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10 Reasons to Lift Weights with Your Penis

You didn’t think genital weight lifting was just for women, did you?

Nah. We don’t get to have all the fun.

The thing I am most famous for amongst all my exploits, is traveling around the world, lifting objects indigenous to various regions, with my vagina.

Lifting furniture and household objects, shooting ping pong balls and giving vaginal handjobs.

A vagina is meant to have the same kind of control as your individual fingers – isolating and squeezing and pulsing in different areas in directions.

Yes, this is possible for all women and all vaginas.

The same is true for cocks.

All of the same kinds of feats of strength and endurance are available to the male member as well.

So why would a man want to do this?

In this episode:

  • 11 reasons to lift weights with your penis
  • Does every man need to pull seven cars and a helicopter with his genitals? It’s bene done. It’s a thing.
  • How a weight-lifting regimen leads to self-actualized cock
  • Explosive orgasms from stronger genitals
  • Owning and loving your cock
  • How to give a handjob, With your cock.

I teach you a full cock weight-lifting routine in my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon.

This is an essential life skill for all men: creating your supersized, super-strengthened, marathon cock.

Your divining rod in bed and in life.

I teach you a full cock weight-lifting routine in my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon.

This is an essential life skill for all men: creating your supersized, super-strengthened, marathon cock.

Your divining rod in bed and in life.

In this 8-week online salon for men, you’ll learn:

  • A penile weight-lifting routine
  • Cock lengthening and strengthening exercises
  • Testicle massage to boost testosterone production
  • How to open your woman through powerful communication techniques, foreplay and secrets to feminine surrender
  • How to seduce her with your oral, manual and sexual techniques to bring her to life-changing orgasms and transform her into an insatiable sex monster
  • Finding your power and confidence as a divine masculine man in bed, your vocation and every part of your life

For the free preview videos you can watch, and my “7 Days to Supercock” series with exercises you can practice TONIGHT to build stamina, signup at Sexual Mastery for Men.

Feeling Insatiable?

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TRANSCRIPT: 10 Reasons to Lift Weights with Your Penis

You didn’t think genital weight lifting was just for women, did you?

Nah. We don’t get to have all the fun.

The thing I am most famous for amongst all my exploits, is traveling around the world, lifting objects indigenous to various regions, with my vagina.

All in the name of showing people what’s possible—and how the normal, healthy baseline for all vaginas ought to be shooting ping pong balls—me and my vagina have lifted:

  • Mangos, green coconuts and pineapples in Bali
  • An Oscar on Hollywood Blvd
  • Murano glass chandeliers in Italy
  • And a piece of the Berlin Wall at the Berlin Wall in Germany, which  has since to forth now referred to as “The Great Wall of Vagina”!

Because yes, that’s how strong, articulate and multi-dextrous a vagina is meant to be:

Lifting furniture and household objects, shooting ping pong balls and giving vaginal handjobs.

A vagina is meant to have the same kind of control as your individual fingers—isolating and squeezing and pulsing in different areas and directions.

Yes, this is possible for all women and all vaginas.

And now we turn our attention to the Mighty Cock.

I often get asked, “What is the male equivalent to vaginal weight lifting? Do guys stick a jade egg up their ass?!”

Nah, that’s not how it works.

Men work on strengthening the cock and testicles and lifting weights with them.

Not their assholes.

But yes, all of the same kinds of feats of strength and endurance are available to the male member as well.

In fact, there are news stories out of China and Taiwan, of qi gong masters who practice a sect of martial arts which imparts a super human strength and hardness to any part of the body, including the cock.

Says Taoist master Tu Chin-sheng,

“I encourage men (and women) to explore this practice. Its potential as preventive medicine and physical fitness development is outstanding. The human genitals are reservoirs of extraordinary power and this practice has the key to access it.”

There is video footage of a man pulling seven cars and a helicopter with his genitals.

And since we all ought to dream big, Tu is trying to organize a group of his students to fulfill his lifelong dream of towing a 180-tonne Boeing 747.

“If we can’t get a 747,” says Tu, “we’ll try to pull a military plane at Sungshan Airport,” he said. “And if we can’t get that, we’ll pull a tractor trailer bed holding 500 people.”

Some men practice smaller, more humble acts of strength which include suspending a grown woman from a rooftop from their cocks.

I know I guy who does this.

And while the examples of moving 200 tonnes of steel may not be the life goal of every dude—or even remotely necessary for his well being—having a baseline of genital power IS essential for a man’s sexual and overall heath and mental fortitude.

So why would a man want to do this?

Why would a man want to lift dumbbells and chainsaws with his cock? (I’ve lifted a chainsaw, btw.)

Because he can.

And, not *just* because he can, here are 11 other reasons why.

  1. Better stamina (bye bye Premature Ejaculation)

The number one technique for stamina building is breathing, which I teach in my salons.

Number two is having a strong cock and PC muscle.

You’ll have more conscious control and self-awareness with your pumped up kick.

And masterful control is where it’s at for a Supercock.

    2. Helps eliminate ED.

ED doesn’t stand a chance against a Supercock.

ED can be a combination of a number of things.

ED can be the canary in the coal mine for heart disease, and it’s certainly a direct result of over-ejaculation through dopamine depletion in excessive porn use.

