5 Techniques to Create a Super Pussy – Transcript
What everyone wants to know!
First of all, what exactly is a Super Pussy?
A super pussy:
- Is strong, articulate and powerful
- Has a voracious libido
- Orgasms wherever, however, whenever it wants, with the full range of orgasmic pleasure: clitoral, G-Spot, cervical orgasms
- Can ejaculate across the room and hit the ceiling with its squirting fluids
- Feels blissful during sex. It has heightened sensation, so that every touch, every feathery stroke feels like ecstasy
- Acts as a compass and guide in a woman’s life. It moves her toward pleasure. It acts as an additional intuitive brain.
- Can give hand jobs. Just like with your actual hand, a super pussy can push, pull, squeeze and isolate different sections of the muscles, playing the proverbial flute.
- Produces “tsunamis of lubrication” through every age and stage of its life, from pregnancy to postpartum, through menopause and beyond.
- Can shoot ping pong balls. This is every woman’s God-given right.
Most women are numb in their vaginas.
They are disconnected from this core of who they are, both physically and energetically.
This place, this epicenter of their feminine being can be so distant and cut off that in some women their organs are literally cut out of them.
That’s how disconnected they are.
A Super Pussy is fully integrated into a woman’s being.
This is her mover and shaker.
Her prime creative source and power in her life.
All life comes from here.
And if she’s not making babies with that pussy, she can transmute that creative energy and channel it into every part of her life.
It is the superfuel that lubricates and ejaculates its way into reality.
She becomes a powerhouse.
Because she finally recognizes the true source of her power: her vagina and her sexual energy.
Super Pussies take no shit.
They become discerning at who and what they let into them.
Because now that their voice is being listened to and honored, they don’t accept inferior lovers, partners or cocks.
They stopped slathering on lube to silence their “Nos” and instead became loyal to their “Yeses”.
The golden rule of pussy is that if it turns you on, it turns her on.
You don’t need artificial lube to pretend.
Your pussy will tell you the truth.
Over the years and the thousands of women I’ve worked with, they move from having their pussies be some kind of foreign object that is distantly attached to their bodies, to having it be their best friend, their beacon, their inner guide, their fountain of manifestation.
So yeah. That’s a Super Pussy.
As you all know, the Anami Guarantee is that ALL WOMEN CAN.
Meaning, all women can have a Super Pussy.
Some of the myths that women buy into that make them think they can’t get a Super Pussy are:
Super Pussy Tip: They are too old
As though pussies have an expiry date. Not true.
Some of my favourite well-f**ked all star stories are from women who do my work who are menopausal, post-menopausal in their 70’s and they are squirting, ejaculating and giving blow jobs all over the house.
Ain’t nothing stoppin’ these pussies.
Super Pussy Tip: They’ve had lots of babies
No, contrary to OBGYN sales pitches for reconstructive surgery, babies don’t destroy vaginas.
Not exercising your pussy is the culprit for having weakness, prolapse, incontinence. Not babies.
Super Pussy Tip: Not all women can
You need to listen to more of my podcasts if you think this.
I guarantee that every single woman can have a ping-ball shooting, articulate and powerful pussy.
This is not the realm of some special breed of woman.
The only thing special about such a woman is the desire and commitment to get there.
Everyone can do this.
Super Pussy Tip: If they have had reproductive organs removed
You can still have a Super Pussy.
These organs act as a phantom limb and can still have things like cervical orgasms, even if you don’t have a cervix.
For reals.
And if you have had invasive surgery like this, one of the best things you can do is healing work to re-integrate these parts and their energetic qualities back into you.
All right. So let’s wake up that pussy!
Here are my top five techniques to create a Super Pussy:
This is number one.
The yoni egg is a multi-dimensional power tool.
It works physically to strengthen and tone the vagina and pelvic floor.
By doing this, it supports the internal organs—preventing and healing prolapse and urinary incontinence—and brings more sensation and pleasure back into the vagina.
Exercising the vagina increases circulation and blood flow, which generates lubrication much more easily.
And orgasms. Having a yoni egg practice brings these in record time and record numbers.
