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F**k the Pain Away

You can use sex to help you to move through challenges and emotional and physical pain.

Sex can be used as an escape, to make you UNconscious.

Or, it can be used to bring you MORE conscious and elevate you and every part of your life.

We’re all about orgasmic enlightenment in these parts.

Sex is alchemy. It’s transformation.

Take your base parts and fuse them into gold.

In this episode:

  • How I f**ked my way out of a brutal breakup
  • Metabolizing stuck energy to lose weight
  • Conscious vs. unconscious sex
  • Science agrees: f**king your pain away is backed by “studies”
  • How I created one of my most signature pieces of work; via my vagina

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TRANSCRIPT: Fuck the Pain Away

Sex can be used as an escape, to make you UNconscious.

Or, it can be used to bring you MORE conscious and elevate you and every part of your life.

We’re all about orgasmic enlightenment in these parts.

Sex is alchemy.

It’s transformation.

It’s taking your base parts and fusing them into gold.

At least, *conscious* sex is these things.

In Anami Land, we’re aiming for the *conscious* use and channeling of our sexual energy.

All of the things I talk about—and what our Well-F**ked All Stars attest to—from recharging decades-old relationships, to losing tens of pounds body weight, aka “baggage”, to finding their true paths and vocation in life, to raking in boatloads of cash—are the result of learning how to tap into and consciously using the manifesting power of your sexual life-force energy.

Contrast this, to most people who simple eject this energy out into a wad of toilet paper.

Or they use sex as a way to escape—and literally and figuratively—put themselves to sleep.

You either use sex to make you MORE conscious and awake.

Or less conscious and checked out.

So yes, you could use sex to try and bury their pain in an unconscious way.

To run and hide from it and ignore it.


You could use sex to help you to move through challenges and emotional and physical pain.

By facing it head on.

Year ago, during what I’d say was the most painful breakup I ever had, I felt stuck.


Not only was I full of grief, but I was also in shock.

My body, my system, my being couldn’t comprehend what had just happened.

All of that stuck energy translated into literal weight that my body magically took on.

I say magically, because I didn’t eat more or exercise less.

This “weight” was simply all of my un-metabolized emotions that were frozen in time.

So what did I do to get out of it ?

I turned to the greatest catalyst I know:

Sexual energy.

I came up with a daily regimen where I would meditate—as I do anyway, I’ve had a daily meditation practice for thirty years, but this was in addition to that—and then I would go fuck myself.

And then I tasked myself to create something.

I was in the middle of a big writing project, so after the meditation and the cervical orgasms, I’d trot myself off to a coffee shop and sit down and get to it.

And thus, Meditate, Masturbate, Create was born.

I was diligent.

I committed to practicing every day.

I was dosing myself with my own medicine.

And it worked.

It took a few weeks of applying myself to the task at hand for the energy to start to shift.

The sense of being paralyzed lessened.

I softened. I could breathe.

I started to feel like myself again.

The pounds on my body began to dissolve.

And again, I wasn’t eating less or exercising more to “lose it”.

I was facing my metaphorical baggage and alchemizing it.

As I began to metabolize and digest it, my body transformed.

I found new levels of depth and inspiration in my writing.

I trusted the process that I could metamorphose all of this stuck-ness through sexual alchemy.

The creative power and life-force energy of the universe.

You can do this as a single, independent of any sexual partner, by harnessing your own sexual energy, as I did.

And of course, you can do it with a willing partner, where you amplify this power tenfold.

Because sexually speaking, 1 + 1 = 10,000

This is where you enter into the realm of the Anami Super Power couple.

When you are both consciously using this pro-creative power, you have harnessed the secrets of the universe.

You have tapped into the act of creation itself and the world is your… orgasm.

You can alchemize trauma. Pain. Old habits and patterns. Unconscious grooves. The “weight” of unresolved issues in your lives.

All of this is up for grabs.

Your sexual energy is the biggest healing and rejuvenating tool you have.

But let’s be very clear.

