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5 Sexiest Things a Man Can Do

The seduction guide for men.
I guarantee that the following techniques have opened many a heart and legs, bringing them to their knees, and giving them deep, life-changing orgasms.

These truly are the keys to the queendom.

I can give Neil Strauss a run for his money with the Anami Game Protocol.

Here’s how to game the chicks.

In this episode:

  • My top five seduction techniques: must-dos for all men
  • How to f**k a woman into oblivion
  • Who is naturally more insatiable: men or women?
  • The most important sexual skill men can have
  • The most important emotional skill men can have
  • The archetypal masculine: making pussies wet for the last 100,000 years

Join the FREE Coming Together 7-Day Sex Cleanse

Each day, you’ll receive an email with an assignment to deepen into each other, sexually and emotionally.

Side effects of this Sex Cleanse may include:

~ Ejaculate-soaked bed sheets
~ Broken bed frames
~ Being fully energized by each other’s life force energy
~ Clearing of relationship blocks
~ Stronger stamina
~ Feelings of safety and security
~ Sky-rocketing libidos

Signup today.

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TRANSCRIPT: The 5 Sexiest Things a Man Can Do

Here it is. The art of seduction for men.

I guarantee that the following techniques have opened many a heart and legs, bringing them to their knees, and giving them deep, life-changing orgasms.

These truly are the keys to the queendom.

I can give Neil Strauss a run for his money with the Anami Game Protocol.

Here’s how to game the chicks.

The absolute sexiest thing a man can ever do?

Number 1: Exactly what he says he’s going to do.

Whenever I talk about this, the women sigh, go weak at the knees and start gushing profusely.


What’s the big deal about being a person—and a man—of integrity ?

Because it’s all you’ve got.

As a woman, the question that underlies everything you do and say is:

Are you worthy of my surrender?

If I fall, will you catch me?

Can I trust you?

Every single word and deed that you follow through on as a man is reinforcing to your woman:

I got you.

I got this.

You can trust me.

Whether it’s as simple as doing a chore around the house you said you would do, or something as big as honouring an agreement in your relationship, every one of these things is either building that trust.

Or eroding it.

Every time you bail on a commitment or “forget” or are just too lazy to take responsibility, you communicate to your woman that you are NOT trustworthy.

Why does this matter?

Death by a thousand cuts.

Because what we really want to know is:

Are you worthy of my submission?

Because when she’s in the throes of orgasmic ecstasy, when she wants so much to open her heart and her vagina, and be the wild, raw, vulnerable, cataclysmic force of fucking nature that she so naturally is, she needs to know that you can hold that space with her.

That’s a man she’ll get on her knees for.

Because he’s earned her submission.

And she’ll gladly give it.

A man is only as good as his word.

And if yours means nothing, then so do you.

I’ve talked about this over the last couple of episodes:

Honesty is a form of courage.

Courage is a turn on.

Lies are cowardly.

Lies makes pussies dry.

Honesty is one of the last stands of courage.

It goes much further than you know in creating respect from your woman.

Whether you are bailing on your word through laziness or fear or cowardice, all of those things are libido killers in women.

Man the fuck up and make your word mean something.

And YOU will mean something.

You will mean a lot.

NUMBER 2 Sexiest thing a man can do: Make her come many times before he does.

He has stamina.

He lasts and lasts and lasts.

He can fuck his woman relentlessly.

He holds her down, face in hands, hips in hands and DOES NOT LET HER escape until he has well and truly cracked and fucked her open so that she’s raw and broken and trembling and taken to another plane of existence.

THIS is your job as a man.

And when I say “broken”, I mean in the best possible way.

Our false selves, our veneers, our facades crack apart and are shattered.

We are blown to fucking smithereens.

Through smithereen-like fucking.

We lie there, shell-shocked, cock-shocked, forgetting who we are.

And like the Kintsugi, the art of Japanese re-assemblage, where the cracks get sealed—and healed—with gold, we COME TO in a new state of consciousness, as the self-actualized versions of who we are, pared down to our very essence.


THIS is your job as a man.

For women to be sexually satisfied, they need about a five-to-one ratio of orgasms to men.

Women are insatiable.

I always laugh when I see men go on about juggling many women.

They just can’t.

One pop and that’s all he wrote.

But women.


Women, once you get them going, once you learn how to fuck them properly, deeply and, you know, VAGINALLY – none of this “I can eat your pussy for hours bullshit – no one cares, buddy” then it’s GAME ON.

You will have woken her from what is likely a centuries-old slumber, where she’s been waiting for her magic cock prince to find her CERVIX—not her CLITORIS—and fuck her into oblivion.

But you need to be able to go the distance for this.

Or she’ll outfuck you and scorn you every time.

If you pump out a few hip flicks and tap out, it’s done.

You’re done.

And frankly, your relationship is done.

But the man who has orgasmic mastery and can keep going with that ass all up in the air and she’s howling in delight and ecstasy and ferocity, and he keeps on keeping on.

HE’s the one.

Do women test men?

You betchour ass they do.

And when we’ve opened and surrendered and thrown every ounce of our sheer wildness into your hands and heart and cock and you show how you can hold steady with your hips and your eyes and your cock and your heart.


You’ve passed the test.

And we’re all yours.

The third sexiest thing a man can do: Initiate conversations with his woman about tough topics.

This is emotional stamina.