As we’ll hear in today’s all star story, Mara went from having occasional and unpredictable clitoral orgasms, to having regular, cervical orgasms within weeks.
If your vagina is numb, as most women’s are, you won’t be able to feel pleasure.
And thus, you won’t be able to orgasm.
The jade yoni egg saves the day.
And your pussy.
Super Pussy Tip: Yoni Massage. On yourself or from your partner
One of the best ways to de-numb your vagina is to go on a vaginal reconnaissance mission.
Get in there. Get to know every single millimeter of your vagina.
Countless women have shared with me how uncomfortable they are with the notion of putting their hands in their own vaginas.
And so they never have.
The idea that you could be persuaded to know nothing about your own body, for it to be a forbidden zone that you could touch, but don’t, is truly evidence of a successful psyop.
QUESTION: What’s there that you aren’t meant to know?
ANSWER: The deepest part of yourself, and your true power source.
Yoni massage is conscious, loving, healing, exploratory touch.
It’s not about getting to deep orgasm necessarily.
We’ll get to that in a minute.
It’s about mapping out every fold and crevice.
It’s about palpating for tension and massaging it until you feel some kind of release.
Physical. Emotional.
Many women cry from simply being touched consciously and adoringly by their partners or themselves.
They might cry as they release trauma from years gone by.
They might feel ecstasy in discovering the pleasure of their G-Spot for the first time.
Most vaginas have a layer of numbness over them that you have to get through before you make it to the promised land of endless deep orgasms and ejaculation.
Yoni massage a few times a week helps you to do this.
As I said, you can do it on yourself, or you can have a partner do it for you.
I have a couple of great intro Yoni Massage videos on my YT channel, and I go into a full step-by-step practice for it in my Vaginal Kung Fu and Coming Together Salons.
Super Pussy Tip: Self-pleasuring
I differentiate between self-pleasure and yoni massage.
With yoni massage, your intention is to heal, awaken, and activate.
In self-pleasure, you are in pursuit of pleasure.
Once you find a pathway, you keep on it.
Maybe you get to deep orgasm. Maybe you don’t.
But the more you skip your Kegels and practice with the yoni egg, the more conscious yoni massage you do, you will wake your vagina up.
Your sensation and sensitivity will increase tenfold.
And you’ll go from numb to come.
All the way to G-Spot and cervical orgasms and some squirting ejaculate that hits the ceiling.
To gain access to these deep orgasms takes commitment.
So set the time aside to be with and open up to the bliss that is your vagina.
I often assign people 30-day self-pleasure challenges to kick things off and get them into the daily rhythm of ecstasy as a way of life.
Unlike most sex and relationship therapists. I do NOT consider lube to be a girl’s best friend.
It’s the opposite.
It’s a cope.
I advise ALL of my clients, in EVERY situation, to ditch the lube.
Lube is a lie.
Lube gets slathered on, when a vagina isn’t wet, isn’t ready and then is force-penetrated.
What do you think that does to a vagina over time?
It reinforces disassociation and disconnect.
It amplifies numbness.
Your vagina starts not to trust you.
And you don’t trust it.
EVERY single woman, at every age and stage of her life, is capable of naturally producing AMPLE lubrication.
Here were are, back at the Anami Guarantee.
Pregnant, breastfeeding, menopause, 75 year olds.
Yep. All of them.
The main physical reason women don’t lubricate is because they have weak vaginas, as I mentioned already.
When they use a jade yoni egg, I have heard of 70-something vaginas leaving puddles around the house within weeks.
Another physical reason would be, gosh, golly, can you imagine, that just maybe she’s not ready for sex?
Yes, indeedy.
She might need more physical foreplay.
Emotionally speaking, she might need more connection.
She needs something.
If you give it to her, she’ll respond.
If you build it, she will come.
Super Pussy Tip: Listening to Your Vagina
This follows on the “toss your lubes” idea.
Women—well, all humans actually—have been taught to override their bodies, ignore their messages and try to dominate them to our will.
My work is all about listening to our bodies and honouring them.
The more you listen to the voice of your vagina and acknowledge her “yeses” and her “nos”, they will get easier to discern.
