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juice up your life and love

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Supercock Superpowers

Wield them wisely and wildly.

Cock is magical thing.

It’s healing, rejuvenating, recalibrating and it opens me up to life, bliss and the divine.

The best cock activates a pussy, setting it on fire so it can realize its true potential.

It functions as a barometer for the man and how he is showing up in his life.

Is he potent, solid and strong?

Then his erections will be as well.

I spoke in last week’s episode about the necessity of a man being able to f**k his woman into oblivion.

You do that with your Supercock.

A Supercock, as opposed to a regular ole’ cock, has realized its true nature and owns its power.

And wields it wisely.

And wildly.

In today’s episode on Supercock Superpowers I chat with Well-F**ked All Star Max on:

– Six qualities a Supercock has
– How to create your dream life—with your cock
– Using your cock as a healer
– Your cock as the great antenna to “point you in the right direction”
– Ejecting your sexual energy vs. using it to create with

Two of my favourite quotes from this interview:

“The old me would reach for a Red Bull. Now I reach for my cock.”


“If you have a goal and you want to reach it—sexuality is the way. It is the primary fuel. It is the primary building block. When you lead the way with the cock, things just fall into place.”

Spoken like a true Supercock.

Listen to the episode now:

Or download and listen on the go: 

Everyone can reach these places. If you put in the time and energy.

It’s the Anami Guarantee:

That’s why I’ve created all of my salons—to get you there.


The Sexual Mastery for Men Salon is open!

This 8-week virtual salon is all about harnessing male sexual power and rocking her world.

The salon covers all things sexual mastery:

  • Foreplay
  • How to last for hours…
  • Testosterone boosting
  • Cock lengthening and strengthening exercises
  • How to give your woman G-Spot and cervical vaginal orgasms
  • Cockfidence: inhabiting your cock and your masculine alpha self.
    and even sex acts that will boost your business.

You have weekly videos full of techniques and my well-f**ked secrets, homeplay for singles and couples and weekly live Q&A coaching calls with me! Plus, you have lifetime access to the course.

Register today.

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