What Inspires You?
I’m going to be speaking at Pecha Kucha Vancouver next week. If you aren’t already familiar with the event, it’s an evening that began in Tokyo seven years ago that now takes place all over the world. The focus is to enable creative people to show their work and speak about what influences and inspires them. To keep things concise and interesting, the format is unique: each person presents 20 slides and has 20 seconds to speak on them. Speakers at the Vancouver version have included firestarter Danielle Laporte and uber-innovator typographer Marjan Bantjes.
Revisiting the things that inspire me has been a great exercise. I think about activities that bring me clarity, center me in myself and give me excitement about my life and projects. For me, that includes being in nature, cataclysmic, mind-body sex and dancing like a maniac in a sweaty night club. Actually, anything that makes me sweat is on that list–from exercise, to sexercise, to giving a presentation in front of large numbers of people.
These things are soul food. For us to continually unfold as our magical selves, we need to build them into our life and diets as the essential nourishment they are. What is your soul food and how often do you incorporate it into your life?
The Art of Pleasuring a Woman: Friday November 19, 7-9pm
Did you know?
– All women love sex? I can prove it.
– There are three types of female orgasms?
– Female ejaculation is a fact and possible for every woman.
– Oral sex is extremely healthy for you?
– How to keep your sexual chemistry sizzling all the time?
A stimulating evening full of information, answers and new techniques to inject life and passion into your intimate relationship. Women and men, singles and couples are welcome. Fire up your current relationship or prepare to take your new one to the next level of pleasure and fulfillment. Wine, sushi, aphrodisiac chocolates plus a 20% shopping discount at Vancouver’s only erotic luxury store: Tart Boutique. $50- (plus hst).
Seduction by Marjan Bantjes
Vaginal Weight Lifting: Tuesday November 23, 7:30-9pm
A toned PC (pubocoggygeal) muscle leads to more vaginal pleasure, better G-Spot orgasms and a chance at breaking the world record for vaginal weight lifting – if you can beat 31 pounds! Learn Taoist techniques that were employed by courtesans in the emperor’s court of ancient China to strengthen the ‘love muscle.’ The use of a jade egg is tonifying and strengthening for the pelvic muscle and goes far beyond the effectiveness of Kegels. I have eggs for sale for $50- which you may pre-purchase or buy on the evening. Please email me directly if you are interested in attending this salon.
Pecha Kucha: Thursday November 25, 7:30pm