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Video: 10 Reasons to Lift Weights with Your Vagina

Oh, the things you can do with a strong vagina.

The title says it all.

You’ll never know what a vagina can do until you watch this.

See 10 of the most amazing vaginal accomplishments in this video below.

Want a kung fu vagina?

Vaginal Kung Fu Salon is now open!

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Get your new vaginas here, folks!

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With a strong vagina and pelvic floor you will:

* Have more orgasms.
* Have better orgasms. (By better I mean, mind, body and spirit altering orgasms that are longer, deeper, more intense, and include the ability to ejaculate).
* Keep your internal organs (I.e. no pelvic organ prolapse).
* Have an easier childbirth and recover more quickly afterward.
* Up your libido. When the vagina is weak, it feels numb. Sex is infinitely more pleasurable with a sensitive and articulate vagina.
* Eliminate issues of urinary incontinence.
* Increase circulation in the vaginal canal and produce lubrication more easily.
* Be able to shoot ping pong balls. This is every woman’s God-given right.

Get your kung fu vagina today!

Feeling Insatiable?

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5 thoughts on “Video: 10 Reasons to Lift Weights with Your Vagina

  1. What if you have a naturally very large/wide vagina? Can lifting weights make the vagina that much tighter or will it always be quite loose? Can a woman with a wide vagina still feel and get good orgasms, even if her partner isn’t very big? Thank you xx

    1. Some vaginas are wider; some cocks are wider. You can still strengthen your vagina and have excellent orgasms even if your genital sizes aren’t physically matched.

      1. Thank you Kim! I have another question…what do you think about tightening the vagina surgically if the woman can’t feel much during sex even after strength training? I am very concerned, because I have a very wide vagina (genetically), doing exercises but am not feeling much improvement. I keep my muscles tense while intercourse because I’m too scared my partner won’t feel anything anymore if I let go. I don’t feel anything one way or the other.

        1. Have you checked out the free video series on Vaginal Kung Fu? I don’t believe in surgery, no. Most women don’t properly train. Typical Kegels are useless. That’s why I created my program. It’s currently in session and won’t again until next year. However, my e-course How to Be a Well-F**ked Woman will run in the summer and we cover vaginal weight lifting in that.