EPISODE TRANSCRIPT – All Women Can Shoot Vaginal Ping Pong Balls
“He was saying that it was a thousand hands giving him a hand job or something at the same time when I use my pussy on him. I love being able to do that. It feels like a secret weapon, and I can see it in him, too, where we’ll be having sex and I’ll be flexing my pussy, squeezing different sections. And I can see it in his face and in his noises, everything; it just drives him crazy…”
~ Mara, Well-F**ked All Star
All women can shoot ping pong balls with their vaginas.
It’s the Anami Guarantee.
All women can give vaginal hand jobs.
All women can have vaginal orgasms: G-Spot, cervical and ejaculate across the room.
All women can have voraciously high libidos and be wet and salacious at every age and stage of their lives.
All women can have blissful periods and menopause.
The normal, healthy baseline for ALL vaginas is to be able to shoot ping pong balls.
This is not just the domain of some special vaginas.
ALL women can do this and it’s a reflection of healthy vaginal strength and articulation.
However, the “norm” these days is for women to pee their pants, suffer from an abject terror of trampolines, to have their internal organs fall out and to think that having a low libido, torturous periods and menopause, painful sex and no orgasms, or paltry clitoral ones is “normal.”
They’ve obviously never been to Anami Land!
The land down under.
Where women glow and orgasm like thunder.
It does require more than just doing your kegels. Using a jade yoni egg can help. Especially the way I teach it!
In today’s Well-F**ked All Star interview with Mara, we talk about her vaginal power journey and how she went from being disconnected, barely enjoying sex and to:
Gushing wet
Squirting her way through four towels on the bed
Shooting ping pong balls
Wanting sex every day and tiring out her man
Falling in love with her vagina
Giving her partner vaginal hand jobs that feel like “a thousand hands”
KIM: All right, welcome back, Mara. So lovely to see you.
MARA: You, too, Kim.
KIM: You have been on the podcast before, and we have talked about your incredible sexual and vaginal adventures. Are there any updates and new special skills that you have since acquired?
MARA: Yeah, I would love to. All the way back from the beginning, I grew up, like most women do, and I know especially most women who grow up in the US, which is not really being encouraged to have and/or identify with our sexuality in a healthy and positive way.
I’m really grateful that at least in my life it has changed and most of that started from your work, which I came across a handful of years ago, probably three to four—oh, gosh, no more—yeah, at least four years ago now when I came across your work and your podcast and it immediately clicked with me. Like the idea that sex should be this amazing super high vibration, elevating experience that isn’t just about the physical also, that’s about discovering parts of yourself and becoming a different and better version of yourself in addition to being like one of the most physically pleasurable and expansive things that you can experience.
That’s what I’ve found it to be from first just hearing your podcast and watching your videos and then last year taking VKF a year ago and then my partner and I taking Coming Together also last year and really diving into it all to the point where our sexual relationship, my sexual relationship with myself, and also, my intimate relationship with my partner is what, like top three most important things in my life and he knows and I know that it is like a barometer for how the rest of our relationship is going to go when we’re having like amazing, fulfilling, sexual connection, everything else in our life magically goes better. Like we’re happier, we are more fit, we eat better, we fight less. Our life is just improving.
KIM: Tell us about your relationship with your vagina. Where did you start? You mentioned before being disconnected, but would love to hear you expand on that, and then into where you are now, and what were the tools along the way that were most helpful for you to get there?
MARA: Yeah, absolutely. I grew up disconnected from my vagina, which I think is normal. I think almost 100% of women can say that, because we’re simply not encouraged and simply not taught, and we’re discouraged from being empowered in ourself, empowered in our sexuality, open about any of that.
So I grew up really disconnected from it at all. I never even touched the inside of my own vagina for my own pleasure until I was probably like 22. That blows my mind now because it’s our own body and how could we have such a large part of our own body and an important part of our own body that we have no idea about, that we’ve never explored, we’ve literally never touched, and we just have no clue even really what it does. It blows my mind that that is possible and common and especially for women.
I contrast that to men, who I feel are often encouraged to explore their bodies and encouraged to like touch themselves and all of that. I don’t think you would meet a 16-year-old man that didn’t feel like he knew the ins and outs of his own genitalia.