It might be hazy at first.
But you start with all of the practices I’ve mentioned so far, to RESENSITIZE the vagina.
And that voice will get louder.
And clearer.
It will start guiding you, like a compass, into the direction of choices that are HEALTHY and loving and positive for you.
Vagina knows best.
When it’s in its pure, unadulterated state.
Of bliss. Pleasure. And perpetual wetness.
Yes, that is its natural state.
Anything other than that is a lie or a marketing tactic that you may have bought into.
The natural state for all vaginas is as Super Pussies.
Orgasming, lubricating, ejaculating and creating all over the place.
Because that’s what vaginas do.
They give life.
Today’s well-fucked all star is Mara.
She’s done a couple of my salons and I’m really excited to have her on because she falls into some of the categories that people often fall prey to, in thinking why they can’t have Super Pussies.
I’ll let her share her story on how she blasted right through each of these excuses and created her own reality, which includes sex shorty after birth, a plethora of cervical orgasms where before there were only clitoral ones, and using her vagina and sexual energy as her power sources.
KIM: Welcome, Mara! I am delighted to have you here today!
MARA: Thank you, Kim. I’m happy to be here.
KIM: Yeah! You and your super pussy! Let’s talk all about that.
MARA: We are so happy to be here.
KIM: There we go, yes! There are so many elements of your experience that really speak to this idea of having a super pussy. Many women might buy into thinking that because of this or that, they don’t qualify for having a super pussy. Yet the Anami Guarantee is that all women can, and so I’d love for you to speak to some of those myths and then your whole journey going from clitoral orgasms to epic cervical orgasms, really leaning into your intimate connection and the power of your pussy to fuel your life.
MARA: Absolutely. I think I’ll start from the beginning. My husband and I would get into these fights. I’d say, “I’m not satisfied,” and he would say, “Well, I don’t know how to satisfy you. What do you want?” And I would say, “Well, I don’t know.”
I did not know what I needed. I would have clitoral orgasms with a vibrator only during intercourse and I thought that was it.
I don’t even know how I came across your course. It was divine intervention, I’m sure, because I don’t remember googling anything about sex, but I found your page and said, “I need to do this.”
I’d never heard of cervical orgasms before. I thought a G-spot was a myth, honestly. In the beginning of your course, I was afraid to even touch myself. Your daily self-pleasure challenge was a “Hell no” for me. I said, “Yeah, that’s not happening. I can’t even…”
So I started just massaging my legs and my arms and my belly and my butt. I did this every day, and I said, “This I can do. I can do this every day.”
Then, when I finally was able to get attention to my vagina, I said, “Oh my God, it’s numb! It’s completely numb. I have no feeling there.”
Once I realized what was going on, I said, “All right, babe, we’ve got to have lots of sex.” So we got to work. I had just had my baby. When I committed to it, he was four days old. I wrote an email to one of your staff and said, “Hey, I just had a baby, and my doctor says I shouldn’t have sex, but I feel like I want to.” [Laughs] Someone responded and said, “If you’re feeling good, go ahead,” and so I did. And I didn’t look back from there. It was just lots of practice and un-numbing my vagina.
KIM: Something that I thought was wonderful about your story was that you were eight months pregnant when you began the salon. Many people might think, “Well, I’ve got this baby coming; I can’t take this on right now,” but you said, “No, more than ever, I need to do this.” [Laughs]
MARA: [Laughs] Right! Yeah. It was not a convenient time.
KIM: And it doesn’t matter. You took it on anyway and then, as you said, after having the baby, you were still in that zone of commitment. “We need this. I need to do this.” You’ve described feeling tired and stuck and frustrated, but you kept that commitment going and just took on all the practices in the salon.
I love, especially, when you shared how, even if you were exhausted from staying up all night with the baby, you and your husband would still have sex. If you felt the baby blues coming on, you would have sex and then end up having a cervical orgasm. You were breastfeeding, and you would still have sex.
MARA: While we were having sex. Breastfeeding during sex.
KIM: Right! Multitasking extraordinaire.