Not backing down from a challenge.

We often think of the emotional labor of relationships falling to women.

Men are told that they are “less emotional” than women.

And women are told they are “less sexual than men.”

Neither of these things is true.

But we keep hearing about them over and over and start to believe they might be true.

The truth is, if you can’t have the tough conversations or emotional conversations period in your relationship, it’s doomed to fail.

There will be no growth, no resolution, on anything, ever.

All of your unprocessed issues will rot and ferment and spread like mould spores through your lives and your bed.

When a man is willing to do his share of emotional heavy lifting—by  initiating air-clearing conversations with you on anything and everything—he’s showing his commitment to you and the relationship.

And that’s hot.

If he’s a grown up, he knows that you can’t sweep your issues under the rug and cross your fingers and hope you’ll just forget about what happened yesterday and move on.

EVERYTHING shows up in the fabric of your connection.

And in your bed.

Fourth sexiest thing a man can do: Grow, motherfucker.

He has a desire to grow himself, relationship and with you.

Lately on the podcast the big theme has been grow or die.

If you aren’t growing, you are dying.

People can coast by on the first couple of years of newness and fun.

But beyond that, if you aren’t looking at your relationship as a living, breathing entity that needs fuel and food and is something you consciously nourish, then your relationship will die.

It may die quietly behind your pretending it’s not dying, but it’s still going to die.

Anything does that we don’t look after!

If you buy a houseplant and water and fertilize it and give it sunlight for two months and then totally forget about it, put it in a closet and only see it once in a while when we go in there to pick out our clothes, is it any wonder that it dies?

Yet that’s exactly what most people do with their relationships.

For more on this, check out last week’s episode “9 Signs of a Conscious Relationship”.

We want a man who is a “fuck yes.”

He’s curious. Adventurous. Open to life and new things.

He’s game. Up for it. Down for it.

He sees his own journey of healing and self-actualization as worthy of his time, energy and focus.

In a conscious relationships, we want to inspire each other.

If we’re most influenced by the five people we spend the most time with, we want to be VERY uplifted by the person we spend THE most time with.

Sometimes when people try to make their argument for “monogamy being so lame” or whatever, because you’re WITH the same person for 20 or 30 years….

I say, look.

If you are both committed to lives of stagnation, then yes.

You will be with the SAME person for 30 years.

But if you are constantly growing and evolving, you most definitely are NOT the same people—even from year to year.

You are constantly transforming into new and different people and optimized versions of yourselves.

It’s the thinking person’s not quite poly but sorta kind is, but it’s actually conscious monogamy.


Fifth sexiest thing a man can do: Be a man with a plan.

Make a plan.

Dozens of them, even.

Plan a romantic sex weekend away.

Plan a dinner date.

Plan an adventure for the two of you.

Step up in your masculine energy and take the lead.

Women would rather you TELL them where you are going for dinner and when, than to ask them what they’d like to do and where they’d like to go.

Unless you make terrible choices and don’t pay attention to anything your partner ever says or does or likes, then assumedly what you pick will be something you know you’ll both love.

It’s a lovely gesture and display of you being in your masculine energy to take the decision-making OUT of her hands, and allow her to soften, let go and be led by you.

Led by a worthy man, we enjoy submitting.

Everything you do—in all of these qualities we’ve been talking about—is reinforcing to her—proving to her—that you are worthy of her submission.

All of your actions are constantly showing us that we CAN live here with you.

Or they aren’t.

Are you communicating “I’ve got this. I’ve got you. I’ve got your heart and vagina and all the cataclysmic, orgasmic places you want to throw at me.”

Or are you saying “I’m going to drop you and pull the rug out from under you at crucial moments when your heart is wide open and when you’re about to reach the deepest, most life-changing orgasm of your life, I just can’t handle it and I’ll bail.”

When women get squirrelly and restless and naggy it’s because they feel unloved and underfucked.

Loving and fucking a woman is about going deep with her into the netherworlds of her heart and pussy and being able to go the distance.

At her core, a woman truly wants to open, surrender and give it ALL to you.

We actually WANT to live in that place.

Where our openness to you, our trust in you, is so strong, so unwavering, that it constantly bolsters you up and gives you confidence and unflappability in your life.

And we receive the same when we can exist in this very open-hearted and open-legged place.

You can see that the common themes in all of these sexy things are:

  • Courage
  • Taking initiative
  • And stamina: emotional and sexual

These are all archetypal masculine qualities that the archetypal feminine in us responds to on a visceral, primal level.

You want to learn the art of seduction?

This is it.

Join the FREE Coming Together 7-Day Sex Cleanse

You’ve heard of juice cleanses and auric cleanses and all varieties of health detoxes.

Now you can do a Sex Cleanse.

With me!

Starting today, you and your beloved can embark on seven days of relationship renewal and sexual ignition.

Whether things have come to a complete standstill in the bedroom, or you are spending every night in orgasmic bliss, there’s something for everyone to up-level.

Each day, you’ll receive an email with an assignments to deepen into each other, sexually and emotionally.

Side effects of this Sex Cleanse may include:

~ Ejaculate-soaked bed sheets
~ Broken bed frames
~ Being fully rejuvenated by each other’s life force energy
~ Clearing of relationship blocks
~ Stronger stamina
~ Feelings of safety and security
~ Multi-orgasmic bliss
~ Sky-rocketing libidos

Signup today

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