Take Control of Your Life
Kris Carr came out with a new book this week. If you don’t know her, she was diagnosed eight years ago with a terminal form of cancer. Instead of letting someone else’s opinion be her death sentence and rule her fate, she took matters into her own hands. She looked at her diet (switching to raw food and an alkaline diet), her beliefs about her self and her life and cleaned everything the fuck up. The result? She’s physically radiant, she glows with self-love, she just had an appearance on Good Morning America on Tuesday, her book shot to #1 on the Amazon bestseller list this week and she’s knocked her disease so far back that it doesn’t play a role in her life anymore.
Because she took responsibility for her own life, health and happiness.
Everyone says these kinds of diseases are bad and deadly—even though people like Kris miraculously kick its ass—so most people are willing to accept that.
Except Kris.
I love, love, love this story because it shows me the power of self-responsibility. Dis-ease is the body saying “Something is wrong! You are feeding me the wrong food, the wrong ideas and you are killing me. I won’t stand for it anymore!” We either listen or we die. It’s that simple.
Where are you being effect rather than cause in your life?
Where do you let someone else’s ideas of you or what your life should be come before your own?
What old stories are you holding onto that cause you pain?
Here’s a technique you can use to rewrite your story and your life:
Identify five places in your life and go back and find the story that you are telling yourself. And then I want you to write a new story. I want you to tell yourself that new story every day. Like this:
1) Get yourself into a meditative state. If you have a practice already, use that. If you don’t you can chant a sacred word to raise your consciousness, like “Aum” or “Hu” (an ancient name for God). Or, you can watch your breathing in and out. Do this for about five minutes to raise your vibrational rate.
2) Imagine in your mind’s eye, that you are holding the literal “story” on paper about this part of your life that isn’t going the way you want it to. Take a lighter and burn the paper with the story on it.
3) Now I want you to take a fresh sheet of blank paper and write your new story (still in your imagination). See the life and the characters and the scene exactly the way you want it. Write it all out and as you write, imagine it coming to life. Watch as the images rise up off the paper and begin to take shape. Take a moment and see where it goes.
4) Do this exercise every day for one to three weeks.
As above, so below.
By going inside to make changes, you impact what happens in your outer life. It’s real. It works.
~ Kim
“She looked at her diet… her beliefs about her self and her life and cleaned everything the fuck up.”