MARA: He’s starting to get older now, five months, and so when we’re in the throes of passionate sex, I’m making loud noises, and he kind of gets scared. I said, “Maybe we need to get a babysitter or plan these sex dates out a little more,” whereas before, we would just plow through. “Baby’s awake? Let’s just keep going.”
Because I knew that after we had sex, my baby blues would go away. I knew that after we had sex, I could still make it through the rest of the day for my four older kids on two hours of sleep. No problem. It would energize me; it would make me feel happy. I had all the patience in the world.
KIM: And that’s the proof in the pudding. Having that kind of cataclysmic, really deep, gourmet, cervical orgasm, squirting–type sex gives you energy. The common excuse or refrain would be, “If we stay up and have sex, I’ll be tired tomorrow.”
And the opposite is true. If you’re having this deep sex, it rejuvenates you to such a degree that you have tenfold the energy, tenfold the creativity, tenfold the patience to do everything you need to do in your day.
MARA: Yes, exactly.
KIM: You have a very young baby and four other children. And again, these are things that are in the realm of the super pussy; many women have bought into the mythology that if you have too many babies, your vagina will be shot. Or if you have a baby in general, you won’t want to have sex. Your libido will be shot.
It’s this cornucopia of excuses and rationalizations why we can’t get to these places. I love that you just float in the face of all of that, despite having these things that would be considered legit in the allopathic mythology. As a woman who has had five children, your vagina, according to that ethos, would be written off, bye-bye. Never again. [Laughs]
MARA: [Laughs] You’ve had your fun; go ahead and retire.
KIM: Yeah! That’s right; you’ll never have sex again or enjoy it again. Poor you. Oh well. Maybe we can sew some plastic into your vagina at some point. Yeah.
The total idiocy. Instead, what I really want to throw out there to people listening is that this is possible for all women. A super pussy is possible for all women at every stage and at any age of their lives. Mara is living proof of that.
MARA: Yes. I need to mention, I had a cervical prolapse after my fourth child and they said, “At some point you’re going to need to get this fixed,” and it’s fixed already. [Laughs] We’re good! It’s all good. My doctor said, “Oh! This is not a thing anymore.” I said, “No, it’s not.”
KIM: How would you interpret that?
MARA: He said, “Have you been going to pelvic floor therapy?” I said, “Well, sort of. I’ve been doing jade egg practices; I’ve been having a lot of orgasms. Just strengthening my pussy basically.” I would definitely attribute it to that.
But going back to what you said about libido, I wanted to talk about that a little bit because my sex drive is akin to my drive in my life. When I had a low sex drive, I also had a low life drive. I wasn’t super excited about life. The two go hand in hand. I don’t know if that’s true for everybody, but it was for me.
When I said I needed this, it was mostly because I wasn’t happy with my daily life, and I knew that if I could nail this, then I would be happier. It’s absolutely true.
All of this work that I’ve been doing sexually and personally has transferred into my daily life.
I just opened a bakery, and it’s becoming very successful. I’ve started hosting monthly women’s circles and having really great results with that. These are things that I never had the drive to do before and I never thought, especially with children, that I had the time and energy to do. But I hosted my first big bakery event when my baby was a week old. Who does that?!
KIM: Oh my gosh! Wow!
MARA: I said, “Let’s do this!” I made a hundred cinnamon rolls, and we had a great time, and everybody said, “I can’t believe you’re doing this.” And I said, “Oh yeah, that’s right; this is not normal.” And it’s because I was having orgasms. I have the energy, and so I’m going to use that energy to do what I want to do. It’s fantastic.
KIM: This is so epic because you’re talking about starting the salon at eight months pregnant. So you had maybe four weeks or so before you had your baby. Oh wait—you said you gave birth five weeks early.
MARA: I did.
KIM: Holy moly! Just a week into the salon.
MARA: A week into the salon, yeah. [Laughs]
KIM: Oh my gosh! [Laughs] So you’d only been doing this work for what, two to three weeks?
MARA: Yeah.
KIM: Oh my gosh, you really are a vaginal and epic superstar. You were doing this work for a few weeks. I’m just reading some of the stuff that you’ve written.
