My Vagina Healed That! Transcript

Last week, I hosted a live online event called “My Vagina Healed That,” which featured me and three of our favorite Well-F**ked All Stars sharing how their sexual energy healed everything from their reproductive ailments to landing them life-changing, multimillion-dollar business deals. True vagina stories.
Each day featured a different topic and All Stars and started with me talking about these concepts and leading a guided visualization about them. Then I had the All Stars share their stories and take questions from listeners.
We went much deeper than we usually do in a public forum, and the setup gives you a taste of what my online programs—which I call salons—are all about.
Katie was our All Star guest for the topic “Alchemizing Sexual Trauma Into Creativity and Cervical Orgasms.”
She shared how she took small, incremental steps to overcome her history of abuse and became able to be intimate with herself, leading to ecstatic orgasms, falling madly in love with herself and her vagina, all of which translated into the healing of her crippling endometriosis and painful periods. Because your sexual energy is your life-force energy, and the most potent healer that you literally have at your fingertips.
The event started with a short intro from me and then a 20-minute guided visualization on connecting the heart, cervix, and orgasmic enlightenment. Then Katie and I chatted, and we took audience questions ranging from the difference between G-spot and cervical orgasms to how to commit to healing when you have a traumatic background or when you feel so lost and overwhelmed, you don’t even have any idea where to start.
It was a very candid conversation where I also shared about my dolphin-gasm experience. Yes, that’s a thing, but I may be the only person on Earth who’s experienced one.
The whole event is free, and we will be doing more of these in the future. A small caveat: we had some technical issues on the day we recorded the “Manifest, Men, Money, and Miracle” session with Leah, but Katie’s session, the one that you’ll hear today, was perfect and, I have to say, truly next level.
Not only is Katie forever enshrined in our Well-F**ked All Star Hall of Fame, but she is supremely articulate and amazing at breaking down her process step-by-step.
Again, if you’d like to catch the whole series, go to to sign up for it.
KIM: Welcome, everyone, to our “My Vagina Healed That” Wednesday session. It is fantastic to have you all here. The topic for today is Alchemizing Sexual Trauma Into Cervical Orgasms and Creativity. Our All Star is the amazing and lovely Katie. She has such a great story about healing herself, and that is one of the main messages of my work, that you can heal yourself. Your vagina and your sexual energy can heal you.
The bulk of what I show people is how to do that. I’ve always been a proponent of the idea that we have the power within us to heal pretty much anything.
I’ve got sunlight coming in on my heart chakra; that’s perfect right now for this, and it’ll move up as we go through the session.
At an early age, I opted out of the allopathic medical system. Growing up, I had the sense that it was kind of useless and these people were literally stabbing in the dark, didn’t know how to heal anything, didn’t seem to understand the source of anything. I began investigating all kinds of natural healing modalities, everything from meditation to herbal medicine and sex. Sex became my medicine.
At a young age, I had some pivotal sexual encounters that left me feeling like I’d done psychedelics like I’d taken ecstasy.
That was some of the only framework I had at the time to describe something similar to what I had experienced in my bed, which was these mind-blowing, body-blowing, ecstasy-driven, self-realizing experiences, including G-spot, squirting and cervical orgasms where I walked out feeling more like myself than I was before and like I was reborn.
All of these artificial layers, false selves, fell away, and I emerged as a more true, authentic version of who I really am.
That’s what laid the foundation for me and my journey of sexual healing and activation. Then, later, studying Tantra and Taoism, I saw that there were cultures 5,000 years ago that used sex as medicine. In ancient Taoist times, when they were studying and creating their systems in Chinese medicine with herbal healing, acupuncture, and acupressure, they also would prescribe sex.
You would go to your Chinese doctor, and they would do their pulse diagnosis or tongue analysis, and they’d say, “Okay, you are deficient in kidney energy. You need these herbs. We’re going to do these acupuncture points, and go home and have sex in reverse cowgirl position three times a day for the next 30 days.” Because when you are tilted at that angle, all the sexual energy is going to go straight up into your kidneys. Brilliant.
Basically, I am the best doctor in the world because I prescribe the most powerful remedies in the world, which are all-around sexual healing. Over the decades of doing this work with the tens of thousands of people that I’ve worked with personally and in my salons, we now have this massive library of stories of people who have healed everything from endometriosis and heavy periods to cysts and growths and even bigger diagnoses that I hesitate to name too clearly, but I’m not making a claim so much as saying that we’ve seen it happen.
We’ve seen people have radical weight loss and heal depression, clinical diagnoses of all sorts, difficult periods, PMS, menopausal issues. All of that can be healed through consciously using and directing your sexual energy.
The thing is, and we started talking about this yesterday in the creativity session, that most people, when they have sex, they do it in a more unconscious way, where they dump all of their sexual energy out of them instead of taking that energy and redirecting it back inside so that we can use it as what it’s meant to be, our life force, our rejuvenation, our healing and activating power.
That’s the name of the game. Yes, you can teach about having better sex and more pleasure and give people some techniques, but ultimately, what I want to do is activate your own inner knowing, your own inner GPS, i.e., your vagina—which we’ll talk about tomorrow—so that it leads you in the direction you need to go.
Rather than reading a step-by-step manual of anything, your intuition, your inner knowing and insight, are activated to such a high degree that your decisions become impeccable. They become a reflection of your deepest truth because your sexual energy is the essence of who you really are.
When you’re tapped into that, you start to make decisions that are much more in alignment with that truth. You do that in terms of the partner you’re with, whether you’re with the right partner or you need to perhaps exit a relationship and find a more aligned partnership, or you can revive and redirect the one that you have. Your financial choices, your career choices—people end up making decisions that bring them more into alignment with their true visions and dharma in the world, the gifts they have. It becomes clearer how you’re meant to go through life and share those gifts in the world.
You, as a sexual being, awaken and begin to feel pleasure and realize the Anami guarantee, which is all women, all orgasms. All people can have the kinds of experiences I speak about, not just some special select few who are random or lucky or, whatever, just born that way. No, no, no. Everyone is born with the same 100%-able-to-get-there potential.
But we take in messaging and programming. We may have traumatic experiences that suppress that energy and make us feel very disassociated from it. Even though it’s literally at our own fingertips, in our own body, this direct channel to the universe—which we’re going to do a visualization about today—can feel like it’s a million miles away, so people feel like they have no connection to that whatsoever.
