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Stamina: The Most Important Sexual Skill for Men

“If you fall, I will catch you.”

“If you open yourself in wild, cataclysmic, fully-surrendered sexual ecstasy, I will hold you.”

“Give it to me. I can take it.”

If you have no stamina, you can’t even enter the ring.

75% of men ejaculate within 3-5 minutes.

For women to reach the deeper vaginal orgasms—G-Spot and cervical—it can take 30-45 minutes.

Women were built for the long haul.

They are naturally multi-orgasmic and sexually insatiable.

One of the main reasons they never realize their full potential is because they’ve had a series of male lovers who are two-pump chumps.

And so they give up on sex.

Maybe it’s not a conscious decision.

But when it comes to sex, they feel like they can take it or leave it.

Let’s take a moment to define STAMINA.

It’s when a man has complete control of his ejaculation.

He comes when he wants.

Even in the most sexy, wild circumstances, with his woman’s butt up in the air, and her back arched and she’s making those crazy noises that just. send you… you keep it together.

You hold the course.

In today’s episode we explore:

– Why to become a marathon fucker and to make building your stamina the most important focus you can have as a man.
– The impact on women and your relationship when you have no stamina
– Why two-pump chumps won’t ever bring a woman to vaginal orgasms: G-Spot and cervical
– How to turn your woman from a naggy, complaining “shrew” into your biggest support
– How your stamina in bed is connected to your ability to conquer challenges in life
– One word that can take you from a a two-pump chump to an eight-hours-a-night Sting

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Marathon stamina is one of the many things I teach in my signature 8-week online program for men:

Not only will you learn how you, too, can f**k like Sting, but you’ll learn how to:

  • Grow cock organically with lengthening and strengthening exercises
  • Be multi-orgasmic—both you and her
  • ?Bring her to the deeper, vaginal orgasms: G-Spot and cervical
  • Reclaim your masculine strength and power

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The VERY most important sexual skill a man can have is…


Everything rests on this.

It’s the quintessential expression of my number one mantra for men in relation to women:

“If you fall, I will catch you.”

“If you open yourself in wild, cataclysmic, fully-surrendered sexual ecstasy, I will hold you.”

“Give it to me. I can take it.”

If you have no stamina, you can’t even enter the ring.


75% of men ejaculate within 3-5 minutes.

For women to reach the deeper vaginal orgasms—G-Spot and cervical—it can take 30-45 minutes.

Women were built for the long haul.

They are naturally multi-orgasmic and sexually insatiable.

One of the main reasons they never realize their full potential is because they’ve had a series of male lovers who are two-pump chumps.

And so they give up on sex.

Maybe it’s not a conscious decision.

But when it comes to sex, they feel like they can take it or leave it.

Who wants to be the constant recipient of someone’s “pump dump and schlump” energy?

It’s demeaning.

So women start to avoid sex, especially with a partner who uses them like a cum rag.


Let’s take a moment to define STAMINA.

I’s when a man has complete control of his ejaculation.

He comes when he wants.

Even in the most sexy, wild circumstances, with his woman’s butt up in the air, and her back arched and she’s making those crazy noises that just. send you… you keep it together.

You hold the course.


This means that you don’t believe in the Come Fairy.

You don’t blame a magical being who flies in at those crazy moments and tinkles your cock with her magic wand and PUFFFFTTTT there you go.


YOU take responsibility and seize control of your sexual abilities.

So what does stamina look like?

And what does it look like?

It looks like my former 55-year old lover being able to make love to me all night.

For hours in doggie-style, slamming into the headboard, having several orgasms without ejaculation—10 in a night—and me having multiple cervical orgasms.

It looked like us being up most of the night having sex, and then at 6am him galloping off to work at his high-powered corporate job, coming back at night and us doing it all over again.

It looked like me being an extremely well-fucked, radiant, glowing, easy-going woman.

Who adored her man.


There’s also an emotional component to your stamina.

This means that you can have the tough conversations with your woman.

You don’t shy away from them and try to sweep things under the carpet. Or under the bed.

Because eventually that pea under the mattress becomes an entire pantry full of food that makes for a lumpy bed and a destroyed relationship.

The truth shall set you free.

So you tell it.

And you take it.

You bring issues to her, and when she brings them to you, you listen and then you take action.

But trust me.

If you are fucking her well enough, and long enough and regularly enough, your “issues” are going to be very minimal.


Here’s why to become a marathon fucker and to make building your stamina the most important focus you can have as a man.

1 – She’ll want to have sex with you.

Yeah. Seriously!

If you are coming in 5 minutes or even 15 minutes, your woman is severely underfucked.

And she will NOT be enjoying sex.

IN fact, she’ll likely be avoiding it.

She’ll have all kinds of excuse, like she “has no libido” or she’s “super tired because of… fill in the blank… kids, work, chores, it’s so late at night, it’s too early in the morning, it’s too hot in the middle of the day.”

The real reason?

You come too quickly.

When you fix this, and become a marathon fucker extraordinary and the man who can, she’ll be interested in having sex with you.

Why? Because you are actually interested in having sex with her, and not just getting off as quickly as you can.

2 – She’ll be able to reach vaginal orgasms, transforming her into a well-f**ked woman.

Vaginal orgasms are essential good-fuck medicine for her.

If your woman is only having clitoral orgasms, I guarantee that she is underfucked.