You’d only had clitoral orgasms in the past, and even those were few and far between, and then you had your first cervical orgasm on your birthday when your baby was six weeks old!
MARA: On my birthday! Yes, it was pretty exciting. I did not know what to expect because I didn’t know what a cervical orgasm was. I was sobbing, and he said, “Are you okay?” I said, “I think so!” And then I just sobbed for 20 minutes and it was amazing. I was changed. Yeah, that was a pretty good birthday present.
KIM: That was a very beautiful birthday present that you allowed yourself to have. I love it.
Now you’re in a place where you can have five cervical orgasms in one session.
MARA: Yeah. It’s pretty amazing. Something that came up really recently is that I’m able to see the blocks in my vagina. I still have blocks that I’m clearing. This is all still very new to me. But we’ll come up to a block, and I’ll feel myself close. I’ll say, “Huh?” My pussy will tighten, and it will say, “Go no further.”
And he can feel it, too. During sex, I’ll say, “Oh, there’s a block,” and he’ll say, “Okay.” So he’ll go a little slower for a minute or two, then it clears, and then we’re good to go. It’s amazing how he’s very in tune with me and I’m in tune with myself in ways that I never thought that I would be because I was just so numb.
KIM: Right. Doing all of this work helped you regain that connection. Because I think most people would just stop and say, “Uh, I’m not wet anymore,” or, “It’s starting to hurt,” or something. Or they would just disconnect in that moment and then that would translate shortly thereafter into being dry or feeling discomfort.
For you to be able to observe that in the moment is amazing and really does speak to that de-numbing. Because most people are totally numb and disconnected.
When people are using artificial lubrication and overriding their vaginas and not listening to their vaginas, they’re continually reinforcing that numbness. The more you listen, the more you strengthen and articulate, and you re-sensitize, the more it becomes so much easier to really hear the voice and the messages that are there.
I speak a lot about this notion that we store all kinds of things, blocks, traumas, experiences, repressed emotions, unresolved issues in our reproductive organs. It’s amazing that you can actually feel and tune into something like that during sex and then consciously move it through you, with your partner’s support even.
MARA: Absolutely. The more strides that you can take in your sex life, the more it’s a super pussy. When you have a super pussy and you’re willing to put in this work and go farther than you’ve ever gone before, it translates into your life. I’m making leaps and bounds in things that I’ve been afraid to do my entire life.
KIM: And you mentioned that you were feeling more of a spirit connection. That also opened up to you through accessing more of this pathway through your vagina.
MARA: Yes. My connection to spirit in general, or other realms or beings, things like that, is something that I’ve been really meditating and focusing on for several years now. The whole idea of Akashic records is very intriguing to me, and I would love to be able to have those sorts of connections with the spirit realm.
I’ve made some strides here and there over the years, but it just happens to me randomly now. I’ll be sitting, and I’ll feel like my chest is just being cracked open. I’m connected to all of these realms. I can sense things in people that I could never sense before.
I don’t know if it’s just that I’m able to not give a fuck what other people think. When I’m in a social situation or I’m out doing anything with people, I don’t ever think, “Do I look fat in this dress?” or “Does my hair look okay?” or “Are they vibing with me?” I’m just sitting and observing people. I get this sixth sense of what’s behind what everybody says. I understand what’s behind their little fidgets or movements.
And also to that end, I’m having the most vivid, incredible, inspirational dreams. I’ve actually started a dream journal. I’ll wake up and say, “Whoa! What was that?” And I’ll start writing pages and pages of this inspiration that I got while I was sleeping. It just kind of happens at random now. I don’t even have to work for it.
KIM: That’s amazing because one of the other general myths around sexuality is that sex and spirit are totally not connected. Never the twain shall meet. But what we know from ancient cultures and from doing this work and connecting to our sexualities is that it actually opens up a pathway into more spiritual states of awareness.
That was one of my big personal entry points into my own journey sexually, having these really epic, cracked open, cataclysmic-type experiences that opened my heart, but it also felt like they opened me up spiritually, where I felt this total connection to the universe, a much deeper connection to myself, to people in general, in this really epic oneness kind of way.