Then that disconnect begins to materially manifest in people literally getting their organs cut out. They’re so cut off from themselves that the organs can be cut out.
People even welcome that. They get sold that idea as a difficult period remedy: just take out your internal organs! It is just so absurd to me that that’s become normalized in our culture. Women even feel relief because, okay, they took it out, so now it’s not a problem anymore. They’ll be on drugs and hormones and probably shorten their life span. But whatever, their periods don’t exist anymore.
Trust me, there are way fucking better solutions. Actual solutions, because that’s not a solution. That’s a cop-out and being incredibly shitty at your job. But you can actually heal these things. That’s why, in my Orgasmic Enlightenment podcast, we share all these stories from our All Stars so you can hear from the horse’s mouth/vagina that this is possible for everyone.
Katie, who you’ll hear from shortly, is such a wonderful example of that, because, even in the face of the Anami guarantee and me promising people it’s possible for everyone, she thought, “I think I’m just one of those women who can’t.” You’ll hear that not only did she have them, but how.
Okay. What I’d like to do today is start out with a Hu chant and then a guided visualization on alchemizing your trauma, connecting your heart and your cervix.
I talked yesterday about my sequence of meditate, masturbate, create, which is an amazing way to do what I was saying earlier where, instead of dumping sexual energy out of you, you bring it back inside of you.
My Vagina Healed That Tip:
Here’s a very short synopsis of that process. Step 1) You meditate. We’re going to do a Hu chant here together for about three minutes. That could be your meditation for the sequence.
Masturbate/self-pleasure is Step 2. Any form of stimulation of the nipples, breasts, clitoris, internal vagina. Anything is great. [Laughs] And breathe all the way through. Your breath is the big carrier of sexual energy. As you’re breathing deeply throughout your body, you’re moving that sexual energy and recirculating it, rather than ejecting it out of you at the point of orgasm.
Then you can either go all the way to orgasm or stop. Because if you’re breathing that energy through your body, you’re harvesting that energy, and that’s what we want to do. Whether you have an orgasm or not, for our purposes, it doesn’t really matter. It matters ultimately in that, yes, I want all women to have these experiences, but when you’re trying to collect this energy, whether you go over the edge or not doesn’t matter. Get as high and close as you’d like and then pause, or you can finish off.
Then Step 3 is to create. Now, go do something. You can do some kind of stereotypical creative outlet, like writing, painting, or drawing, or you can garden, clean your house, plan home renovations, play with your children. Anything. You can go to the gym. Just go and do something, and be aware that you are now infusing your creative energy, your procreative, sexual energy, into this project, and the project could be you. Could be anything.
And that’s it. That’s meditate/masturbate/create.
We’re going to kick off with a three-minute Hu chant today. What I’d like you to do is find a comfortable, seated position. It’s better if you don’t lie down. It’s better if you stay seated.
You’ll close your eyes and place your attention at your third eye, the place between your eyebrow, about one inch inside your forehead. As we’re chanting, we’re going to play a Hu song, which is a recording of several thousand people chanting Hu all at once. Then, at the end of those three minutes, you can keep your eyes closed, and I will go into the guided visualization.
The Hu sounds like this: You inhale and then on the exhale, in a long, drawn-out breath, you sing Hu [chanting], “Hu.”
I recommend doing it out loud, but you can also do it inwardly. Hu is an ancient name for God, spirit, energy, the universe, whatever you’d like to call it. It’s a way to uplift your state of consciousness and open your heart.
All right. We can go ahead. Close your eyes. The Hu song is about to play, and I will guide you through the rest of this process. We’ll start to chant Hu.
[Hu chant.]
My Vagina Healed That Tip:
Now we’re going to move into our visualization.
KIM: Now, keeping your eyes closed, keep your general focus at your third eye and just watch it like a television screen. Move your attention as I guide you to.
Now, place your focus all the way down to your ovaries. See your ovaries as bright, magenta, vivid orange, shimmery, swirling orbs. They swish around like molten lava with bright, blinding colors. You can feel a warmth emanating from that.
You feel this energy and see it swirling around, and you see it start to rise and spread throughout your entire body. You see a packed ball of this energy make its way down through the ovaries, into the fallopian tubes, lighting everything up along the way. Clearing out any dark corners, crevices, or dust. All getting lit up and alchemized into this fiery, warm, beautiful, radiant energy.
If you find any particularly dark areas, pause there, shine the light of this glowing, radiant orb energy into those areas, and watch as the darkness melts and alchemizes into the same shimmery, orange-magenta.
Flow this energy into your uterus. Coat it and fill it with this beautiful, orange- pink light. I’ll give you a few moments to do that. Go to your fallopian tubes, your uterus, and highlight all the dark corners and folds where something might be hiding away.
Then make your way down through your vaginal canal and into the cervix, filling up the cervix, knowing that you might hold a lot of tension and trauma there. It’s a storehouse for all things female reproductive. Shine all this luscious energy, cleaning it out, lighting it up, filling it up to be the decadent, juicy, beautiful gateway that it is.
If you feel any kind of resistance, take a really deep breath in, spreading all of this vibrant, orange-pink energy throughout your body and just have a feeling of surrendering and opening in your cervix. Even if you don’t know how to feel where it is, just imagine where you think it is and how you think it might feel. Imagine it opening and letting go.
Breathe deeply into your belly and pelvis, and on your exhale, just let go into the cervix. Imagine it opening like the petals of a flower.
Another deep breath in, and exhale and open and relax. Even if you can loosen just a tiny bit into the cervix, open like petals.
Watch all of this beautiful orange-magenta light penetrate into every cell, every fiber, through all of your tissues.
All the little neurotransmitters and movers and hormones and messengers ebb into your labia and your perineum, all getting activated and fired up, as maybe they’ve been sleepy and dormant. All of this light and love that you’re spreading around is firing them up into action, helping you to move this beautiful, radiant energy throughout all of your cells and awakening them, coating these areas and saturating them with this golden orange-magenta light and shimmery sparkles.
Again, if you find any corners, crevices, cracks, or dark shadows, shine extra light, exhale into these areas, and focus on opening and letting go.
Then put your attention back to your cervix. I want you to envision a channel going all the way from your cervix to your heart. Like a long tube that’s full of white, sparkly light.
Now take that orange-magenta swirling orb and move it, swirl it, pulse it, and throb it up that channel as it passes through your solar plexus and your abdomen. Past your navel, toward your ribs. It enters the heart with a burst of joy and ecstasy, spilling over and mingling with all the love energy that’s just waiting to be let out in your heart.
