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In Love and Orgasm We Trust

I came across this list years ago. It feels like one of these cosmic, secret-channeled things that you are lucky enough to stumble upon and absorb its wisdom.

My favourite of all the rules, the one that stands out the most to me, is Rule #1:

Find a place you trust and try trusting it for a while.

When we’re in love, our most precious commodity is trust.

Trust is the foundation of everything in a relationship:

Are you safe to open my heart to?

If you injure my heart, how do you mend it?

If I fall, will you catch me?

Do you take my tenderness and wrap it up with love?

When I open my legs as wide as I’ve opened my heart, will you plunge deep inside me and stay a while?

Because I want you deeper than you think.

I always do.

I want you so deep that you shatter me.

In the cagey games of trust, the winner trusts more, trusts harder and no matter what happens, walks away with more.

Even if betrayed.

The only reason you are here is to learn how to love.

So make your decisions, your biggest decisions from a place of trust and love.

Trust that the universe has the best in store for you.

And it will.

Trust that your love will find a home and a heart worthy of it.

And it will.

You deciding to trust is being “cause” in the world. Instead of waiting to suss out a situation, carefully analyzing every move and option, which makes you “effect,” you can make the first move.

The move to trust.

This puts you in the stronger position.

Because your decision to trust, your knowing that no matter what happens, you will be taken care of and will love more deeply, elevates you.

The key to going deep and infinite in love and sex is to maintain the place of trust.

All of your efforts ought to go towards this.

And out of this, comes all things.

Your life will be bathed in a trust, a goodness, that spreads itself over everything in its wake.

Your orgasms will carry you to vast places within yourself, and they will infuse your life with magic.

Use the idea of trust like a mantra. Let it guide you and inform all that you do.

Trust more, trust harder and watch how life opens its legs to you.

And envelops you up in warmth and “never-ending simple tenderness” (Neruda).

As soon as your guard goes up, you’ll put up other people’s guards.

Life will start shutting doors in your face. The juice and flow will dry up.

Remember, the power is in your heart, hands, and genitals to give more.

Find a place you trust and try trusting it for a while.

I’ll be right there with you.


Image: Sister Corita’s Immaculate Heart College Art Department Rules



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5 thoughts on “In Love and Orgasm We Trust

  1. Thank you for this piece! Trust is such an important piece of any moment in life. Trust the moment.

    Xo, Audrey at

  2. This is my first visit to your blog. Brilliant. I’m learning to trust myself again, and hoping to trust others. I think often about how vulnerability in sexuality is so tightly linked with trust in others, but I hadn’t thought about it in terms of life and joy in general. Thank you. Looking forward to reading more.

  3. Kim this is beautiful. Found you via Shelly Bullard and your work is making a huge difference in my life. Choosing to trust today. Thank you for writing!