That was really one of the big motivating factors in me pursuing this work in a conscious realm, feeling that what we’ve been told is so wrong. As though there’s some god telling people not to have sex. You know what I mean? This whole moral overlay on top of it—nothing can be further from the truth. At least if you’re having conscious sex. Not throwaway, kind of degrading sex. Really epic, high-level sex and deep orgasms.
Then yes, you’re fully tuning into spiritual realms through the use of that energy. And that’s what the old Tantric and Taoist practices were all about, these 5,000-year-old studies that really did marry sex and spirituality, using sex as a springboard into higher states of consciousness.
MARA: Absolutely. I’ve learned to be okay with intimacy with myself, with my partner, on such a deeper level that I can have intimacy with strangers now. It’s not a very common thing that we’re intimate with our friends or with strangers. I don’t mean sexually intimate. Being properly present and having deep eye contact with people and being open and honest and raw. That all stems from our ability to feel comfortable with our own sexuality.
KIM: I agree. That’s one of the big disconnecting factors; if we can’t even feel and tune into our own power and our own energy and our own bodies, we feel cut off from the forbidden.
I think it’s really the greatest psyop ever, the biggest lie ever, putting so much shame and fear and taboo around sexuality that people are afraid to connect with their own bodies. You said earlier that at one point in the journey, you didn’t even feel comfortable touching yourself.
The fact that so much power has been put upon people; they’ve been influenced so deeply to be afraid of and disconnected from their own bodies. It’s a pretty massive coup to be able to achieve that in a whole population.
MARA: Absolutely. And the more present you can be with yourself in a situation, the more you open that up for other people and give them the opportunity to be real for a moment. I see differences in my exchanges with women, especially in these women’s circles that I’m holding. They’ve never really felt the safety or the ability to just be themselves before. I love being able to give that gift to other people, just through my own presence.
KIM: That’s beautiful. I think that’s what happens. And what I see a lot of when people really begin to own and radiate their sexual energy is that presence becomes a magnet and a beacon for other people. It becomes one of those “What are you doing differently?” questions where people can see and feel and sense something different about you; they can’t quite put their finger on it, but they want to be around it. It’s very, very attractive because not that many people truly own themselves in that way and inhabit their sexual energy, which, by my definition, is life-force vital energy.
It’s not just about wearing a sexy dress; you just own and carry yourself in such a beautiful, composed, goddess-like way that people want that. They say, “How can I do that?” It’s just something that’s so compelling that they want it; they want to be around it.
You mentioned the notion of not giving a fuck. That’s one of the hallmarks of when people really do hit a threshold in their sexual journey of inhabiting that energy; they hit that place where they don’t give a shit anymore what people think of them. I always hear stories of women going out in sweats and gassing up their cars and men come up and ask them out on dates just because there’s something so attractive about them that isn’t about their clothes. They’re not wearing makeup; they have their hair thrown back in a ponytail. They’re not out there to attract anyone and yet what’s in them is so unstoppable and radiant that people are drawn to it.
It’s not about not caring about what you look like. That’s just an example of people seeing that beauty anyway, regardless, but it’s also that energy of not caring what people’s opinions are of you because you are so comfortable and confident in your own self and your own self-love that it doesn’t matter. You’re not trying for it not to matter; it just pings off you and you’re oblivious to it. It doesn’t mean anything.
MARA: Absolutely. It really doesn’t. I thought I would need to get to a point where I looked good enough in order to feel good enough to not give a fuck. I thought that was the order of operations. “Okay, if I get to be this certain way and I look this good and my hair is this long, then I will not care or give a fuck what people think about me.” But that’s so not true. [Laughs] How you feel about yourself translates to how others feel about you. I love how you said it’s an unstoppable force. It really is. You don’t have to do anything to radiate that. You just have to be yourself and love yourself.
KIM: You don’t try not to give a fuck; you just don’t give a fuck.
Because the key thing is that you’re just so fully in yourself and accepting of yourself and owning yourself that it doesn’t matter. That’s all that matters. The only litmus test you need is if you are okay with yourself, and you accept yourself, and you are in alignment with your truth. Then everything else is like waves radiating out into the world from that place inside you.
