Podcast & Videos

juice up your life and love

1 21

Vaginal Kung Fu Webinar Jan 29th

I’m holding a webinar on the benefits of vaginal kung fu and information about the upcoming salon. 

– How to increase your libido
– Why Kegels don’t work
– How being connected to your vagina helps you to manifest and create in your life
– Why the internal, vaginal organs are the life-changing orgasms
– And much more!
– Plus, information all about the course that begins on February 5th.

Come one, come all!

**This webinar has come and gone, but you can access the replay:

Go to: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=64955550
Event password: Vagina

At about the 60-minute mark, my line cut out (tropical Bali storm and all…) and there is a long silence. I did get back on the call after about 5 minutes, but by this point I had already covered all the material in the salon, as well as answered the bulk of your questions (there were hundreds submitted!). So consider that point the end of the call!

Click here to sign up for the salon!


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