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Anami Guarantee: All Men Can Orgasm without Ejaculation

An essential life skill of a Supercock is having total control over his ejaculation.
He is a marathon f**ker who can go for hours if he chooses to.

Being a man who knows how to separate orgasm from ejaculation?

THIS is probably the ultimate Supercock achievement.

Yes, it’s totally possible.

The Anami Guarantee states that:

All men can have rock solid erections into their 90’s, master their orgasmic control and be able to go for an hour, three hours and all night if they wish.

And. All men can learn to separate orgasm from ejaculation.

I guarantee it.

This is something I teach in my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon.

In today’s All Star interview, we’re speaking with Steve.

Steve mastered this practice in two weeks. 

In today’s episode:

  • Why does it matter? Ancient Taoist and Tantric wisdom, NoFap and “Don’t have sex before the big game!” all add up to something.
  • How to feel energized after sex rather than needing a nap.
  • Steve talks about going from coming after 10 minutes of penetration to now having multiple orgasms, being able to have 10 to 15 orgasms in a row, and separating orgasms from ejaculation.
  • Short sessions are now an hour and longer ones are 3+ hours on the weekends.

Listen to the episode now:

Or download and listen on the go: 

Everyone can reach these places. If you put in the time and energy.

It’s the Anami Guarantee.

That’s why I’ve created all of my salons—to get you there.

In my signature 8-week online salon Sexual Mastery for MEN, you can learn how to:

  • Achieve superstar stamina and be a marathon f**ker.
  • Learn to separate orgasm from ejaculation
  • Take that sexual creative power and manifest in your life with it
  • Give your woman multiple G-Spot, cervical and squirting orgasms
  • Build a Supercock with exercises to increase strength, length and girth
  • Occupy your alpha, dominant masculine power and take charge in bed and in life
  • And much, much more!

You have weekly videos full of techniques and my well-f**ked secrets, homeplay for singles and couples and weekly live Q&A coaching calls with me! Plus, you have lifetime access to the course.

For the free preview videos you can watch, and my “7 Days to Supercock” series with exercises you can practice TONIGHT to build stamina, signup at Sexual Mastery for Men.


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TRANSCRIPT: The Anami Guarantee: Every Man Can Orgasm without Ejaculation

There are all kinds of Superpowers that Supercocks have.

Last week we heard from Max and how he taps his sexual energy via his cock and uses it consciously to create his worlds.

Another essential life skill of a Supercock is having total control over his ejaculation.

He is a marathon fucker who can go for hours if he chooses to.

And this right here is imperative to be able to bring his woman to the deeper, life-changing vaginal orgasms.

Most women need extended penetration of at least 45 minutes to get to G-Spot and cervical orgasms – the true food and medicine of a well-fucked woman.

So these means that a man needs to be able to ride the most exquisite edge of pleasure and hold on.

Stamina is THE most important sexual skill that a man can cultivate.

It’s so important because it reinforces to the woman that it’s safe for her to let go.

She can drop her guard, dive into wild emotional and sexual abandon and he is there for her.

When men continually rip the rug out from under their woman who is getting close to orgasm, by coming too quickly and before she’s arrived, she’ll learn that she can’t trust him.

Eventually she’ll stop having sex with him and say she’s just “so tired from the kids” or “has a low libido” or any number of bullshit excuses that all mean the same thing:

I’m tired of you using my vagina as a receptacle for your stress and agitation and I’m not doing it anymore.

She may not even be conscious that’s what she’s done.

But that’s what she’s done.

What does beyond stamina look like?

Being a man who knows how to separate orgasm from ejaculation.

THIS is probably the ultimate Supercock achievement.

Yes, it’s totally possible.

What it means is that a man can have an internal orgasm in which he has all the pleasure and MUCH MORE, than his regular orgasm, BUT…

He does not emit any fluid.

The ancient Taoist and Tantric writings have spoken about the depleting effects of male ejaculation.

I’m sure you’ve seen and experienced it yourself, more times than you’d like to count:

Man comes.

Man passes out.

Game over.

The Taoists believe that the vital fluids of a man are so powerful and take so  much energy to create, that by ejecting them out of the body constantly—as some men do—it impacts the man’s health and well being to an extreme degree.

In the short-term, it’s meant to cause everything from disrupting concentration and motivation, to longer-term issues causing an overall weakening of the man’s constitution.

The best of all worlds is learning how to orgasm without ejaculation.