You set the tone. You become cause in your life rather than effect. That’s, I think, one of the biggest things, too, because it’s the epitome of this idea that we are these fountains of creative energy and life-force energy when we are in tune with our sexuality. When we are owning that sexual power and using it in a conscious way, we are creating our reality. Rather than victims, rather than being the effect of other people, we become the creators and the cause in our lives.
MARA: Absolutely. A few issues have come up with drama in my life with my ex-husband and things like that, and I’ll find myself so put off by that. “Wow, you have a lot of time and energy to…” I just don’t give a fuck anymore. [Laughs] I don’t care. I don’t buy into anything. I don’t have time for that anymore, basically.
I really want to spend my energy elsewhere, and things that used to bring me down or stress me out? I don’t even give them a second thought anymore.
KIM: I love it. Tell me a little bit more about the shift in your relationship with your partner. Because you said that you were in a place where you were fighting a lot. How did things evolve in your relationship?
MARA: I started taking your course, The Well-F**ked Woman, and I said, “I need you to just be on board with this.” I got him to watch a couple of videos here and there, and he actually ended up taking your Sexual Mastery for Men right after that.
KIM: Oh, fabulous.
MARA: I think we both just really dug deep into our own personal journey and cleared blocks that we had individually and then came together on it. We said, “Okay, we’re going. We’re running with this.” We’re both committed people. Very committed, very loyal, and when we do something, we do it really well; we do it wholeheartedly.
It’s been a major focus. All of our conversations over the past few months have been about our intimacy, our sex life. We’ll have a few day-to-day conversations about, “Who is picking up which kid where, and where are we going to meet?” and “Oh yeah, we’re going out with these people this weekend.” But most of our conversations are dealing with these things in your course and our sexual journeys. We really do give it as much energy as we can, because we see that there is a tenfold return on every ounce of effort that we put in.
KIM: That’s one of the key things that I try to emphasize for people. “Okay, we’re tired; we’ve stayed up all night with the child, but let’s have sex because we know that’s going to revitalize us and give us fuel to get through the day.” Rather than, “Oh, we’ve stayed up all night; we can’t have sex because we’re tired. Let’s go to bed.”
MARA: Yeah, we used to do that. [Laughs] And we still woke up tired the next day, you know?
KIM: [Laughs] Right!
MARA: Go figure. But the nights that we get two hours of sleep, we’re doing okay, actually. We look at each other kind of in disbelief. Was it really the sex that we had last night? Maybe. [Laughs] Yeah. It’s pretty great.
KIM: I love that. How about what’s happening in the super pussy with lubrication?
MARA: Before, I would always have sex as soon as he wanted it, because he said, “I’m ready; let’s do this,” right? And sex would be painful for me because I wasn’t wet. I guess I never fully learned that you need to be wet before you have sex.
So I never would get there because it would be painful, and I would be unknowingly resisting intercourse. And so sex was never a super pleasurable experience for me. It was always about his pleasure.
And now I’m welcoming him in with my extremely gushing pussy. I’m trying to find the best words to describe it. My pussy was offline pretty much my whole life. Now, she’s ready and gushing and I’m wet almost all the time now.
KIM: That’s how I describe it to people; they get to a place where they are wet all the time. If we look at the pussy metaphorically, it’s this idea of being receptive to life. Being receptive to being penetrated by life or being penetrated by a cock. That is the metaphor we kind of embody in this full way; the pussy is sort of always open, always available, always ready.
That’s how we become toward life. The way you describe having these intimate connections and moments with anyone. With strangers, with people you meet out in the world; there’s just that much of a deeper level of openness and capacity for intimacy, both in the psyche and emotions and in the heart and in the pussy. Because of that, the pussy is in this perpetual place of being wet and ready.
MARA: Can I share a funny story about that?
KIM: Absolutely.
MARA: Probably a few weeks ago, I said, “Honey, I need sex basically all the time.” And he said, “I just can’t keep up with you.” I said, “I’m kind of frustrated.” And he said, “Well, I don’t know what else to do.” I started to realize what was going on with me. Why am I hungry all the time? Why am I never satisfied?
