sixties who were terrified of the idea of going on hormones—and rightly so—to bring their juiciness back are now gushing self-lubricating fluids.

Yep! All from the jade egg.

A few years ago, there was an uproar in the press because there was an under-fucked and sexually inexperienced OB/GYN yelling at Goop. Anyway, this person went on—more like an internet troll—the offense around jade eggs, saying that there was no science behind them.

That’s like saying that because you did a study about running and the runners in the study were wearing Nike shoes and Adidas shoes, but not New Balance shoes, the study is totally inconclusive when it comes to New Balance shoes. It’s fucking ridiculous!

In the same breath, this internet troll also talks about the ineffectiveness of using vaginal weights. I guess she knows nothing about vaginas because jade yoni eggs are vaginal weights and there are plenty of studies on the efficacy of vaginal weights.

Anyway, vaginal weights and vaginal strengthening are endorsed by all OB/GYNs, which means that the jade egg, since it is also a vaginal weight, is endorsed by all OB/GYNs. Because some OB/GYNs—pharmaceutical whores—don’t like the idea of you taking your health and your healing into your own hands, they try to pretend that somehow these jade yoni eggs aren’t vaginal weights or they try to spread this idea, thinking that, I guess, people are so ignorant about all things vaginal that they’ll just believe them and that you should buy their vaginal weights instead. It’s so silly and corrupt, but anyway, that’s what happens when you’re under-fucked.

Myth No. 1 is that the jade egg is porous and dangerous to put into the vagina because it can harbor bacteria.

No, not true. It’s a solid, completely impenetrable, nonporous carved and polished stone. It’s solid and hard and there are far more porous and bacteria-laden objects that go inside vaginas, like penises and hands. We don’t sterilize those before sex, do we?

All that the jade egg needs is a little bit of soap and water before and after its use and you are good to go.

Myth No. 2: Wearing your egg all day or sleeping with it is a good thing. Nope, that isn’t how you build strength, by wedging an egg up your vagina for hours at a time or wearing it to yoga class or doing your shopping with it. 

The best way to use the yoni egg is as a conscious exercise, so it’s just like going to the gym. When you lift weights, you’ll do 45 minutes of dedicated exercises with very deliberate sets and reps and rest times and then you go about your day. You don’t just go to the gym and stand there all day and stare at the weights.

The best use of the egg is in 10- to 15-minute sessions three to four times a week. Don’t sleep with it inside. It’s heavy and can squash your delicate vaginal tissues. These days, because there are so many egg sellers out there on the internet who have no idea how to use the jade egg, they tell people to do things like sleep with it or wear it all day. Nope.

Myth No. 3: Something an OB/GYN can give you is better than a jade egg. Well, well, well, let’s talk about this. Here’s how they compare:

The typical obsolete OB/GYN approach is to sew plastic mesh into the vagina and the abdomen to treat incontinence and POP by holding things up with this mesh, except that these devices were never tested on humans. [Laughs] They were tested on a handful of sheep and then they were sewn into women all over the world. Now there are hundreds of thousands of class action lawsuits taking on the manufacturers of this mesh because women have been left with this plastic breaking down and embedding itself into their vaginal tissues and it is impossible to remove, say doctors who specialize in attempting this removal.

Women can’t have sex anymore because this plastic starts to poke out into their vaginas, into their canals, and obviously causes extreme pain. Their partners have ended up with scratches on their penises from the sharp plastic cutting into their cocks.

Let’s see, what are the jade egg side effects? Side effects of the jade egg include multiple orgasms; vaginal orgasms; ejaculatory orgasms; increased lubrication; increased libido; easier childbirth and faster recovery; ecstatic pleasure and sensation; boosted self-confidence; the reversal of urinary incontinence; easier periods, PMS and menopause. And the prevention and reversal of POP.

If any allopathic person ever says anything to you about using a jade yoni egg, just say two words to them: pelvic mesh.

I did a fabulous podcast on this a few weeks ago called Real Cures versus Obsolete OB/GYNs, and I will put the link for that below this video. In the meantime, let’s let the vaginas speak for themselves.

“My vagina is woke as fuck. If women practiced Kim’s Vaginal Kung Fu Salon, there would be a lot less urinary stress incontinence and a lot more women with satisfying sex lives.”

This from OB/GYN—one of the skilled ones—Dr. Christiane Northrup.

“An increase in wetness to tsunamic proportions.” 

This is one of my all-time favorite testimonials.

“Had my first G-spot orgasm. Game-changing!” 

From Dr. Kelly Brogan.

“Four years into menopause and my moisture and libido has returned. I am leaving puddles everywhere and I want to have sex all the time!”

Oh, poor thing!

“Thrilled to no longer have leakage problems.”

“My midwife said I had a superstar vagina and that my birth was so beautiful and gentle.”

“No more pain during intercourse. Easier periods and PMS.”

“Accomplished at the vaginal handjob,” and much, much more. If you want to see more of these all-star vaginas, head to

Do you want a Kung Fu vagina? An orgasming, lubricating, ejaculating, pleasure center that is the compass for your life? My legendary eight-week program on how to use the jade egg, as well as your ultimate guide to all things vaginal and sexual power is open for registration.

Thank you so much for listening. If you haven’t already, subscribe and also leave a review and send someone else the gift of a healthy libido and an off-the-charts love life by sharing this episode with them. We’ll be back next week. In the meantime, many happy orgasms.

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