  • You can go as long as you—and your woman—wants
  • She’ll more easily reach the deeper, vaginal orgasms
  • YOU will have even bigger, more powerful and pleasurable orgasms
  • You’ll feel energized rather than exhausted after sex
  • You’ll be building your health and vitality rather than constantly depleting it.

Even in modern times, we have the “Don’t have sex before the big game” advice and the NoFap movement.

Clearly, we all recognize that excessive and even frequent and potentially EVERY ejaculation can have a diminishing effect on men.

The Anami Guarantee: All Men Can.

You’ve likely heard me speak about the Anami Guarantee.

It states: all people, all orgasms.

It’s the guarantee that all people can be superstar lovers.

All women can have high libidos, multiple, vaginal, G-Spot, cervical and squirting  orgasms.

All women can shoot ping pong balls across the room.

All men can have rock solid erections into their 90’s, master their orgasmic control and be able to go for an hour, three hours and all night if they wish.

And. All men can learn to separate orgasm from ejaculation.

I guarantee it.

This is something I teach in my Sexual Mastery for Men a.

In today’s All Star interview, we’re speaking with Steve.

Steve mastered this practice in two weeks.

He also went from:

  • Having sex once a month to having sex 2-3 times a week
  • Coming after 10 minutes of penetration to now having multiple orgasms, being able to have 10 to 15 orgasms in a row, and separating orgasms from ejaculation
  • Short sessions are now an hour and longer ones are 3+ hours on the weekends
  • Sex and orgasms that were draining to now being energizing
  • His newly well-f**ked and vaginal-orgasm-having woman is seeing the results spread out to every area of their lives: She just left her soul-sucking job and doubled her salary “doing something she enjoys and would probably do for free and is getting paid a lot of money to do it”.

Says Steve:

“I feel so solid in this relationship. I feel like I can take on the world as long as she’s holding my hand. As long as I have the love that I need, I’m invincible. I can do anything.”

Including orgasm without ejaculation.


KIM: Welcome, Steve! It’s amazing to have you here.

STEVE: Hey, Kim. Thanks for having me.

KIM: So you’ve gone from being a guy who was coming after 10 minutes of penetration to now having multiple orgasms, being able to have 10 to 15 orgasms in a row, and separating orgasms from ejaculation. And you mastered that in a couple of weeks.

Tell us about your transformation. Where were you as a man sexually? Where was your relationship, and then how did things evolve?

STEVE: I thought I was doing very well in the bedroom. Our sex was amazing when it happened. We were probably having sex about once a month, which was not nearly enough for me, but when we did, it was great. We would both orgasm every time; I thought I was the man.

Then, taking your class to improve our sex life, we learned how much more was possible. We’ve gotten to a place now where we’re having sex two, three times a week. Our short ones are maybe an hour long during the week. Our longer sessions are three-plus hours on a weekend.

You taught in one of the courses that a man can separate ejaculation from orgasm and can have multiple orgasms throughout a session, thereby lasting much longer, and I immediately decided it was a skill that I needed to have.

KIM: Yeah! The very essential life skill for men.

STEVE: Yeah. I didn’t even know that was possible. I said, “If that’s possible, I need that.” Within two weeks of doing the exercises every single day, I figured it out.

It was very hard at first. But just slowing down and breathing, doing the exercise, I was able to separate orgasming from ejaculating, and I could do it over and over again as many times as I wanted.

It’s much easier solo than partnered. Still working on separating it out partnered when it’s much more fun, it’s much more exciting. My mind is on her pleasure, as well as my own. But it’s fun trying.

STEVE: The first few times that I tried having an orgasm without ejaculation, kind of holding back, those orgasms were kind of lame. They were weak. I said, “Oh, this isn’t great. If this is all I’m looking at, this is not wonderful.”

KIM: But you trusted the teacher, and you kept going.

STEVE: I trusted the teacher, and as I got better at it—and it only took me a couple of weeks—each of those orgasms got stronger and stronger, to the point where they are now stronger than my usual ejaculatory orgasm. Now, even when I have an ejaculatory orgasm, I’m expecting this big, explosive release of orgasm and it’s kind of a let-down compared to what I’m used to when I don’t ejaculate.

I almost feel like I’ve lost when I do ejaculate because I think, “Oh, that was kind of lame.” Because these non-ejaculatory orgasms build and build, the seventh one and the eighth one and the ninth one; they’re just so strong. They’re fantastic.

I still do ejaculate for my wife when she wants me to, or if I just lose control, but it still feels better when I’m able to hold it back and retain that.