This hot, fiery, molten lava mingles with your softness and your surrender, your openness and tenderness and vulnerability. Let them mingle and connect with each other.
The heart energy has a vibrant green color to it, and they’re dancing and playing with each other and mixing as though they are yin/yang symbols making love to each other.
Now shrink yourself down so that you can see within your heart. Place your mind’s eye into your heart and see chambers within it. As you look around, you can see that they’re full of boxes and treasure chests. See them opening one by one and let this orange-magenta light shine into them, into all of their darkest corners like a breeze blowing in and stirring up ancient dust and transforming it into this sparkly light energy. Anything that’s been stagnant and sitting there collecting dust and dirt, you’re bringing it to life and alchemizing it into this kinetic sparkle.
Watch as this energy moves throughout your entire chest, spreading out this golden orange-magenta glow, filling up your breasts, mainlining into every little nerve fiber, meridian, chamber, and piece of lymph. Filling them all up and swirling around and wringing them out. Wringing out the old, the toxic, the dead, the stagnant, and then exploding back like a rush of blood with this vibrant magenta-orange color throughout all your breast tissues. Into your areolas, into your nipples.
Feel how your entire chest is full of love and vibrancy, protruding out into the world, standing more erect as you lead with this energy in your life. This beautiful fusion of your sexual energy, your heart energy. And your breasts become the carriers and beacons of this mix of energy that guides you.
Now, the energy makes its way up your neck, pausing in your throat to connect with the energy there, which is a beautiful shimmery turquoise blue. They dance together and play, and that magenta-orange energy pulses and threads its way through every little capillary.
That moves up your neck and fills your face with a rush of blood as if you were blushing.
All this energy spills through your space, your cells, your pores, covering your entire head and filling it up like a cup of water.
This liquid, molten energy is rising, rising, rising all the way to the top of your head.
Then it gets a shock! There’s a brilliant, white flash of lightning at the top of your head. A sparkling, radiant white light comes down from the sky in this column, and it mixes together in a spiral with your beautiful orange-gold molten lava swirl.
They connect and spiral out the top of your head and up into the sky.
Keep your attention at the top of your head with the swirl cone of energy going up the cylinder, up into the sky.
At the same time, you can place your attention at your third eye and see this mingling of energy. Here there is more of a purple color, indigo, and it frolics together with this magenta-orange light.
You feel a sense of calm, clarity, and confidence growing within you as all of these parts of yourself are fused together to act in harmony.
Culminating at your third eye, it gives you vision and the direction, so you see everything so clearly and vividly, with such deep perception.
Take a really deep breath in and allow all of this magenta-orange glow to spread throughout your entire body, your every nerve fiber and cell, into your bone marrow, lighting it up, becoming the source from which you create everything.
Let this energy know that whenever there is blockage or stagnancy, it’s free to move to those places and alchemize them.
Every day you can come back here and go to these engines, your ovaries, the source, tap this energy, and direct it wherever you like. Anywhere in your body that needs extra attention and love and healing.
You are the source.
Take another deep breath in and start to hear noises within your environment. Bring your attention back into the space, into the present moment.
All right. When you’re ready, you can open your eyes.
Well, let’s bring Katie out. Does everyone see Katie?
I’m going to assume that you do. Welcome, Katie. It’s so great to see you and have you back. Thanks so much for being here.
KATIE: Thanks so much for having me, Kim. I’m excited to be here, although your visualization was already making me emotional. It was so beautiful, putting me in my heart. I thought, “Oh God, I’m going to start crying. It’s going to be minute one and I’m going to start crying. [Laughs]” But I’ve got a tissue! I’m prepared. I have props. [Laughs]
KIM: We’re all about that here. All about the liquids being released in whatever form they decide to come out. [Laughs]
KATIE: Yes, yes.
KIM: All right. Let’s give a synopsis of your story. I don’t know if everyone has listened to your interview or not, but it’s always good to hear another retelling of it anyway. I mentioned earlier that you were once in a place of thinking, “I’m just one of those women. Yeah, Kim says this, the Anami guarantee, and I hear these other people do it, but can I do it?” You had a lot of extra factors that were a challenge for you to move through; so much of what’s inspiring about your story is about how you took baby steps, including your journey with the yoni egg, and were very disciplined and committed.
So take it away, Katie.
KATIE: I feel like it’s still surreal to have you call me an All Star. When I think back to it, on paper, I was the least likely person to become an All Star, just because I was such a mess. When I was feeling emotional during your visualization, I was flashing back to this moment two years ago, right before I signed up for Vaginal Kung Fu. For those who don’t know, I have a lot of childhood sexual trauma. For me, it really manifested in touch.
So I’m one of those women Kim would talk about that could not touch her own vagina. I didn’t even look at my own vagina. I don’t know what I thought was going on down there, but I wouldn’t even look at it.
And so this particular day, I was trying. I would get these little thoughts, where I’d say, “Okay, maybe let me try something.” So I was sitting in the bathtub, and I was trying to touch myself for the millionth time. I just started sobbing. It was full-on, ugly, snotty crying because it wasn’t working. I would feel hot. These PTSD symptoms would overcome my entire body. I was feeling like I was going to pass out.
To say that I felt broken is a bit of an understatement. It was more like I was resigned. “Well, this is my destiny. This is just who I am. I’m never going to be a person who can touch herself. Those ideas of the greater pleasures that are possible for some are not going to be possible for me.”
That’s what I was feeling in that moment, sobbing, sobbing. And yet at the same time, there was this little light inside of me that was not going out. I said, “Okay, there has to be something.” It was this little bit of hope.
And at that point, Kim was already in my orbit. One of the things I love so much, Kim, is how you’ll describe sexual trauma or emotional blockages as this stuck energy that’s stored inside of us, and beneath it is this shimmering, pure essence, and you say that all you have to do is clear that stuff out.
That felt so empowering to me, and it felt like it was the little thing that I grabbed onto in that moment. I said, “I’m going to sign up for VKF. I’m going to give this situation a try here.”
So I had these PTSD symptoms. That was strike one against me becoming well-fucked. [Laughs] I couldn’t even touch myself. And I was going to have a cervical orgasm? “I can’t even touch myself. How am I going to get from there to there? I don’t know.” [Laughs]
The only orgasms I could have was with a vibrator, like a sad, numbing out, lame orgasm; that’s all that was possible for me. My vagina was completely numb. I was living this disassociated life where everything was happening in my head. I was not inhabiting my body at all, which is, frankly, a terrible way to live. Especially now that I’m on the other side of it.