KIM: It’s really interesting that because I don’t know that I’ve ever seen the messaging of encouragement for boys to touch themselves, but never discouragement. Almost like it’s expected.
MARA: It’s okay. They don’t talk about it, but it’s okay.
KIM: Right. They’re more sexual than women. It’s kind of the norm. Even if it’s implied, because I don’t ever remember that ever being said outright in any way, but even though—maybe it’s like the media and TV shows and stuff, and movies, where you just get that messaging. Because where else are we getting it?
And the opposite is for women, where you have to coerce women into sex, you almost have to trick them. Like I think about a lot of these teenage or college-age movies where you have to like really coerce women, try so hard because they don’t really like it. I don’t know, it’s definitely different messaging, but I don’t know that it’s ever encouraged for anybody. It’s just like, “Well, that’s the way men are.”
MARA: Yeah. No, that is a good point. Yeah.
KIM: And women are just different. They’re not really that into it. You have to kind of like trick them into doing it.
MARA: Right. Which is the whole idea, too, that we’re always taught that women have lower sex drives than men, which is completely false in my opinion.
KIM: Mine, too.
MARA: I think that like—I think our sex drives fluctuate naturally because we’re different day to day, and there are many days where I feel like—or many weeks where I feel like my sex drive is higher than my partner’s, and I feel like, yeah, it’s just completely false, the idea that women always have a lower sex drive than men, and I find it to be false in my life, and even the opposite in my life, where I will be demanding sex from my partner now. Not back then, but now, after working on all of this, I’ll be demanding sex from my partner, and he’s almost like, “Whoa, this is a lot. Okay. Like every day?”
KIM: Let me catch my breath!
MARA: Okay. I’m like, “Yes, every day.” Yeah. But anyway, back to how things have changed, I feel like coming from a place of really not being connected to my vagina at all, not feeling even like I should be, not really having any motivation to connect to her, because why would I want to do that. Just been taught my whole life that she’s there and that’s fine, but my job is to have sex with a man, it’s not to get to know myself better or my vagina better.
And then coming into your work, which is completely the opposite. It’s all about knowing yourself, it’s about connecting with yourself first before you even are connecting with someone else, because you should know yourself best.
That was a complete 180 for me and we listened to your podcast and watched your videos and everything for a long time and then finally last year, I was like, “Okay, I need to pull the trigger and actually take one of her courses,” which is what led me to sign up for VKF, which to me was like a big act of self-love. Like a gift to myself of putting myself in the position where I’m actually going to be diving into the work, actually going to be doing this, and am committed to it. Instead of just picking things up here and there, actually being in the course, actually being on a timeline, and that was huge for me.
So much changed, I feel like that really springboarded me into the place where I am today, which is, like I said, sex is a cornerstone of my life. It’s incredibly important in my relationship and it’s amazing. Like we have incredibly fulfilling sex. Our sexual connection is like one of the things that brings us closest, and I feel like it generates so much intimacy and so much connection and closeness beyond sexuality in our relationship. It makes us a better couple, it makes us better people, and I feel like that now was made possible because of really diving in and doing the work.
Vaginal Ping Pong Balls Tip:
Some of the stuff that was my favorite and I feel like really helped me the most from VKF were the yoni massage and yoni egg practice because that was completely new for me.
Being a person who didn’t put anything inside their vagina for their own pleasure to developing a relationship where I could like touch myself intimately and have the egg inside of my vagina and have that feel amazing in addition to having my fingers inside of my vagina and have that feel amazing was completely different. It was something I had genuinely never done before, and I just feel like all of that has astronomically amplified everything and just jumped so much forward.
Where now going from having a mostly-numb vagina, wasn’t super pleasurable, was having sex for a man, to know where I feel like incredibly sensitized. I feel like I feel everything and the—gosh, I’m trying to think of a way to compare it because it feels incomparable. Basically no pleasure that I would receive from like a cock being inside of me three years ago to now, like my partner’s cock being inside of me is like one of the most pleasurable things I’ve ever experienced in my life.
And how do you get from A to B?
KIM: And so how do you? [Laughs]
MARA: [Laughs] From doing that work and from like first even opening the door of like, “Oh, wow, there’s a world of possibility here,” which I think is what you opened my eyes to first and why I was so drawn to my work, because that’s what you say. You say, “Every woman can,” is your quote, you’re always saying that.