KIM: [Laughs] I love that you set your mind to that because I think that a lot of guys are very attached to the way their orgasm looks and are wary of not having an ejaculation. It’s even hard for them to wrap their heads around if that would be pleasurable. Kind of like, “How is it even possible to have an orgasm without ejaculation, and wouldn’t that be a lessening of pleasure?”

What motivated you? What did you hear that gave you the motivation to say, “I am going to do this”? Because like I said, most guys have some kind of block, at least initially, of thinking, “Oh, it couldn’t be better.”

STEVE: Well, when we’re having sex, I’m of the mind that she comes first or we come together, and that’s it. And she comes every single time, so I thought I was really good at this, because I was being a gentleman.

KIM: Great philosophy and great life mantra, yeah.

STEVE: And if I came first by accident, I stayed on it until she finished. Either with my hands or my mouth or somehow. So she never left unsatisfied, and I thought I was doing well.

Then, during the courses, I figured out that there was more there. Then I could see it in the bedroom, even after she came; we’d still be going, and I could tell something else was building. I would finish, and I wouldn’t quite reach it. I would ask my wife, “Was there something more coming?” And she’d say, “No, I finished. I was done.” I would say, “No, there was more there. We just couldn’t get there.”

She tried convincing me that she was satisfied, and I said, “No, there’s another level, another step. You are approaching something, and I’m letting you down.” And she said I wasn’t letting her down at all, but I insisted, “Well, I feel like I’m letting you down. I want to last longer and see what’s further down that road.”

KIM: It’s so beautiful that you could feel that intuitively, that territory of the deeper, vaginal, life-changing orgasms, which require a certain amount of stamina. At least initially, as she’s establishing herself in this new terrain, you need a good 45-plus minutes to get there.

And you’re right. I say that if women are only having clitoral orgasms, they will be under-fucked [laughs], because the level of fulfillment and transformation that they get in the deeper orgasms—the clitoral ones don’t hold a candle to that. They’re more like a bit of a stress relief or a pressure valve taken off, rather than changing your life and making you into a better person.

I love that you intuited that there was another level to go, and you could feel it. And then she listened to the common narrative of, “Oh, there’s just one type of orgasm for women, and you’re kind of lucky if you get one at all, so be grateful.”

Not that that was her mindset, but I’d say that’s the narrative out there for women. She was quite lucky to have you as a partner who said “We’re not done until you’re done.” That’s already a very amazing high bar to have, but then I love that you also said, “No, I can sense there’s more for us to get to, and I’m going to help get you there. And I’m going to do my part, which is to be able to have this very solid stamina that will enable you to go there.”

I really love everything you said, especially as this illustration of the man showing up and doing his part to walk into these places together. These deeper, transformational places.

STEVE: Yeah. And it’s funny what you said about the clitoral orgasm because she can orgasm via her clit if I’m going down on her, using my hands, anything. Typically her orgasms are a combination of clitoral and G-spot, so we stimulate both at the same time. Then she’ll come, but then it leaves her drained for a week or two weeks, and so we weren’t having sex all that often because it was such a draining event. It took a while for her to refill with any sort of desire or need or libido. Then we would do it again, and she would feel drained again. It was really inhibiting our sex life, the fact that she was only having these highly clitoral orgasms.

And then, of course, taking the course, we learned that there was so much more and that those orgasms were energizing instead of depleting. I said, “We need that too. Sex should not be draining.”

KIM: The thing that most people would default to would be more draining and, “Let’s use orgasms to go to sleep,” rather than, “Let’s use orgasms to energize us and revitalize us and channel creative energy into all parts of our lives.”

STEVE: She’s had other kinds of orgasms before. She’s had a nipple-gasm and an anal-gasm and things like that, but they were almost by accident, and we couldn’t repeat them. There were a couple of times that she’d had multiple orgasms, but we didn’t know how it happened, and we couldn’t repeat it at will.

Then on one of the calls, someone asked a question, and you answered it beautifully. He was saying that they would have sex, and his wife would feel like as soon as she orgasmed, she was hypersensitive and just shut down; she couldn’t go anymore and that was it, so she was only getting one orgasm. And you said to only use the clit up to about 80% and then finish inside the vagina.

KIM: Right.

STEVE: We tried that, and it was amazing. We spent three hours.

We can do that anytime we want now. We can have just one orgasm if we want, or we can go forever and have as many as we want, because we know how.

KIM: That’s beautiful. I love that. Because the clitoris, like I say to people, is a great warm-up; it’s just not the main event. If you’re making it the main event, you’re stopping way before the actual full show starts.