I had crippling endometriosis. It was the kind where I’d be in so much pain, my husband would come home, and I’d be on the couch wrapped in a blanket like a little burrito with heating pads all over my body. I’d be in so much pain and the blood would be so intense, it would get scary sometimes.
I thought, I’m just always going to have difficult periods. They’re just going to suck. That’s my fate as a woman or whatever.
I used to go to gynecologists a long time ago, before I quit that habit—
KIM: Like you had an addiction and you’re in recovery now.
KATIE: Yes. Ten years in recovery. Ten years of gynecologists. So when I would go, they’d say, “Oh, just go on the pill.” And that just didn’t jive for me. It just felt like more numbing out, so fortunately, I never took that route. I would try other things, too, like supplements, diets, seed cycling, castor oil packs. I did all the natural voodoo you could think of doing. It didn’t make a single dent in my endometriosis. Every month my periods would come, and it would be just as bad as the month before.
Of course, now, being on the other side of it, I understand what was going on there. It was just my body crying out. It was because of the unhealed sexual trauma that was stored in my vagina, and that’s where I needed to go. That’s what I needed to do to heal.
In retrospect, I feel gratitude toward my period. “Thank you, period, for continuing to talk to me, even when I wasn’t listening. You kept sending me the message, hoping that one day, maybe I would hear it and finally be able to make those changes.”
Of course, this was all before VKF, so let’s flash forward in time to where I am now. The endometriosis is gone. I don’t have painful periods. It’s not this heavy bleeding situation. I actually look forward to my period every month and this chance to go inward.
I was thinking of how I used to count the years until menopause. “When’s it coming? Can my period end?” [Laughs] For real. I would do a countdown. But now I feel like I’m going to be really sad when it leaves because I enjoy that inward time. Just being with my body. Having her do the witchy-magic thing that she does every month where I occupy the space between worlds. It’s really sacred to me.
Okay. So endometriosis is gone. I didn’t go on the pill. I didn’t do seed cycling, none of that. I just had to heal my sexual trauma.
Numbness is also completely healed. My vagina is full of sensation. I can have clitoral, G-spot, cervical orgasms. I can even have couch-gasms, as it turns out. The other day I was just sitting on the couch, and I was having a really juicy, creative day. And all of a sudden I felt my vagina pulsing and said, “What’s going on?” It was a mini-orgasm. A couch-gasm.
Let’s see, what else? I’m not living a dissociated life anymore. I’m actually grounded, connected into my body.
As a result of all of that, my life has transformed so much. This is just a little summary here. When I first started having cervical orgasms, within two months, $100,000 just fell into the lap of our household. Right away.
We didn’t do anything different to bring that money in. It’s just like Kim talks about. When you heal your second chakra, which is money, sexuality, creativity, when you heal those blocks, the money just starts flowing in. That happened within two months, and it’s continued to happen to such a point that my husband and I—and I don’t even say this hyperbolically—don’t know what to do with all the money that’s coming in. It’s just a new stratosphere. We keep having to sit down and say, “What do we do with it?” And we don’t know. It’s just so wild to have this happen.
I’m a writer, so my creativity fully shifted when I started to clear all this stuff out.
My channel cleared out so that more could flow through me. I feel like I’m writing from a more authentic place. Also with that creativity, I’ve gotten really cool business opportunities. I’m part of this cool movie project. I literally did nothing to get this project. I didn’t send in a résumé. I didn’t hustle. It just came in because of this vagina healing journey that I went on.
So just thinking about from that bathtub moment until now, that moment when I felt so broken and I thought, “Okay, everyone else can, but it’s not going to be me. I’m not going to be the one who can have all those orgasms and stuff.”
The Anami guarantee is not just a cute saying. This is real life. There’s that saying that the universe never gives you more than you can handle. I don’t agree with that. I think sometimes the universe gives you more than you can handle, but it doesn’t give you more than you can heal. You can heal anything at any age, at any time, no matter what it is, even when you feel broken. That’s the most important thing I feel I have to say.
KIM: So beautiful, Katie. I have such appreciation when you speak because your story is amazing, and you’re also so articulate in the way you tell it. You convey it so beautifully. Even I get blown away, and I know the story quite well.
Let’s talk a bit about your process, because I think this is really important for people to hear in terms of you taking these teeny steps. Because sometimes people do work, but it’s not that effective. They might do talking therapy and think, “Well, I’ve done a couple years of talking therapy,” but then when they go to bed, their body is still locked up. Or they’re still having these reproductive symptoms, and they don’t make the association—and we certainly know that the allopathic profession would never make the association that there is some relationship between somebody’s past trauma, things they haven’t healed, and what’s manifesting in the body. Sometimes people can get very stuck and paralyzed.
You were kind of in that state, but you worked your way out of it bit by bit. I’d love to have you share.
KATIE: Yeah, absolutely. I took baby steps. It wasn’t even baby steps, it was ant steps. The first thing I want to speak to even before I go into the process is that you have to go to the site of the wound. If we were injured any place else, we would treat the injury directly. Just talking about sexual trauma doesn’t do it. You need to go to the site of the wound and create healing there.
That’s so much of what working with the jade yoni egg does. It gives you this experience of slowly building a relationship with your body that’s based on trust and penetration when and where you say so. If you have had sexual trauma, that is the number one thing that you need to start doing.
My Vagina Healed That Tip:
For my process, like I said, I was taking ant steps. Because my trauma was so intense, I would start by setting a really strong container for myself. I knew that I could last for about a minute at a time. I would literally set a timer for one minute, and I would work up the courage to insert the jade yoni egg for that one minute.
Then I would lie there and breathe and feel like I was going to die and be flooded with fear and anxiety. But I would make it through the minute.
Then I would pull the yoni egg out, and I would see that I didn’t die, and that would give me some evidence of a new foundation for me to stand upon.
I would also establish my zones of comfort. If you sign up for VKF, Kim gives you other things to do besides the jade yoni egg. She gives these beautiful exercises for your breasts. That was something I was really comfortable with, so I could spend a lot of time on my breasts. That was a zone of comfort for me.