Jerking off to porn is not the way to access this power.

Busting one out for stress relief is not going to get you there.

Having three minutes of “tick the box we’re a couple so I guess we need to have some sex at the end of the night” is not going to bring it.

You’ll harness this power through clear and conscious intention, infused with an open heart and genitals, and deep, deep surrender.

THAT’S the path.

If you are blocked and closed and trying to come as fast as you can  to obliterate, rather than open your mind, you’ll bypass all of this power.

It will literally slip through your fingertips.

Don’t Fight It, Feel It

In the words of an old Primal Scream song, the way to catalyze these experiences is to go deeply into them.

For women, the pathway to their life-changing vaginal orgasms—G-Spot, squirting and especially cervical—is the fullest, most unequivocal surrender.

If you have emotions you are holding back and afraid to go into, you won’t get there.

That’s why I always say that women’s vaginal orgasms are one of their most powerful personal growth tools.

IF they have the courage to open up into them.

When you have a bigger emotional load, and a dam that NEEDS breaking, who ya gonna call???

Your cervix.

The alchemist of your vagina.

When that giant chasm opens up, demanding that you feel every ounce of your grief and pain and chaos and uncertainty, you step in.

Don’t fight it. Feel it.

In that instant, it swallows you whole.

And those feelings flood every cell of your body.

And you let them.

You might feel like you are drowning, and spinning in a washing machine of a huge wave, under the surface, not even sure which way is up.

If you are a surfer, you’ll appreciate that description.

But the answer is that you relax and stop fighting.

And you eventually float up to the surface.

The foam and the whitewash clear.

And you can see the light of the sky above you.

And you emerge reborn.


For men, the equivalent comes in building stamina.

You won’t change your life in three minutes.

But you might in 30. Or 45.

The longer you go, you open on deeper levels.

And let whatever is brewing within you rise to the surface to be released and alchemized.

Premature ejacualtion and shorter sex sessions are nothing more than an avoidance of intimacy and of your deepest self.

Of feelings buried beneath the surface.

And so beneath the surface we must go.

And you only do that by allowing the time for these things to unfold.

This is why the Anami 3-hour weekly sex date is a staple in my work.

So that you have the time and space for these things to rise to the surface and you can fuck your way through them.

Years, decades, lifetimes of baggage can be alchemized in your bed and through your deeper orgasms.

Science Says!

Your biology wants you to fuck your pain away too.


  • When you have period sex, the prostaglandins that cause your cramps are negated by the oxytocin released at orgasm. So when you are feeling crampy, have an orgasm. It will wash the pain away.
  • Overall, your pain levels can go down a WHOPPING 70% after sexual activity. Have a headache? Don’t avoid sex. RUN to bed.

One study found that 70% of women had moderate to complete relief of their migraine headache after sex.

You also massively boost all of your positive-mood chemicals through the ascent and peak of orgasm.

Dopamine. Serotonin. Oxytocin. Endorphins.

You’ll dramatically reduce cortisol levels through touch, connection and trust building as you boost oxytocin.

And you are flooded with it at orgasm, which wipes out your cortisol.

Within our Well-F**ked All Star community, we’ve had stories of epic healing.

  • Endometriosis cured
  • Cysts disappearing on the throat and genitals
  • Difficult periods, PMS and challenging menopause: gone
  • Dramatic weight loss
  • Chronic ailments like yeast and other infections
  • Auto-immune issues gone
  • Depression gone
  • Gut issues gone
  • Facial lines smoothing out—no more Botox and a natural face lift

I assert that ALL reproductive ailments are the result of STUCK sexual energy.

And many non-reproductive ones too.

Since your sexual energy is the heart and soul of your life force, once you kick start it back into gear, miracles happen.

So get busy and start f**king that pain away.

If you’d like the step by step formula for my Meditate Masturbate Create sequence, which also works as Meditate, Make LOVE Create, which shows you exactly HOW to harness your sexual energy, go to the show notes for this episode and you’ll find the direct link to take you there.

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