All the good stuff is in the vagina, so use it as a springboard; just don’t use it as the end game. I love that you do that. Amazing.

You’ve got longer stamina; you’re having these much longer sex dates; you’re having sex frequently; you’re having hour-long-minimum sex dates and a weekly three-hour sex date. What is that doing for your relationship?

When you were just having sex monthly and doing these shorter, “Okay, she got off, I got off, we’re good” sessions, what did you notice happening in your relationship when that changed?

STEVE: Beforehand, our relationship was pretty strained around just the intimacy. Everything else was perfectly fine.

KIM: Intimacy meaning sex or intimacy meaning emotional connection?

STEVE: No. Just sex. Emotionally, we’re on the same page; we care very much about each other; we’re best friends. We run the household beautifully; we take care of the kids beautifully. Everything else was fine, except we felt like we were just buddies, except for once a month, we’d be lovers again.

KIM: But you said that things were great sexually, but you weren’t having much of it.

STEVE: Right. It was great once a month. The rest of the month, she was so depleted, she couldn’t go again, and I was ready to go again within a day, and then starving.

It was very difficult, which led us to you. Now, it has rekindled our love in a way that I couldn’t even imagine. You said before that when you’re both well-fucked, there’s no space in the relationship for a wandering eye, and it’s so true. I feel more in love with her than that new love feeling you get when you just meet somebody. The butterflies in the stomach—I feel more of that now than I probably even did at the beginning.

I feel so solid in this relationship. I feel like I can take on the world as long as she’s holding my hand. As long as I have the love that I need, I’m invincible. I can do anything. When that part of the relationship was lacking, I didn’t feel that strength, that confidence, out in the world.

Now that that is back, I can be me again. I’m out in the world, taking over, and it feels amazing. I feel so strong here at home.

KIM: That’s awesome. How would you say your ability to go longer and have much more conscious control of your orgasm has supported her both sexually and emotionally?

STEVE: I don’t think she even knew what she was missing, honestly. She felt everything was perfect beforehand, and now that I can last, it’s bringing her to all-new levels of orgasm, as many as she wants. I usually ask her, “Have you had enough, or do we keep going?” before I even think about finishing.

And I think she feels much more supported and much more confident because even the quality of her orgasms—just a week ago, she had her first cervical orgasm, and it was amazing. It was one after the other, after the other. I would give her a break to breathe for a second, and I would hit the same spot and there would be another one. I was still thrusting and we were both laughing. We were just having fun. It was amazing.

KIM: When your woman is well-fucked, how does her energy shift in the way she interacts with you outside of the bedroom?

STEVE: She is much happier. If we’ve gone a few days, she’s grumpy and I can tell. She’ll be in the kitchen and will slam some pots together or something like that. Or if one of the kids forgets to do the chores, she’ll be bitching about, “Nobody took out the trash, and nobody vacuumed.” Just being grumpy. I’ll say, “We need some time, don’t we?” I can see what’s happening.

When she’s not being fucked, she has a very short fuse. And when she is well-fucked, the whole house just runs smoother.

KIM: Good. The glory and power of a well-fucked woman. Then how did that also manifest with her? You said that she noticed some shifts in her own career change and outer life. I talk about when a person is really connected to their sexual energy and is harnessing it in a deep way, they’ll start to see all these organic changes in their life. By having these deeper vaginal orgasms and being well-fucked, they really tune into that energy. What I mean by organic is that they just kind of happen. You’re not thinking, “I need to change this; I need to change that.” You just start making choices and expressing yourself out in the world in ways that your life begins to change. But it’s not from a mental place; you’re just in the flow. You’re in this visceral, intuitive place, making better, more aligned choices in your life.

So what happened with her?

STEVE: She has been miserable in her job for years, and her résumé has been out there, and she just hasn’t found whatever is next, whatever is right. It drains her soul every day to the point where it’s even a drain on our relationship, where she’s just so fatigued from doing that job that it’s hard to connect sometimes at the end of the day. She’s just so tired from doing a job that goes against her beliefs, against her soul, against all of it.

Maybe two or three weeks ago, she stumbled onto something that just fell into her lap.

KIM: Her lap attracted it.

STEVE: Yeah. That’s really how it happened, and it happened all of a sudden. She is going to be starting her own business very shortly. Probably doubling her salary and doing something that she is both very, very good at and enjoys doing, and she would probably do it for free, but she’s going to get paid a lot of money to do it.

It just fell on her out of nowhere.

KIM: That’s awesome. That is really epic.

