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Can a Strong Vagina Keep You From Getting Botox?

Your vaginal superpowers are many.

I’ve talked about vaginas that can save lives.

And vagina dentata.

We all know that vaginas can give life too.

Besides birthing children, the vagina and uterus also birth new ideas.

With your sexual superpowers, you can attract and create amazing things into your life: lovers, new jobs, money, friendships, homes, new breasts.

Yes, new breasts.

Women can tap into the gestation power of the uterus to conceive what they want in the world and birth it into physical, tangible form.

Yet, women are disconnected from not only their vaginas and uteruses, but their sexual energy in general.

It’s bad enough that they aren’t using their vaginal superpowers. But this disconnect manifests in these organs actually being removed.

All sexual ailments are a result of stuck sexual energy or that you’ve dissociated from that part of yourself.

The “cut off” becomes so great, that the organs are cut out.

Your sexual organs are your prime energy source. Your movers and shakers.

If you are disconnected to them, you are operating at a massive disadvantage and missing out on the power that they have to offer you.

Ideally, you power your entire life with their turbo fuel.

I often refer to sexual and orgasmic energy as the Fountain of Youth.

This energy can be used to replenish you at the deepest level.

Deep—meaning, you can tap into the true essence of who you are and shed off the layers of who you aren not.

You become more juicy and radiant.

Literally, the lines are erased off your face.

In the Taoist/Chinese system of medicine, they speak of infuse healing and regenerative sexual energy throughout all of our energy meridians.

This energy flows naturally where it is most needed.

With a weak pelvic floor, not only do internal organs fall out, but our sexual energy leaks out of these channels.

The leakage causes an entire downward gravitational pull.

Everything begins to sag.

Lines form on the brow. Naso-labial folds get more increased. Breasts lose their firmness. Bellies get soft.

Through strengthening the pelvic floor, an energetic lift takes place in the body that firms, smooths and supports everything in its wake.

By practising the recirculation of my sexual energy, I’ve been able to reverse gravity.

Yep, I’m just that good.

Actually, sexual energy is just that powerful.

Powerful enough to make breasts fuller and firmer, to tighten vaginas and to smooth years of tension out of a brow.

But don’t just take my word for it.

In the first month of doing these practices, Tatiana the self-confessed “pragmatic scientist,” and former Botox user, (what is it about Tatiana’s and their legendary vaginas??) had this to say to me:

“I am currently being pursued by more men than I will ever have time to respond to. I have had men make websites just to ask me out, take me on incredible dates, and most importantly, the one guy I am into, seems to be equally into me and I am starting a new, exciting, amazing relationship.

Although I have had a very solid and successful career, I can safely say, this past month has been by far the most successful of my entire life. Today, before I sent out a very high profile email, I did the breathing exercises and vaginal practice and the response was IMMEDIATE: ‘Excellent, let’s close the deal.’

Oh oh oh oh—face f**king lift! Surreal! And yes I did not believe it was possible but once again, you-were-right. This work with you has been the most significant, highest return investment of my life.”

From the bedroom to the boardroom, strong vaginas kick ass.

So to speak.



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