KIM: My guarantee. The Anami guarantee, everyone can. Yeah.
MARA: Yeah.
Opening that concept in my mind of there is possibility and then developing the relationship with my vagina through the yoni massage, through the yoni egg, through the meditation and all the—there’s so much that you pack into the course.
And some of it is inherently sexual and some of it is not inherently sexual, but I think it all combines together so nicely because it’s all developing that relationship with yourself where then you can build a relationship with your vagina and yourself, which compounds to get to a place where then like I love sex in a different way than I ever did before and a better way, a deeper way.
And I truly adore my partner, which I didn’t feel that way a year-and-a-half ago. I loved him, but now I like truly adore him and am so sexually attracted to him. And I feel like that has increased so much over time over the past year since we’ve kind of taken these tools that you teach and continued them on with doing—he does like the massage on me and being more mindful of my pleasure and my vagina when we’re having sex, it’s a completely different experience.
I wanted to share intimacy with men, but that was really the extent of it. Now I know, no, it’s air and food. It’s something that you eat, you breathe, and you fuck. It can be this nourishing, amazing thing in your life, and it should be. It was the biggest gap for me and has been an amazing transformation.
Then some of the specific changes that have come about for me are, first of all, my cervix being a source of pleasure. The best feeling that I can have and what I’m constantly asking for my partner is, “Go deep inside me.” I use a language now that I have never used before. I ask him to fuck me deep. I ask him to rail me. All these things that scared me before. Before I would say, “Please do not fuck me deep. Please do not rail me. That is going to hurt.”
Now I’m thinking, yeah, “I need to get railed tonight,” [laughs] which is so funny to me, but it’s also amazing because that now feels good. When my partner is making me scream the most is when his cock is deep inside of me and I’m fully open and gushing
When my pussy is wet, she just gushes. Just gushes and gushes and it’s amazing. It’s her saying yes! I don’t need vibration. I don’t need these toys. I don’t need these crutches. I want a cock deep inside of me. I always want something inside of my vagina. The pinnacle of pleasure for me before was probably a man licking my clitoris. That was probably the most pleasurable thing I could’ve experienced.
It also feels amazing to be able to receive, to be an open receptacle in a way that doesn’t feel like I need to coax myself to be open. If I am, that means something’s wrong. There’s some stuck energy or something that needs to be talked about or something that needs to be worked through because if there’s nothing stuck, I am open. That’s how it is. I’m ready to receive him. I’m ready to receive the universe.
KIM: Love it!
So tell me about your squirting experiences.
MARA: I love this! I did VKF at the very beginning of this year, in the winter. And prior to that, I had squirted one time in my life. I think it was maybe two years ago. I was using a vibrator—ha ha—and I squirted totally accidentally. It scared me. I said, “What’s happening?” It did not feel pleasurable, and I didn’t know how it happened. I wasn’t trying to make it happen, and it never happened again.
And then, magically, I was doing Vaginal Kung Fu and getting into the practices. I think it was the second week. I was doing the homework and all of a sudden, I squirted, and it felt good. And I said, “Whoa!” And of course, it was when my hands were inside my vagina, which, as I said, I had never done before. It’s mind-blowing that I had never in my life put my own fingers inside my own vagina for my own pleasure. Why would I not have done that? And how unfortunate.
Vaginal Ping Pong Balls Tip:
When I started actually touching the inside of my pussy and getting to know her and helping her open, she was so ready to the point where she was just ejaculating. That was a huge sign. When that first happened, I said, “Oh, something is right. This feels so good. My pussy is responding. She’s saying, ‘Hell, yeah.’ She’s saying, ‘I’m open, I’m ready, this is the right place.’”
It is so pleasurable to squirt, and I think it’s so interesting and funny to me because I didn’t have to learn how. I didn’t have to try. I just had to pay attention to my own body and love her, and she was ready. She wanted to.
I can squirt anytime that I want to squirt now. I can squirt any day that I want to squirt. She just needs some love and then she can squirt. It’s not a big deal. It’s not hard to do. It’s not something I have to try and make happen. In fact, I feel when I want to try are the times that she won’t. If you ever try and force anything out of her, that’s when it doesn’t happen, because she can’t be forced. She has to be loved and taken care of and open and then she’ll do the rest.