And if you are only having 5-15 minute sexual encounters, there is little to no chance she’s having vaginal orgasms.

Women subsisting on a steady diet of clitoral orgasms are sexually malnourished.

I talk about the deeper vaginal orgasms—G-Spot and cervical—as being essential good-fuck medicine for women.

If they aren’t having them, they are operating at a deficiency.

The clitoris is literally the tip of the iceberg—as in 10%—in terms of what is available for a woman.

All of the life-changing depth and transformation and ecstasy is inside her vagina.

These are the orgasms that take her from whiny, clingy, needy, frustrated, to sensual goddess.

But they need stamina.

They can take upwards of 30 minutes, 45 minutes or longer to get there.

3 – You will feel energized after sex.

You won’t need that nap.

The big barometric question I always ask people—especially men people— is, “does sex leave you feeling energized, rejuvenated, ecstatic, transformed and like it changed your life? If not, you are doing it wrong.”

The faster and more unconsciously you come, the more you deplete your energy.

If you prolong your arousal and “edge” at your climax, you’ll cultivate more dopamine, which is the feel-good, get-things-done neurotransmitter.

And you are recirculating more of your high-powered sexual energy through your system.

Instead of ejecting it out, you’ll bring it back into your system as a source of power and pleasure.

If you do choose to orgasm, you’ll have longer, stronger and more blissful orgasms.

Or, you might opt to orgasm without ejaculation, which is the best of all possible worlds and is something ALL men can learn how to do.

You can find out more on that in my Orgasms without Ejaculation podcast episode, as well as my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon.

4 – Your woman will be your #1 support.

With guys who come too quickly, I will almost guarantee that they all have something in common:

A naggy, bitchy, complaining wife.

I.e. a woman with severe FUKME; one who is very underfucked.

If you have habitually pulled the rug out from under your woman as you are having sex, meaning, you bail far before any kind of meaningful conclusion, she’s going to resent you.

She’s going to belittle and humiliate you in front of your friends.

She’s going to chip away at you so you get a sense of just how much it hurts when you bail on her in her time of need.

SHE likely doesn’t even know why she’s barking at you all the time.

She just knows that she resents you and will take some kind of perverse pleasure – since she isn’t getting any sexually – to strike out at you.

Hell hath no fury.

It’s one of the biggest insults you can give to her, when she’s starting to open herself sexually, and you abandon her.

This behaviour is not easily forgiven.

And frankly, it’s totally inexcusable.

Because you can change it.

YOU can gain complete control over it.

Every time you drop her, you are reinforcing the idea that when she falls, you can’t catch her.

And she can’t trust you.

Not with her heart.

Or her pussy.

THIS IS THE BIGGEST “WRONG” AND INJURY you can inflict upon your woman.

Why? Because the most important thing you can be conveying to your woman is that you ARE trustworthy.

You’ve got this.

And instead, every time you drop her, you are showing her the opposite:

She CANNOT trust you.

You are abandoning her. Perhaps day in and day out.

And I’m going to bet, that this isn’t the only place it happens.

I bet, that you are abandoning her all over the place.

Because if you can’t pull together and commit to being a man of power, a man of his word, and a man who can fulfill his woman, that lack of follow through will show up everywhere in your life.

Am I right????

And this brings us to point #5.

5 – Your stamina in the bedroom extends out into your daily life, building your stamina and endurance for pleasure, good things and challenges.

Your bed: “If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.”

What shows up in bed, shows up in life.

It’s a training ground.

If you can build incredible stamina, riding the edge for hours and hours (it’s okay, you can start gradually with making it an hour), you take that out into the world with you.

You train harder, you negotiate fiercer, you stand your ground.

You learn endurance.

And especially, endurance for pleasure.

How much can you take?

The amount of love and pleasure you can let in, stretches your capacity for it outside of the bedroom as well, priming you to receive more abundance in all ways.

From positive experiences, to synchronicities and being in the flow of life, to literal cash, everything up-levels.

Because you did.

So how do you get there?

What is the road to becoming an epic marathon fucker???

I’m in the middle of my How to Be a Well-F**ked Woman Salon right now.

A woman shared that her partner wanted to work on his stamina, and so in order to build some skill in that area, he began a self-pleasuring practice in the sauna several times a week.

Where he’d practice building to his edge, breathing, building and breathing so that he could sustain more and more pleasure.

He took it upon himself to do this work on him, and bring it to her.

You can work on this together.

But I loved his story because he took it to the next level of self-responsibility by fully owning it and deciding to conquer it.

Of his own accord.

And it can happen fast.

I have seen guys go from being five-minute fuckers to one-hour champions within a few practice sessions.

If they commit.


It’s the Anami Guarantee.


I’m going to give you the one-word answer to having killer stamina:


“Breathe, motherfucker!” As Wim Hof would say.

Most guys—and most people—as they approach orgasm, hold their breath, breathe really shallow and tighten up their bodies.

Instead, focus on opening, relaxing and breathing at your edge.

If you want a few more words and techniques on how to do it, check out my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon.

Marathon stamina is one of the many things I teach in my signature 8-week online program for men:

Not only will you learn how you, too, can fuck like Sting, but you’ll learn how to:

Grow cock organically with lengthening and strengthening exercises

Be multi-orgasmic—both you and her

Bring her to the deeper, vaginal orgasms: G-Spot and cervical

And reclaim your masculine strength and power

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