My Vagina Healed That Tip:
Then I would commit to doing one thing outside of my comfort zone every day. Just one thing. Insertion for one minute. Okay, great. I did that. The next day I’m going to expand it. I’m going to go for a minute and a half. Then I’m going to go for two and then I’m going to go for three.
By the time I worked up to five, a lot of the intensity and fear had started to drain out of my body because I saw nothing scary was going to happen to me; no one was going to hurt me. I was totally fine. I was totally safe. I was starting to build up that trust with myself.
If you are someone who struggles with dissociating a lot during that process, or you just get really stuck in your head, another little trick is I would narrate the experience to myself. I would talk out loud. “I’m safe. I’m doing this. I’m putting my hand here. It’s going to be okay.”
If your mind is spinning a lot of stories and can hijack the situation, I find it’s really helpful if you get it on your side. Recruit it to your side and give it some stuff to do. If it starts talking to you, you can use it to self-soothe and calm yourself.
My Vaginal Healed That Tip:
Speaking of self-soothing, that’s the other thing that was really, really important for me when setting this container: making sure I had strong after-care. If I just released a lot of emotion or had a lot of feelings, I couldn’t just jump into my day. I needed to do something to calm myself down. Or sometimes it wasn’t about being calm. Sometimes it was getting a pillow and smashing it on the floor, being really angry, dancing it out like a crazy person. Whatever it was, I would do that.
Sometimes I just needed to self-soothe and establish safety in my body. It’s really easy to do that. Just place your hand on your heart. Feel your own heart beating. It’s one of the most soothing things there is. Kim will give you breathing that you can also do.
Those are kind of the technical details of the process I used to move through this slow building.
KIM: It’s interesting, someone asked a question, “Did you have any mantras you would say during your initial journey?” And you just absorbed that question. You addressed it.
KATIE: I would say, “I’m safe. I love you.” Don’t underestimate the power of saying “I love you” to yourself. Oh, that’s the other thing. Being in front of a mirror is really, really helpful. Because then you see yourself and you see what’s going on, and it can become so grounding to connect and see yourself. This is why I say that I don’t stargaze, I vagina-gaze. [Laughs] It’s one of my favorite things to do; it’s incredibly grounding.
Yes, I say “I love you” to myself. Even if you can’t say “I love you” to yourself, you could say, “I’m willing to love you. I’m willing to do this.” Sometimes just the words “I’m willing,” if you can’t say anything else, make a really big difference and a really big dent in the whole situation.
The second piece is the mindset. How do you face that much fear? How do you dig deep and keep going? You just have to do it. You just have to show up for yourself every day with relentless devotion. You just have to trust that if you keep showing up for yourself, your body will show up for you. And it will. It will rush in with healing that you can’t even believe. Your body wants to support you. If you just show up a teeny bit, your body will come in the rest of the way.
There’s really no way around it. After I did my podcast on Instagram with you, I got questions from a bunch of people. All of their questions kind of amounted to the same thing, which was, “Yeah, but how can I do it without feeling bad? How can I do it without feeling fear?”
The only way out is through. You just have to feel it. This is the healing process. The healing process is feeling it. You can’t skip it. The tears, the pain, the fear—it all just has to come out of you. You should expect weeping. Weeping is a great sign because it means something is moving out of you. Even if you’re feeling difficult emotions, yes, you’re feeling them, and you’re moving toward something.
If you want to have deep vaginal orgasms, you have to be able to hold yourself in the depths of your pain if you want to be prepared to have the heights of pleasure. They go together. The deeper, vaginal orgasms live inside of you. You have to go deep inside of yourself. There’s no shortcut. You just have to do it.
Some days it won’t seem like you’re ever going to get anywhere. But you will if you stick with it and go all in. You have to go all in with yourself. You can’t hold back or just kind of do it. You have to go all the way in.
That’s the other thing. I think we all have this feeling that if we feel our emotions, there’s no bottom. We’re just going to die. No, emotions always end; they pass. Isn’t there some study that says emotions pass in a minute and a half or three minutes if you sit with them? It’s a really short period of time that we even experience the intensity of emotions.
If you sit through it, if you stay and hold yourself through these experiences, the strength that you build within yourself, the amount of empowerment you feel, and the trust that you build between you and your body are worth everything.
I mean, listen, I love the cervical orgasms, but the ability to hold myself through anything comes with me everywhere.
My Vagina Healed That Tip:
The final piece is that your journey will be different. All our journeys are unique. “It will take longer than you want. It will take less time than you fear.” That’s a saying my husband likes.
KIM: I love that! Wow, that’s so nice.
KATIE: Right? Yeah. It’s not going to be instant. You are going to pass through stages. For me, the stages were terror, weeping, and then my vagina started to awaken. From that awakening, that’s what led to the orgasms. I couldn’t skip a step. I had to go through that progression.
People get really hung up on the idea of, “Oh no, I was going forward, and I went backward.”
So the first thing is, we’re in the realm of the body. The body doesn’t move in a linear direction. It just doesn’t. It has its own wisdom, dance, and spiraling rhythm. That’s just the nature and the beauty of the body.
I love astrology. Everyone is obsessed with Mercury retrogrades. A retrograde is when a planet goes backward in relation to Earth, except the planet doesn’t move backward. It’s just our perspective that looks like it’s moving backward. It’s still actually moving forward.
You can apply that to your own journey here. If you feel like you’re going backward, that’s still part of the forward journey. You’re not off the journey. It’s part of the journey.
Okay, so within that, some things were really quick for me. My vagina got gushing, lubricating, wet really fast during the course of the salon. I was able to have clitoral orgasms without a vibrator, which was a really big deal for me. That also happened really quickly, about halfway through the salon.
Then my period cleared up. It started to show signs that it was going to clear within two or three months after the salon. So periods did take a bit to kick in there. And it was almost like it was checking, “Are we sure this is good? Is it good? Is it good?” Then it said, “Okay, we can just be chill now. We can be a chill period.”
Within two months, by the end of the salon, I had my first G-spot orgasm. Two months after that, I had my first cervical orgasm. It was two weeks after my tenth wedding anniversary, so it was like, “Happy anniversary to us! My first cervical orgasm!”
So that was a six-month period. That’s how long it took me. It doesn’t mean that it will take everyone six months, but I feel like it’s important to note that when I talk about relentless devotion, that has to continue after the salon. I didn’t quit. The salon gave me the tools and the container to make incredible quantum leaps, and then I just kept going with it. I still stayed determined, and that’s how I was able to go, literally, from the space where I couldn’t put my fingers in my own vagina without having a panic attack to having cervical orgasms. That’s what the journey looked like.