Yeah, so that’s been amazing for me. I love squirting. [Laughs]
KIM: I love that. You’ve been practicing with your jade egg or self-pleasuring or doing yoni massage and eliciting squirting. So as you’re saying, just the acts of showing love and being in enjoyment within your pussy—it’s almost her voice.
Her voice is liquid. Her voice is squirting. Her voice is gushing lubrication and she just sings.

MARA: Yeah. Exactly. I’ve had it happen where I’ve used the jade egg and then I feel the build for squirting and then I will touch the inside of my vagina for five seconds. I just touch it and she squirts. It’s not like I have to really focus on it or build it. She’s so ready from getting this love. The yoni massage and the care and the jade egg and all of that have been some of the most important things for me and really life changing.
Because I feel like my whole life, my pussy was just starved for love. And I think probably 90% of women’s pussies are because I don’t think 90% of women are doing a weekly yoni massage. And I think that’s what we need. My partner gives them to me mostly now, which is amazing. I love that he does that and loves to do that. And I think that’s what we need. I think we need a weekly yoni massage. I think that’s what she deserves. Otherwise how can we expect our pussies to be juicy and gushing and open and receptive to our partners if we’re not taking care of them? And I think we can’t. We can’t expect that if we’re not taking care of them. It’s obviously a no.
Vaginal Ping Pong Balls Tip:
I did the yoni gazing, too, and just giving her respect. She wants her time in the spotlight. She’s been waiting; she’s been shoved away, buttoned up in pants and ignored. And she wants to shine. She wants to be open. She wants to blossom into the flower that she is.
Yeah, that’s a message I got from my yoni during the course. “Give me my turn. It’s my turn to be in the spotlight. It’s my turn to have attention. It’s my turn to express myself.” And she’s right. I think that all our yonis deserve that.
How much fluid were you emitting and what kind of measures were you required to take? Because this is often part of the narrative when people have prolific squirting experiences. [Laughs]
MARA: Right. [Laughs] I’ve had times where I squirt multiple times back to back. I just feel like she needs to keep going until she’s done. When she starts squirting, I’ll help her and then she just keeps squirting as I’m inside of her. She’ll just keep squirting and squirting until she’s done.
And it’s typically a lot. It’s not just when a male ejaculates and there’s this blub that comes out. It just keeps going, and it can be powerful, too.
I remember one time my partner was down below me and I squirted and it hit him on the arm. He said, “Whoa! What’s that?” [Laughs]
It’s like when you put your thumb on a garden hose, you know? And it just squirted like that. I think it’s so amazing. I have figured out that I can fold a towel four times and put that underneath me and even that won’t stop it from getting through to the bed. Because one measly layer is obviously not enough [laughs] if you dump a cup of liquid on it. So I have to fold this towel into a brick, basically, [laughs] and put it under me to stop it from getting the bed wet.
Vaginal Ping Pong Balls Tip:
Yeah, I’m really grateful for that and I feel like a big part of that is from specifically working with the yoni egg and like reawakening all those numb parts throughout my entire vagina.
KIM: Wow, that’s fantastic. You mentioned that you ordered something special as a fitness equipment.
MARA: Yeah. As part of my workout gear, during VKF I ordered on Amazon ping-pong balls, which came in the mail and my partner works from home and I work out of home, so he’s in charge of collecting all our packages and parcels and what-not. And so he got this package for me that was delivered and opened it up and inside was a package of ping-pong balls. [Laughs]
I got home from work later that day and he’s like, “Oh, something came in the mail for you. It’s these ping-pong balls.” And I was like, “Oh, that’s perfect. Yeah, thanks, I’ll take them.” And he just gives me a funny look and he’s like, “Are these for your vagina? Are they?” I was like, “Yes. [Laughs] In fact, they are for my vagina. Kim says that it’s healthy for your vagina to be able to shoot ping-pong balls, so I figured I would give it a go.”
Which he thought was hilarious and also amazing, of course. So I did, yes, I have shot ping-pong balls out of my vagina, which how could you not? Like hearing you mention shoot ping-pong balls out of your vagina, I could not resist trying it. Yeah. [Laughs] So I have done that.
KIM: The way I put it is it’s the normal, healthy baseline for all vaginas. It’s not just some special skill that certain women in certain bars in certain Asian countries can do. [Laughs] It is a normal baseline. Every vagina can and ought to have a vaginal ping-pong ball practice.
