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Wet Wet Wet

Going through this month of vagina education and re-education has been amazing.

The reaction to my 10 Reasons to Lift Weights with Your Vagina has ranged from wild appreciation to astonishment—like: “Hey, can you really save lives with your vagina?”

Well, duh!

The video has been featured everywhere from The Daily Mail to sites all over Europe, Asia and South America.

I’ve been doing scores of press interviews over the past couple of weeks for people wanting to learn more about turbo-charged vaginas.


Worldwide, vaginas are hungry.

Women know intuitively that their vaginas can do much, much more than they have been doing.

More orgasms. More pleasure. More furniture moving.

Having a hungry vagina is a powerful thing.

It just keeps saying yes. More things come to it, to penetrate it, and it keeps saying yes.

Its appetite gets bigger.

What I’ve found, and I think it’s the secret to life, the secret to the best, deepest sex, is to keep saying “Yes.”

To keep moving forward and not thinking.

“I am going to f**k your ass tonight.”


“I’m moving across the world to be with you.”


This great, vaginal momentum kicks in, where the enticing quality of a warm, wet, welcoming vagina keeps drawing things to it.

The more the vagina says yes, the wetter it gets.

Because deep down, it really wants to say yes.

But so many people have told it to say no.

So many wounds have told it to say no.

But in the yes is everything.

The perpetual yes unlocks the vagina’s true power.

The wetter it gets, the more it can take in.

So keep saying yes.


If you missed Vaginal Kung Fu this time around, I will be offering a condensed version of the vaginal weight lifting practice in my e-course How to Be a Well-F**ked Woman.

This will run live in August/September of this year. The next e-course I run will be Coming Together for Couples, which will begin sometime in March.

Stay tuned!


Image: Lauren Hutton by Richard Avedon

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