KIM: I’m still blown away when I hear you articulate everything in the way that you do. I so appreciate you breaking that down, and it’s handy that you had those questions from people to be able to pinpoint some of the things that people think about when they hear this and they get hopeful but are still scared. You help walk them through step by step of what this can look like. It’s so amazing.
You say you don’t stargaze, you vagina-gaze. Speak to that love affair that developed between you and your vagina. You also had this great statement that we reference to inspire others. Self-pleasuring is part of the work. Even if you have a partner, you have to get to know yourself and be able to give yourself pleasure. Sometimes people can have a real resistance to it.
And you got to a place where you talked about actually being hot for yourself. The way you would be hot for a lover, you were hot for yourself. Your vagina-gazing turned you on. I’d love to hear more about that.
KATIE: Yeah. I’d be running home to rip off my clothes and stuff like that. “Oh my God, I look so good today. What’s up with this?”
KIM: [Laughs] What are you wearing?
KATIE: [Laughs] Yeah, exactly. Giving myself cheesy pickup lines, like, “Oh, come here often?”
KIM: I love it.
KATIE: Okay. So vagina-gazing instead of stargazing. This is my favorite thing. I was vagina-gazing today. It’s one of the most grounding things. I just love to sit there, connect with myself, feel her energy, and feel the communion between us. It brings me back to myself instantly. Whereas before it was this place I didn’t look at and this place of fear, now it’s this place of incredible peace. I know that she has my back, and I have her back, and it’s this beautiful, harmonious relationship.
That’s why I say that I sit around and vagina-gaze. And I really do just sit in front of a mirror and stare at my vagina, feel good, tell her I love her, and feel her love me back.
If you want unconditional love, connect with your own vagina. No matter what’s happened, your vagina loves you and wants the best for you and wants you to heal and help her come into her own power.
Then, the self-pleasuring thing—I didn’t really get self-pleasuring. I talked about this in the podcast. I was really mad when Kim said, “Put the vibrator down.” I said, “No! You’re not taking my vibrator.”
But, of course, I’ve come to realize that the whole vibrator thing is not pleasuring. There’s no bliss with a vibrator. There’s this quick numbing out thing. Yes, it’s an explosion of energy, but it just feels so gross on the other side of it. I wasn’t really honoring myself or listening to my yesses and my nos and what was going on with my body. It became another way where I was just overriding her. “If she’s not in the mood, I don’t care; here’s a vibrator that will just make her come in two seconds.”
When I quit my vibrator, now I had to go into this self-pleasuring, where it was just me, myself, and my head. For a while I was just a crappy boyfriend to myself, is how I would describe it. “Where’s the orgasm? Why is this taking so long? This is ridiculous.” [Laughs] I treated myself terribly, and that was the first part— recognizing maybe I need to treat myself with more tenderness, more loving, more attention, more care.
That was the first part. Then it was like a switch turned on in me. I remember when I was in VKF, a lot of women were talking about this in our breakout calls. They struggled with this too. “Well, I don’t know. What am I doing? What’s happening?” And that’s a normal part of the process, I think. Where you come to the space and you don’t really know what you’re doing because you’re changing things. You’re moving from one way of doing it and you’re not quite in the other way yet. You’re in between, but it’s another place where if you stick with it, I promise that it will suddenly just switch on and you’ll be hot for yourself.
I would dirty talk myself. It’s not even a joke. I really want to treat myself like a lover and to be the best lover for myself that I can be. Especially after all the things that I’ve gone through and all the abuse that was in my past. It’s so healing to instead turn to yourself with love and turn on and be a hot mess.
Now I love to self-pleasure, in addition to the vagina-gazing.
KIM: I love that. Yeah, it can be a real stickler for people. I think you said initially it was okay for your husband to touch you, but you couldn’t touch yourself. Is that right?
KATIE: No, no one could touch me at first. I was okay with the cock. But the trauma for me all gravitated toward the hand. I think that’s because I was young at the time, so I didn’t really understand, so it just became about hands. So he couldn’t touch me. No boyfriend ever could. If they ever went to do it, I would just say, “Oh no, I don’t like that.”
So anyway, even my husband couldn’t. Now he can though. Now I’m in a more comfortable space with that.
Should we answer some of these questions, Kim?
KIM: Yeah. I’ve got a few of those into the chat there, if you open that window up.
KATIE: Okay.
“Can you talk about the best environment for this work? Did you feel super solo and need extra space from your husband, or was he part of the process?”
It’s both. When I would do the yoni egg work, that was entirely alone. I needed to go deep within myself and feel all my own emotions, and all of that, I would do alone. I’d sit in a quiet, private room. I’d sit in front of the mirror. That’s really when I would do that work.
However, there were also times later on when my husband played a central role in the process, and he literally helped fuck the trauma out of me. Since there was so much trauma stored up at the cervix in particular, it would be harder for me to get to that alone, so he would come in, and I would start sobbing and shaking. Sometimes we’d have to stop because I was dry heaving after these cervical orgasms, because it was moving such intense energy through me.
So there are moments in the process where having a partner is awesome. The healing that I could do on my own versus when I would get a cervical orgasm with him would accelerate and clear out so much of the junk in a snap.
Then there were also seasons where I had to say, “No, I can’t have sex right now. I just can’t take penetration,” because I was working through a layer that was so complicated. When that happened, he was still part of the process with me because I had to be open with him about that. We would use those times to cultivate the other parts of our relationship and just do fun things we hadn’t done in a long time, like go to an arcade. Just have a lot of fun and silliness to still nurture our relationship.
In fact, in those times where we’d nurture our affection to such a point that I felt like I could resume sex again, it was instant. This happened recently, in the past few months, just because our affection, our closeness, and him having to be such a supportive partner through that led to this sexual encounter where, the first time back, it rolled into some G-spot orgasms, and then I felt a cervical orgasm was also immediately available because we had that bond. Even pausing can be a moment to strengthen that bond.
But you have to learn to navigate listening to yourself, honoring your yesses and nos. That’s so important, honoring your yesses and your nos, especially if you’re coming from any trauma background.
KIM: I love that answer, and I love that you could pivot into another way of bonding and being close, because women have a history of overriding their vaginas, like with lube, which I never recommend. Part of the healing might be that you need to be really clear about whether you’re having a yes or a no, or you need a little bit of time to calibrate some healing, and saying no is okay.