But then I started tuning into my pussy and realizing that she’s throbbing constantly. She’s just awake, alive, and hungry all of the time. I said, “Well, I don’t necessarily need sex all of the time.”
I started breathing in that energy as you teach us to do and using it toward creativity, toward other things, and it’s really funny; it kind of calms down that frustration and that intense, all-the-time drive, realizing that this is what it feels like to have a turned-on pussy all the time. “I am driving down the street. I’m at a grocery store.” Is there something wrong with me? No, this is just what it feels like. I’m really getting used to that feeling, and it’s wonderful to feel turned on all the time.
KIM: That is amazing. It’s being turned on by life. It’s being turned on and open. Because there’s so much censorship and pain and taboo around sexuality, you’re saying, “Is this normal? Is there something wrong with me?” No, that’s 100% right. I think the place where people get stuck is feeling, “I need to have sex all the time.”
It’s not the worst thing in the world, but it’s also realizing that is your life-force energy. That bubbling over, almost uncontainable sense of, “I need to do something with this.” It’s true; you do. People then channel that into their lives. That creativity can be anything. Yes, it can be the things we think of as conventionally creative, like painting or drawing, but it can even be parenting your children or exercising or cleaning your house, or working in the garden, or having a conversation with your partner about some stuff that really needs to be talked about, or whatever you do as a vocation.
I love that you went through that process to really feel into that and then realized, “Yes, I can channel that into being sexual with my partner, and I can also channel that out into the world as creative power and energy.”
I guarantee every woman can be in that place of having a gushing, insatiable, high-performing cervical orgasm–type pussy that also becomes this creative mover and shaker in life. I love your story of a hundred cinnamon rolls [laughs] and that whole project, the women’s circle, where all of this stuff is being channeled and manifesting in your life as this positive, creative power, all from your vagina.
It’s been amazing to hear all about this. I’m so happy for you and proud of you. Is there anything else that you’d like to add?
MARA: I think we covered everything. This has completely changed the way I do everything in my life. Finding that depth in myself has awakened this desire to find depth in everything that I do, whether it be my relationship with my children or any project that I take on, my relationship with my husband, and especially my relationship with myself and my own body. My yoga practice has become so much deeper.
I found more progress at a quicker pace with my yoga practice and with my exercise as well, just because I’m able to go deeper. And my relationship with my kids has never been better. I have stories over the last few months about my kids as well, with them opening up to me and us having incredible experiences. It has changed the way that I do everything, and it’s incredible.
I still have moments of insecurity and “giving a fuck,” as you say. But I see on the horizon that is completely going away for me. As somebody who was incredibly insecure growing up, it’s huge for me to feel secure in my own body and to feel powerful. I never had my own sense of power, but I feel that now. I feel it just bubbling up from my pussy, into my stomach, my heart, my throat, and coming out of my mouth. This power and this individuality that I never had the confidence to express before.
Thank you for sharing this work that you’ve spent your lifetime discovering. It has changed my life and a lot of other people’s lives.
KIM: I love hearing all of that, Mara, and all the different ways in which this has manifested and woven its way through your life and even what you just said about your children. Bringing more depth into those relationships and magical reality shifts. Like I said, we’re birthing a new reality. We’re creating a new reality with this up-leveled energy and awareness.
Thank you so much for sharing all of this because it’s so inspirational to show everyone that they, too, can have a super pussy.
MARA: My pleasure. Thanks for having me, Kim.
In the Vaginal Kung Fu salon, we cover all of these practices for cultivating a Super Pussy.

You get my step-by-step instructions on using the jade yoni egg.
I walk you through exactly how to give yourself, or have your partner give you, a dedicated yoni massage.
And I show you how to clear old traumas and blocks out of your sexual space and your reproductive organs, to free them up to be the creative movers, shakers and life-givers they were always meant to be.
When you need something, go straight to the source: your vagina.
The VKF Salon opens for registration in January.
In the meantime, you can check out my free, preview video series for the salon, where I give you a technique you can try tonight to strengthen and tone your vagina.