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2020 Gift Guide: For Him

I come bearing gifts. Our annual erotic gift guides.

Part 1: Click here For Her.
Part 2: For him.

More than ever, we want and love our manly men. Our focus in this year’s edition, is to pump up that testosterone that we love and want. Again. And again. Bring it, boys.


Orgasmic Gift Guide for Him

Hard Roots

For super potency in and out of the bedroom.



Couples Aphrodisia Massage Oil

For those extended, leisurely sex dates.



Bondage stand from BDSM architecture

Help him draw out his dominance and masculine strength.


Prostate Orgasms

Our legendary Shiva Wand for anal pleasure.


Erotic Inspo

Taschen New Erotic Photography Part 2



Masculine Adornments

Emerald and gold pendant. It is said there is nothing emerald cannot heal. Calms the mind and opens and activates the heart. Facilitates abundance. Gold, the stone of kings, draws out our true potential and gifts and is the male creator stone.



Lingam Love Oil

Massage oil for self-pleasure and anointing.



Testosterone Builders

Boxing gloves and punching bag.
$55 for punching bag


$80 for gloves


Silk Boxers

Like a lover’s caress.



Testosterone Protection

Blue light blocker glasses.



Testosterone Protection Part 2

Are you sensing a theme here? We love our manly men.
BluShield Cube new anti-5G version. Home EMF hormonal protection.


Testosterone Protection Part 3

We can’t say it enough. We love your masculine energy and want it intact. And erect. Bring it.
Cell Phone Radiation Case.



Sonos Arc Soundbar

For sex date playlists.



Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones

Workout companions.






Feeling Insatiable?

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