I always tell people to try to get clear within themselves of listening to when the no is resistance and disassociation and checking out, versus a no that’s really honoring, “I need to be in my space right now. My vagina is recalibrating, and once it comes back into the next level of me feeling inhabited within it, then it’s a yes for me.”
My Vagina Healed That Tip:
I discourage the use of lubricant for vaginal penetration because I believe lubrication means the vagina is ready to be penetrated. If it’s not wet, it’s not ready. Simple, period, end of story. There is no argument there.
If you’re pregnant, if you’re postpartum, if you’re menopausal, I do not give a shit. None of that stuff is a valid excuse for overriding your body. I know it’s become normalized, but it’s not normal. If you’re not wet, you’ve missed something emotionally, energetically, physically. You’re not turned on; emotionally you’re held back unresolved issues. Your vagina doesn’t lie. It doesn’t lie.
It’s healthy to distinguish checking out versus being in alignment.
KATIE: Yeah. That goes right to this other question: “What if your vagina seems to say no whenever you want to enter with the egg?”
You answered that perfectly. There are those moments where you should honor it, and then you have to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. You do. You have to really listen into yourself. That’s part of the process, learning to listen and say, “Well, which no is this no?” I think that’s so important. Then that will help you make the decision from there.
Also, have you warmed up enough? Have you given yourself enough stimulation so that you’ll be ready to do that? That could be another factor too. If you’re feeling nervous, scared, or traumatized, you might have to spend a longer time warming up. “Oh, you got a little freaked out; okay, let me go back to just breathing. Let me go back to nicely rubbing myself out, and then let me try and accelerate.” Then see if it’s a yes or a no from there.
“Can you explain a G-spot orgasm?”
A clitoral orgasm is much more like a quick pop. Sometimes afterward, people might feel tired or their clitoris could be too sensitive, and they’re not really interested in having anyone touch them there. It could just not be very pleasurable for some people.
Kim can explain where the G-spot is better, but it’s inside the vagina. My experience with them is often they come with a lot of emotions for me. It’s a very emotional spot. The orgasm is very intense, but it’s not like a quick pop, and it tends to have this rolling effect. It will often, for me, as I was describing, roll into other orgasms.
Then the cervical orgasm is the queen. You can feel when it’s starting to happen. It takes a lot more time to reach cervical orgasm. You can kind of feel it when your vagina starts to open like flowers open to that next layer, and then the cervical orgasm becomes available from there.
It’s like you’re cracked open and put back together again at the same time. It affects your entire body. Everything is vibrating; you vibrate for days. And you feel it all over, but you also feel like there’s a locus happening higher up in your vagina. It’s a lot of weeping for me.
Sometimes I laugh hysterically. The first time I ever did, I said, “Was that real?” And then I just laid there, and I couldn’t speak because I was so overcome that it even happened. But all the other ones I’ve ever had have been full-on crying. I don’t know—will I ever stop crying during them, Kim? Have you?
KIM: I cried for years. I feel like I cried for … I don’t know, how many years? Hang on, let me do the math. Like 30 years. [Laughs]
KATIE: [Laughs] Okay. So I’ve got a few more years of crying to go.
KIM: I know. But it’s this cathartic release. It’s deep. This is why I say cervical orgasm is a woman’s biggest personal growth tool because it’s like this quantum shortcut to go in and reset your nervous system on the highest possible level. Because your cervix is connected to the vagus nerve. There’s all the talk about nervous system reset, polyvagal theory, vagus nerve, but none of these people ever talk about orgasm. Not fucking once have I ever seen it. They’re missing the biggest tool you’ve got, which is your cervical orgasms.
Yeah, crying is a sense of picking up all the unresolved trauma, the experiences embedded within your system, excavating them, and throwing them out of you. That comes out through these deep-body, guttural tears.
And that’s normal. People say, “But I’m crying.” And I say, “Yay! That’s amazing. That’s fantastic. Excellent news. You’re making fantastic progress.”
KATIE: That was the first question I ever asked you in the salon. “Is it okay that I’m hysterically crying?” And you said, “This is amazing.” And then everyone in VKF said, “We’re all sobbing too.” We all said, “Yay!” [Laughs] It’s real though. It’s real.
KIM: I would say sometimes we’re releasing lifetimes of stuff, not even just from this lifetime. This is going deep into your whole cellular imprint, genetic miasms, and releasing ancestral stuff. Then you flip the corner into happy crying. You know how you cry when your heart is so open, you’re so moved by something, and it’s like this open-eye, open-heart type cry? It shifted into that for me once I cried enough of that stuff out.
Even now, if I’ve got a buildup of things and I am not releasing enough, or there’s just been a rough time, like a patch of really stressful, one after another things, then I’ll have another guttural, deep crying-type cervical orgasm. Or let’s say there was a rift between you and your partner, and you mended that rift, then the cervical orgasm is a way to discharge some of that energy.
So it can still happen, but just let me be clear: I always feel amazing afterward. It’s like you have a good cry and have that big involuntary sigh [sighing], and everything’s been let go. And then you feel fantastic. You’re happy and flowing and relaxed and more reset than you could imagine. So you always get that payoff, but in the middle of it, it can be gut-wrenching, guttural, deep, centuries-old tears coming out.
Maybe it’s not always that intense for everybody. It could be less than that. I’m into endurance sex, marathon sessions. I want to get in and go deep and get all the gold that I can and bring that out. [Laughs] I’m all about it because I know what’s on the other side is deliverance and transcendence.
But yeah, there’s a point where it became really light, ethereal, and open-hearted, to the point where I can now have a cervical orgasm just by having my lover touch my elbow or hearing his voice or even thinking about something.
The way you talked about the couch-gasm thing, I’ve had all the different energy-orgasm equivalents. I ate steak for the first time in 30 years and had a meat-gasm. I was swimming with wild dolphins, and I had a dolphin-gasm.
All these other equivalents, now that you’ve activated that neural pathway, you can get there immediately.
KATIE: I really want to have a dolphin-gasm. That sounds amazing.
KIM: That was one of the best, I think. There’s this area in Mexico where you can go and swim with the dolphins in the wild. This female one came and danced with me. You go underwater and swim around with them, and she was looking at me and I was looking at her, trying to keep up with her, and she was going slowly, obviously, to be able to do that with me, and then I came up to the surface and there it was.
