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Yoni Massage for Orgasms and Healing

Your vagina and your sexual energy are your power sources.

Yet, so many women are disconnected from the very things that will liberate them as humans, and give them the creative power to shape their lives. 


Your body is a continual reflection of your state of consciousness.

It wears the years of your experiences, and in the case of unresolved traumas, these are also held.

If they aren’t healed and released, they create energetic blockages that eventually show up as physical ailments like:

– Low libido
– Numbness
– Difficulty in orgasm
– Pain during sex
– Lack of lubrication
– Struggles with menstruation and menopause

And the list goes on.

Your vagina doesn’t just magically get a low libido.

It’s trying to tell you something.

It needs love, attention and healing.

Your reproductive organs store emotions and traumas connected  to sex and relationships.

If they are full of stuck energy, women will dissociate from their vaginas, breasts, uterus and this can often result in them actually being cut off.

You CAN heal yourself.

When you do, your yoni will be:

1) Magnetic. It will draw good things to you.

2) Your compass. It will lead you toward great things and good decisions.

3) A life saver. Your own and your partner’s.

4) Full of orgasms, especially vaginal ones—G-Spot, ejaculatory and cervical.

5) A creative source. Your best ideas will come from your vagina.

Mine do!

In this video, we’ll explore three ways to heal, awaken, activate and supercharge your vagina and have a magical, magnetic yoni.

Feeling Insatiable?

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