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juice up your life and love

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Gourmet Sex

Gourmet sex is when you bring all of your deepest parts to the table.

Your heart and your genitals. 

Emotionally, you are open. Your guard is down, you speak your truth, you let your most authentic self and expression rise to the surface.

You let yourself be seen.

This is deep, surrendered, letting-go-to-your-core type of sex.

It’s the kind of sex that changes you.

It’s the kind of sex that makes you play better music, keynote with more confidence, be more loving and patient with your children.

You wear the radiant glow of a well-fucked person.

When I meet couples, I can tell whether or not they have a vital sex/love connection in their lives.

I can read it in couples when they are tapping into the potency and fire of their sexual connection.

Or not.

If they are harnessing their sexual energy, they are lively, radiant, glowing.

They are in tune with each other, and the hum of their sexual connection is palpable and electric.

If they have minimized their sexuality, they are sapped of vitality and wilting like a dying plant.

Even if people are having frequent sex, there is a difference between “gourmet” sex and “junk-food” sex.

One of the biggest things I’m most passionate about in my work is teaching people WHY their sexual energy is so important to their relationships and their lives.

And then HOW to use it.


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