What was that like? Have you gotten into targets and aiming or you’re simply like, “I’ve done it, I can do it, this is amazing.”
MARA: Mostly I was trying to just like get it down the bed, was my target point. Like start at the top of the bed and then try to get it down the bed. But setting up a different target is a good idea because then people could come over and you could have a target on your wall and they will think you’re into darts or something, but then you can inform them that, “Oh, actually, this is for my vaginal fitness routine.”
KIM: I love it.
MARA: They’ll either leave, or they’ll be your best friend.
KIM: Yeah. You can have a little tray of ping-pong balls and then the target wall and then, yeah, excellent conversation starter. It’s a litmus test. They’re either cool and they can be your friend or, yeah, I don’t really need these people in my life. [Laughs]
MARA: Exactly. Yeah. No, I think that’s a good idea. We should do that.
KIM: What about the art of vaginal handjobs? How did that evolve where your skill and articulation became so pronounced that you were able to exact very particular pressure upon your partner?
MARA: Yeah. I love that, too, because that’s another thing you teach in the salon. A) It feels amazing for yourself to be able to move your vagina in that way. Like I find it super pleasurable to have control over the different ways that he’s moving and like fitting around my partner.
In addition to the fact that like my partner is obsessed with my vagina now. Obsessed. I love that but I think it’s because it feels so good. How could you not be obsessed? Like she’s sleek and toned and fit and active and can move around and she’s juicy and wet and all this stuff. Yeah, so he loves it.
But as far as moving the different portions, I love that in the course as well, of really practicing isolating the different parts of the vagina and also practicing that on my partner. Because what is it? Oh, he always says now— we’ll be having sex and I’ll do a move. I’ll do a move.
KIM: You’ll do a Kung-fu move.
MARA: Yes. And then he says, he’s like, “Ooh, some Kung fu.” Like all the time.
He was saying that it was a thousand hands giving him a hand job or something at the same time when I use my pussy on him. I love being able to do that. It feels like a secret weapon, and I can see it in him, too, where we’ll be having sex and I’ll be flexing my pussy, squeezing different sections. And I can see it in his face and in his noises, everything; it just drives him crazy.
And it’s usually then that he needs to take a break and take some deep breaths [laughs] because it makes him want to orgasm just from my pussy tightening and releasing and touching his cock. I love that. It feels amazing to be able to do it, and that also feels powerful.
And it feels healthy. The pussy is a muscle, and I think a healthy pussy should be able to move. We should be able to control it. Just like we should be able to do with any other muscle in our body.
So yeah, I think it’s so positive and I love it and my partner just loves it [laughs] almost a little too much. [Laughs]
KIM: So how do you notice the shift in your everyday life? Pre these shifts or pre this evolution and now?
Vaginal Ping Pong Balls Tip:
MARA: I would say I’m a better person. [Laughs]
I think that I interact with the world differently when I am well-f**ked and when I’m not. And I even notice it on a day-to-day basis. If I am not giving myself the love and attention I deserve, or not having mind-blowing sex for a couple of days or whatnot, I notice the difference.
I am more irritable, and my temper is shorter. All these things that also were more common before. I feel like having mind-blowing sex and getting fucked deep and hard enables me to show up as a kinder, more patient, more loving, more open person with the rest of the world. And I feel that benefits me in all aspects. That benefits me in my job, in my relationship. I view these things as essential. I view them as things that I need to happen because if they don’t happen, then I’m not going to be my best self and I’m not going to be the person I want to be, the best version I want to be.
So I need to get fucked regularly; it needs to be deeply satisfying, and I need to take care of my partner. I need to take care of myself. And I think it’s essential. I said in the beginning, I think it’s food, air, and sex. I think it’s one of our basic needs that helps us to show up in the world in a much better way. I feel so much more feminine and powerful as well. I feel more power from my feminine core and core as a woman, which is my pussy. I feel that power in my life, more empowered to make decisions or to hold boundaries.
All of that emanates and stems from these sexual practices.
Like I said, if we have an hour and a half together in the day, we are having sex. Then that’s now. That’s not used to be, that’s currently now. That’s eight months pregnant with all these plans for how we want things to be and choosing a more natural route and everything, because we view that as part of our preparation.
