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Kim’s Health Hacks

My secrets!

Even though one of my biggest health hacks has to do with a deep and abiding love of eggplants, there are many other things I do, eat and rub all over me on a regular basis.

I’m constantly fielding questions like:

– How do you keep yourself so healthy?
– How do you have so much energy?
– How do you have the booty of a 20-year-old when you are in your forties?!!!
– What are your secrets?

In this video, I share my favourite tools for daily enlightenment.

And, most of them are free.

Watch the video now.


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14 thoughts on “Kim’s Health Hacks

  1. First of all…whoa…I have been looking to expand my tribe of healthy high vibration sisters, of course looking in your own backyard is the best place to start, and have no doubt found some there, but the magic of the Internet is able to take us outside of our backyard sphere. All your health hacks are perfect and exactly what you need to do, starting with putting yourself on your to-do list first. My calendar of appointments includes me. Anthony Williams is my go to for clean nutrition advice, and I read a lot of great people and researchers, have you noticed he never claims a label to what he teaches? I love that because it’s all just clean healthy food provided by nature. I’m in a monogamous relationship of 10 years to a beautiful soul who continues to grow with me, but I have felt we could do a lot better. The last couple of years of some hard soul growth work and excavation of lots of painful things that needed healing ( as individuals) have left us both a bit weary. So finding you is perfect, because nothing heals a couples soul like beautiful sex and intimacy. We stay connected that way at least once a week, which I know is our little souls way of saying to each other,” I still see you, I know you’re there.” But it’s time to dive deeper. I’m so grateful to have found you, and as I’ve dived deeper into your podcasts and videos grateful to find you are a deeply grounded person as well. My BS radar is high, and there is a lot of that out there. You are refreshingly real. What would you recommend as far as me ( or we ) getting started. Our little married souls right now are kind of like shy 16 year old virgins. It’s time for a change. ??

    1. Hi Tonya! Welcome, thank you for sharing and for the kind words.

      I love lots of free content out there in my podcasts and videos, so those are a great place to start.

      I take everything several levels deeper in my online salons, which run live throughout the year. You can check them out here:

      These are 8-week online programs on all things intimate. Sexual Mastery for Men is open right now, if you are keen! It’s geared for men, but most all of the “homeplay” assignments can be solo or in a couple. And then Vaginal Kung Fu runs in late January.

      Please email us if you have any questions!

  2. Yes, natural is a beautiful way forward! I’ve been loving celery juice every morning and doung the medical medium 28 day detox! I incorporate affirmations before the wifi goes on. Also love my jade egg practice and sunshine when possible!
    This is a good reminder to carve out some screen-less time, and to do my rebounding exercise before noon… thank you!

  3. I do the sun, meditation, exercising.. less screen time and no phone at lease for a 1 day… I hike where I am at, so no forest.. but nature .. love to visit the beach and keep my routine new.. I listen to my body.. I eat clean as well. I think loving your self is important and having friends that live like this is good too.

  4. Kim, you are awesome. I especially love it when you say “who fucking cares” to people who argue its not science. It’s powerful!

    1. Ha! Well, it becomes “science” when thousands of people keep doing it and have the same results!

  5. Dear Kim,
    Thanks for being so proactive for having a great sex-life. I am a man, but I think most men appreciate great enthusiasm for all things sex related. We are in our 60’s, and my wife and I have a wonderful sex life. In particular, she gets better and better with fellatio and literally brings me to my knees. The only downside is the better she gets, the longer the recovery period before I can get hard again. She usually sucks me off first, then I massage her and go down on her for about 1 hour. Sometimes I am ready to get inside her pussy at that point and sometimes not. My question is do you recommend any erection support drinks or supplements that are well documented to work. I would like thicker, harder erections that last a lot longer so I can satisfy her. She deserves everything that I can give her. Thanks for all you do. You are an inspiration!

    1. Going strong in your 60s! Fantastic!

      Check out my Sexual Mastery for Men playlist on my YouTube channel. I have plenty of power erection advice there!

  6. I do many of the things you suggest and I’ve looked young and radiant my whole life until the last year. I’ll need to try juicing celery more often. Ha! I’ve needed to fly across the country every week for over a year now. All the flying has done a number on my body and really aged me. I need to do this for another year. Any tips on how to reverse the aging flying does to our bodies? I drink lots of water, add electrolytes, wear compression socks, exercise before and after, eat very clean, get up twice during the flight, get rest on each coast, meditate, stay calm and with humor but the flying is still really wearing on me physically. Thanks for your ideas!

    1. Do you use any kind of EMF protection? The black tourmaline could be good to take with you in your carry-on bag. If you can get into the sun or ocean after flying, I find that balances me very quickly after long-haul flights. xx

      1. I’ll try the black tourmaline. Sadly, I cannot get into the ocean after flying. Sure wish I could! I do take an Epsom salt bath as soon as I get home. 🙂 Thanks, Kim!

  7. Love this video, Kim. It came just as I decided to clean up my life. xo
    Food is always my biggest question – I also go for organic, whole and non-GMO, but get confused with animal food, bone broth, fish and grains (Kichadi) – do you like raw unadulterated food? How about ghee, are you dairy free?

    I am so grateful for your brilliance. xoxo


    1. Hi Laura. Thanks!

      The only animal food I take in sometimes is fish. And only Alaskan salmon, as it’s some of the cleanest fish around at the moment. I don’t do dairy; I don’t think humans were meant to drink the milk of other animals. I can really feel it in my body as a foreign substance. But to each their own! I eat lots of raw fruit and veggies, fresh juices and nuts and beans too. Not big on grains.