KIM: The other thing I wanted to mention is that you mastered the orgasms without ejaculation in two weeks.

STEVE: Yeah. I put in the work. It was a skill that I wanted, and when we were taking the course and it came to our contract and setting up our goals, I think my three-month goal was to achieve that skill. So whatever it took, I wanted to be able to have multiple orgasms. I wanted to last for an hour, for two hours, for however long I could last, so that I could get her to where she needed to be so I could enjoy it. I mean, no one wants to have sex for three minutes and be done. The game’s over! I want to be able to last and to go from position to position. You want to have some fun. To do that, you’ve got to last. So this is a skill I needed to have.

I started doing the exercises every single day. I was self-pleasuring for about an hour every morning, probably longer on the weekend. At first it was hard, and I’d get one or two, and then I would fail. Then the next day, I would get three or four, and then I would lose it and fail. It started getting easier and easier to orgasm without ejaculating. Then it got to the point where I could do it and then bring myself up and do it again 10–15 times in an hour-long session. Could’ve been more, but my arm got tired. Or I’d just have to get out of bed because I had things that I needed to do.

Very, very achievable solo, and yeah, that was just within two weeks. With a partner, definitely harder, because that takes teamwork. “When I say stop, if we don’t stop, then it’s over because you’re usually just one stroke away from the edge.” But we’re working on that, and I really, really love practicing with her, so it’s a good skill.

KIM: Yeah. Fantastic. That’s all so awesome. Is there anything else that you think would be inspiring to share about your journey and progress together and any words of wisdom you’d share with any pre-well-fucked men?

STEVE: I can’t express how much taking just the course has done for us. I mean, our relationship was pretty shaky, just because of the sex issue, and bringing us both together onto the same page has more than fixed what I thought was the problem and then given us so much further room that we can go. It’s been amazing. So I’d recommend that to everybody.

I hope my kids eventually get there and can take this course. It’s just done so much for us. I have all these skills now and I want to make them better; I want to know what else is out there, just to get my wife to those places. Because there are orgasms that she hasn’t had yet and things that we want to do, and the more well-fucked we both are, the more magic is going to come into our lives.

KIM: Yes, exactly. You said, “Okay, these parts of our relationship were good, but the sex wasn’t.” I think it’s easy for people because of the way sex is framed in our culture. Well, it’s ironic, because it sells everything, and it’s the focus of everything, yet it’s considered kind of an insignificant part of a relationship. It’s easy to say, “Well, all these things were epic, but the sex wasn’t so good,” rather than realizing it’s the core connection and the core generator and the engine of the relationship and your family and your lives. When that isn’t running well, it reverberates with all of these negative effects that show up everywhere, in careers, in children, in bodies, and in weight and health issues.

Then when we get that engine really solid and running smoothly, it becomes this power source that fuels everything, and everything gets uplifted and revitalized and even reformed. Her work situation is a beautiful example of that.

It can be easy to throw that over into a corner and ignore it, but I love that you recognize that you wanted to shift that and then really dove into the work and committed yourself and had these really epic, very quick results.

STEVE: It’s been awesome, and I can’t wait to see how much further we can take it. We had a session the other day where we must have done at least an hour of oral each on each other before we got down to actual penetrative sex, and it was amazing.

The other night we had one session where I told her to straddle my face. I said, “I want you to just ride my face for a while.” And I was hoping she would be facing upward so I could look up at her breasts and just see her face. But no, she got on facing 69, and I said, “Oh, that’s the way you’re going?” And she said, “Well, yeah.” Then she started going down on me, so I thought I was just going to be giving to her. She wanted to go down on me as well. She got so into it; I don’t even think she felt what I was doing to her. She was just completely focused on her game.

So many things have gotten so much better. I can’t thank you enough, Kim.

KIM: I’m so glad to hear it. It’s lovely and inspiring, your focus and determination to really devote yourself to these things. And then the end game, “Well, here we are; we elevated everything.”

It’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with everybody.

STEVE: Thank you for everything you’ve done for us. I look forward to taking more classes.


In my signature 8-week online salon Sexual Mastery for MEN, you can learn how to:

  • Achieve superstar stamina and be a marathon f**ker.
  • Learn to separate orgasm from ejaculation
  • Take that sexual creative power and manifest in your life with it
  • Give your woman multiple G-Spot, cervical and squirting orgasms
  • Build a Supercock with exercises to increase strength, length and girth
  • Occupy your alpha, dominant masculine power and take charge in bed and in life

And much, much more!

Registration is open now.

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