He loves to quote you, so he can even quote some said that you’ve said about like how—what is it? He’s always saying, he’s like, you need to deep throat to open up, to prepare for birth and things like that. He loves to pull some one-liners from you maybe when I’m a little tired or something.
KIM: But you’ll find your voice, the throat-vagina connection. It’s going to help, babe, this is training. You’re right, you’re right.
MARA: [Laughs] Yeah. So we’re still doing all of that and I love that. I feel so lucky to have found your work and dove into it beforehand and continue to dive into it all throughout next year on my own and then with my partner as well to be able to be in this place where our life is continuing on. We’re having huge changes and huge transitions, but none of that is falling to the wayside. None of it is getting pushed aside. Like these things that are important to us, like having good sex with each other, and having these elevated, intimate experiences are remaining important and we’re treating them as priority even when we are busy. Even when I’m eight months pregnant and he’s working full time and we’re doing XYZ. We’re still treating them as priorities because we recognize the importance and we know that if we don’t, if we skip the good sex for a week, like I can’t even imagine that. It just sounds off, like our life would not—I would not be okay.
Yeah, I love that we laid that foundation and then have continued it and still are continuing it, and really putting in the time and more.
KIM: You mentioned a number of times how grateful you are for where you’re at and I just want to reiterate because you have already, but I want to emphasize this point, is this is the direct result of all the work and the commitment that you have both put into this, and you’ve said that.
You’ve prioritized your sex life, if you have an extra hour you don’t just clean the house or run an errand or watch television. You’re having sex. You’re having cervical orgasms and squirting. You’re making use of that time. Put in the effort, get the rewards.

MARA: And I spent like two months of this past year traveling, which I manifested this huge work trip. I was in Asia for six weeks, while pregnant. It’s like a huge work trip and I had been wanting to go Asia for most of my life, but it always felt too far out of reach. Then I ended up manifesting this work trip where I got paid to go and I worked like half of the time. It was a vacation, it what it really was. That has been huge for me.
In addition to like I just feel like my life has become my dream life. The life that I would’ve always said I wanted and the things I would’ve said I wanted, the lifestyle I would’ve said I wanted, or that I did say I wanted, has now become the reality in that like I drive the car I wanted to drive. We live in a beautiful home in a city that we love living in. My partner is amazing. He’s my dream husband. I am having a baby girl and I always wanted to have a baby girl and travel to the countries that are on my bucket list and so much more.
And that’s this year. That’s only this year. [Laughs] Yeah, I feel like it’s been a lot and I feel like in so many ways I’m living my dream.
KIM: That’s so beautiful. I’m so happy for you! Lovely. So great to hear all of this and what amazing changes that you’ve had.
MARA: Thank you. Yeah. [Laughs] Thanks.
KIM: Well, thank you so much for sharing your story and keep us posted on the ping-pong ball evolution and skillset.
MARA: Yeah. I’ll let you know when we get the dartboard.
KIM: Yeah. And on your orgasmic birth.
MARA: I’m excited. Yeah.
Mara’s experience of disconnection is extremely common.
Most women feel numb and think they don’t even like sex that much—and who would when you can’t even feel anything?—or worse, they are so cut off from these parts of themselves that they literally get their organs “cut out” of them.
The tools she used to unleash super pussy are everything I teach in the Vaginal Kung Fu Salon.
- I show you how to perform a healing yoni massage to explore and connect with every millimeters of yourself.
- I lead you in a progressive vaginal weight lifting routine with the jade yoni egg
- We practice vaginal “reconnaissance” and yoni gazing in the quest to “know thyself”
- I help you to clear your blockages including past trauma, negative internalized beliefs
So that you can “come into” yourself as a voracious, empowered sensual women, who is multi-orgasmic, squirting through the bed sheets, is wetter than a tsunami, gives thousand hand vaginal hand jobs…
And also happens to be able to shoot ping pong balls!
It’s all up for grabs in the Vaginal Kung Fu Salon.
This is my legendary online program on all things vagina and sexual wisdom!
If you are on the VKF list, you’ll be notified as soon as we open registration.
When you sign up for the VKF list, you’ll also receive access to the free VKF training series and you can start practicing your kung fu moves tonight!
Go to Vaginal Kung Fu to signup!