Strengthening the cock makes it more resilient to the point where it can’t falter.

A big reason for ED is when a man refuses to occupy his cock and his masculinity.

He’s afraid of his own power.

So how do we remedy that?

We make him even more powerful. Starting with his cock. And then energy his flows flows up, out and into the world.

3. Increases pleasure and libido.

With your supercharged cock, you’ll feel more.. because you’ll feel more. Your increased sensitivity will up your libido.

Just like vaginas, most cocks are numb.

Especially circumcized ones.

And if you don’t thinks yours is, I’ll ask you to consider that your cock’s feeling potential is actually 10-100 times what it is right now.

You can unleash all of that extra sensation through modalities like lingam massage, and also through strengthening and lengthening exercises to grow into your full power.

And pleasure.

4. More powerful orgasms for you.

Once you wake up your cock’s potential, its capacity for pleasure will expand tenfold.

Volcanic orgasms that erupt from the depths of your being.

Multi-dimensional, mind, body spirit-gasms that you access, once you can tune into and activate all the different areas of your cock and testicles, through engaging all their muscle strength.

5. More powerful orgasms for her.

Having a powerful conscious cock allows you to penetrate your woman more deeply and fully.

You’ll be able to activate her in all kinds of ways you may not have before.

You can move and shake and groove that thing and pulse and vibrate areas of her vagina that were off limits before.

You’ll be able to power thrust and bring on her cervical orgasms—which required sustained, intense penetration.

Since the vagina—and the cock—is loaded with acupressure points, you’ll be giving each other the ecstatic treatment of a lifetime.

6. Bigger cock

Building strength will also increase your size. You can gain length and girth through strengthening exercises and lifting weights.

7. Eliminate urinary incontinences issues.

Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles will reverse and prevent any kind of leakage now or in the future.

8. You can tow airplanes and helicopters with it.


In the world of anything is possible, and all matter is able to be manipulated and shaped and everything is energy and if we tap into THE most powerful energy in the world, and learn how to consciously channel it, as I’m always saying, then YES. this is possible.

You guys have all heard of my Movers and Shakers Vaginal Weight Lifting moving company, yes?

If you haven’t seen us in action, as well as the helicopter life-saving vaginal weight lifting maneuver, then go to my YouTube channel and look for the video called Do You Even LIFT?????

And yes, for you guys, there’s always another level to go.

I recommend starting light though!

9. You’ll create a self-actualized cock:

Most men don’t really own or love their cocks.

Sad but true.

Their relationship with their cocks becomes emblematic of their relationship to themselves, and how they show up in the world.

Do they stand up? Are they firm and erect and not easily swayed or pushed over?

The erection tells all.

As you strengthen your cocks, you strengthen your inner masculine power.

AS your cock gets bolder, so do you.

As you fill out more of your erection, and own that motherfucker, or, I shall we say, girlfriend-and-wife-fucker, you expand out into more and more of who you are as a lover and a man.

You’ll infuse your masculine energy and cock power into your daily life.

10. Boosts testosterone and fertility, according to Taoist sages.

The guys who move vehicles with their cocks say that this is true.

All that dopamine production definitely creates more testosterone.

Think of all the improved circulation in your nether regions, to flush things out and keep everything well-hydrated and nourished.

11. Give a handjob with your cock

My lover, who was the inspiration for the term “Supercock”:

  • Has killer erections and stamina and can choose when or if to come
  • Can separate orgasm from ejaculation
  • Has the strongest, most articulate cock that I’ve ever been with in my life.

That thing is a beast. It has a mind and life of its own.

It can flex, prod and push and activate different areas of itself within my vagina, massaging me like a hand would.

It’s insane.

My super-powered vagina, attracted his Supercock.

A match made in genital heaven for a vagina that lifts chandeliers.

When you develop the full dexterity that is your cock’s life potential, you’ll be able to give hand jobs.

With your cock.

You’ll be able to move your cock, isolating individual sections like fingers.

That’s what all cocks are meant to do.

I give them same analogy for vaginas

They aren’t meant to lay there like passive one-dimensional beings.

They are meant to be flute-playing maestros with the ability to clench and flex and stroke and make a man ejaculate or stop him from ejaculating with the power of their vaginas alone.

Your cocks have these same super skills.

If you cultivate them.

You start slowly and build your way up.

I teach you a full cock weight lifting and genital lengthening and strengthening routine in my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon.

This is an essential life skill for all men: creating your supersized, super-strengthened, marathon cock.

Your divining rod in bed and in life.


My Supercock training program Sexual Mastery for Men, has begun!

Registration is open now and closes tonight at midnight PST.

In this 8-week online salon for men, you’ll learn:

  • A penile weight lifting routine
  • Cock lengthening and strengthening exercises
  • Testicle massage to boost testosterone production
  • How to open your woman through powerful communication techniques, unusual foreplay and secrets to feminine surrender
  • How to turn her into an insatiable sex monster  with your oral, manual and sexual techniques to bring her to life-changing orgasms
  • Finding your power and confidence as a divine masculine man in bed, your vocation and every part of your life

To signup for the salon, go to Sexual Mastery for Men.

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