KATIE: My God, that’s so beautiful. That’s such a beautiful experience.
Oh, this is a good one: “Can you go a little deeper into different nos? I’m not always clear there and realize it after I’ve gone too far.”
So your wetness and your openness are a really clear physical indicator. If your body is wet and you’re still having some resistance coming up, that’s probably a good moment to go forward, if you’re getting that signal from your body.
But if this is literally the first time that you’ve asked your body, your vagina, “Is this a yes or a no?” you’re not going to get it right the first time. Your vagina might just be a little whisper, and you’re learning how to hear her and how to talk back and how to have this open dialogue. So there’s going to be some trial and error.
There definitely were times when it was really a no and I thought, “Maybe it’s fine.” Then I learned more about the signals by actually going through that process with my body. So don’t be too hard on yourself if you do have to go through the experience of trial and error and you maybe don’t listen to the no the first time. But the second you really know it’s a no, stop then. Then you can honor your body that way.
Don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s a new skill, and it will take a little bit of time to develop.
KIM: Yeah. Great answer.
There were a few questions in the chat about people who’ve had surgery.
“We mentioned the ovaries as the engines. What if they are currently affected and afflicted?”
Someone asked if they removed their internal organs, would VKF still work for them?
Look, obviously, in my work, I’m all about keeping these things and maintaining these energies and healing. If you’ve already come from the allopathic system and you’ve had these experiences, absolutely, you can still do this work, and I absolutely say it’s essential.
Because whatever the circumstances were that led you to have these issues to begin with, the root cause is still there. You can remove an organ and, in my view, if people don’t then address whatever led to that, the problem will just pop up in another organ. It’s like whack-a-mole. After a certain point, the allopathic system will run out of things to remove. I don’t know how it works for them.
But yes, absolutely. First of all, women in my work still have cervical orgasms even without having a cervix. We have a great story from Amber Jean; she’s in our Wet, Wet Menopause episode. She talks about exactly that. She had surgery prior to finding my work, found my work, dove in, and was able to integrate whatever happened to her, and she feels like she healed the issues that led to that surgery to begin with.
When she came into the work, she had some lumps in her breasts, and she applied all these principles, including the breast massage, the moving of the sexual energy, and dissolved those lumps.
Then, in terms of ovaries, that guided visualization was a taste of some of the work that we do within the salon. We do a lot of work taking your sexual energy and using it as a healing apparatus within you. If you have ailments in any of your organs, that’s all fodder for this work to be able to get in there and help to move and change things. So, not a problem.
If you’re missing organs, we think of these things as still having a phantom limb; you still have the energetic characteristics of your organs alive and well in your body, and it’s important to be able to go in, tune into them, connect to them, and integrate them into your body.
So that cut-off that I mentioned earlier at the beginning of our session today, that disassociation that leads to the organs being cut out, is healed. I guarantee there was a root cause higher-level emotional, psychological, energetic cut-off that happened before and caused the problem.
So if you can go to that higher level, figure that out, and heal that, then you can work with what’s now your physical reality by going higher than that.
My view is that everything can be healed naturally. Sometimes we come into it with certain restrictions or karmic experiences that we need to have for one reason or another. But then, like Katie says, which is so beautiful, “We don’t get more than we can handle, or we actually don’t get more than we can heal.”
It’s like in weight training. I work with a trainer, and every session, she’s trying to get me even two pounds higher on a certain exercise. She wants me to go just a little bit more, and she watches every set and every rep I do. As long as it’s going a little bit further, she’s happy. That’s the name of the game. Just a little bit further than I think I can. [Laughs]
So I’m your trainer. I’m your vaginal trainer for Vaginal Kung Fu.
KATIE: There’s no one better.
KIM: Let’s answer this one question and then I think we’ll wrap up. I’ll just paste it in the chat here for you, Katie. It was about time management, which I thought was kind of interesting.
KATIE: “How did you schedule your days to include VKF? Did you have certain days/times for VKF? Did you schedule them on your calendar each month? Just trying to figure out how to organize my day so I have the time and energy to put in the work.”
My Vagina Healed That Tip:
Yeah, I would do it every morning. In the morning, I would feel brave. That’s when I felt like I had courage. Also, as things started to get better and improved, doing it in the morning became an energy that I carried with me. It completely changes how you move throughout your day.
When I was in VKF, I would do it in the morning. I would go five days a week just with the egg practice. That was perfect and still gave me some days where I could focus on some of the other practices.
Now I still have a steady practice where it’s maybe three, sometimes five, days a week. It doesn’t take that long to do the yoni egg practice once you get into the groove of it. It seems like it’s going to be this long task, but I can do it in 20 or 25 minutes. It’s really worth it.
Tons of other All Stars talk about this too. It extends your time. You think you don’t have any time for it, but somehow, self-pleasuring creates time magic and you end up having way more time as a result of it. Right, Kim?
KIM: Yeah. It’s sort of reality-bending. It’s one of those things where you say, “Oh, I don’t have time to meditate,” but if you meditate, somehow your day expands, and you have the capacity to get everything done way more efficiently and effectively. Same thing happens when you put the time and energy into your sexual practices. It’s like it lubricates your entire day, so everything flows with ease and you run into helpful people and helpful opportunities. You have an intuitive way of solving problems that you didn’t have access to before, so it’s completely energy-in equals quantum energy out.
KATIE: Yeah.
KIM: Amazing. Well, this was so awesome, Katie. I love that you shared your story and then wove in all these different elements that were new and so in-depth and helpful for people who may have this as part of their karmic challenges in this lifetime, to help give them a real solid pathway through. Thank you so much, Katie.
KATIE: Thank you for letting me share. Thank you, everyone who was here. If there’s even one little tidbit that can help you, it will make it worth it to me.
KIM: There were tons of goodies.
KATIE: [Laughs] Okay. Even better.
KIM: Tomorrow we’re back for our last day. It’s day three with our Well-F**ked All Star, Amanda. She did an interview a few weeks ago about her vaginal compass guiding her through decisions in life. She’s healed throat chakra issues through deep throating, and she’s landed multimillion-dollar business deals through oral sex. [Laughs] She’s got a lot of fantastic stories to share of activating her feminine energy and using that in her life through this work.
KIM: That was so much fun. I really felt like Katie and I reached whole new levels of alchemy in our discussion. That’s what it’s all about, ever-expanding and evolving.
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