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A Strong Vagina Keeps the Botox Away

Facelift, breast lift, mood lift. Vaginal weight lifting = bye, bye Botox.

Do you have an uplifting vagina?

Did you know that lifting weights with your vagina does all of the following?

  • Creates an overall lift in your mood
  • Lifts the pelvic floor, and all your internal organs so they don’t fall out—um yes, this is a thing that happens to 50% of women after childbirth
  • Gives you a facelift. Bye-bye, Botox.
  • Prevents leakage: energetic and otherwise.

Yes, having a strong, uplifted vagina uplifts every part of your life.

When you lift at the genitals, you create an energetic uplift throughout the entire body.

In women, this translates into a natural facelift, breast lift.

Your sexual energy is one of your greatest and most creative tools.

When you are properly accessing it, you’ll see how it inspires your life, giving you a buoyancy, a resilience, and an ability to go with the flow.

It gets you high.

I always say—if you want to get high, have more sex.

If you want to get higher, have sex with a strong set of genitals that can pump up your sexual energy from your lower centres to your higher ones, cultivating higher potency encounters.

In this episode:

  • Natural face lifts and breast lifts: for realz.
  • How are you leaking energy? Seal it and pull it up.
  • Tap into the Fountain of Youth
  • Vaginal acupressure treatments with the jade egg
  • Mood-boosting effects of vaginal weight lifting

Listen to the episode now: 

In this 10-week online salon, I’ve compiled the best of my 30 years of sexual and vaginal experience to take you over the edge into a lifetime of bliss.

You’ll learn:

  • How to have a toned, orgasmic and ecstatic vagina
  • How to transform challenging menstruation, PMS and menopause into blissful portals
  • Step-by-step instructions for your vaginal weight lifting practice
  • Guide to giving a healing and activating yoni massage.
  • Breast massage to tone, lift and enlarge the breasts
  • How to give your man a hand job. With your vagina.

All my vaginal power secrets and practices will be revealed in the upcoming Vaginal Kung Fu Salon.

You can get on the list to be notified when registration opens, and check out my free preview video series for the salon now. Click here to signup.

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A Strong Vagina Keeps the Botox Away Transcript

A woman holding jade yoni eggs which are used to exercise your vagina, and a strong vagina keeps the Botox away.

Welcome to season five of Orgasmic Enlightenment! It also happens to be one of my favorite seasons, Vaginal Kung Fu. Today’s episode is called “A Strong Vagina Keeps the Botox Away.” Facelift, breast lift, mood lift. Lift it. Lift it good!

Do you have an uplifted vagina? Did you know that lifting weights with your vagina does all of the following? It creates an overall lift in your mood and lifts the pelvic floor and all your internal organs so they don’t fall out. Yes, this is a thing that happens to 50% of women after childbirth. And it gives you a facelift. Bye-bye, Botox!

Yes, having a strong, uplifted vagina uplifts every part of your life, and here’s how.

Mood lifting. We all have things in life that try to pull us down, and that’s the nature of life here in the physical plane. We do our best, we have practices to keep positive, to stay afloat, and to transcend the madness. Your sexual energy is one of your greatest and most creative tools. When you are properly accessing it, you’ll see how it inspires your life, giving you buoyancy, resilience, and an ability to go with the flow. It gets you high.

I always say if you want to get high, have more sex. If you want to get higher, have sex with a strong set of genitals that can pump your sexual energy up from your lower centers and into your higher ones. You can use that energy as rocket fuel in your life.

A Strong Vagina Keeps the Botox Away Tip:

Most people are unconsciously leaking and ejecting their sexual energy out into the ethers, depleting their life force. Using a jade yoni egg to tone your vagina and pelvic floor locks that energy in and allows you to recirculate it in your body and use it in your life as creative power.

Plus, the vagina is an entire reflexology map of the major organ systems in the body. When you use the yoni egg the way I teach it, which is to learn to articulate every millimeter of your vagina, you are giving yourself an ecstatic acupressure treatment. Not only are you positively stimulating your internal organs from your heart to your liver, but in the Taoist Chinese system of medicine, all of these organs have associations with emotions.

For example, the cervix is connected to the heart, love, and spiritual awakening. The G-spot is associated with the kidneys and their feelings of trust and openness.

Each yoni egg practice is a physical, energetic, and emotional meditation and cleanse. When you work out your vagina, you are connecting to your sexual energy and self. This is the essential core of who you are. Getting all the blood and oxygen flowing in your reproductive region allows your hormones to flow better. Your lubricating fluids become much more prolific because circulation equals lubrication. Everything now flows better.

More than all of that though, when you get in touch with your sexual self, you are in touch with your true self. You now have this energy available to use in your daily life, your creativity, as the deepest expression of who you are.

Your libido, which is your life force, is now pumping. You can actually feel things in your vagina—pleasure, fingers, orgasm, cock, and wetness.

Depression comes from suppression and when you are disconnected from all of these things, especially your vagina, you are disconnected from your most authentic self and your life. #PoweredByVagina.

The second element to this is lifting and supporting your internal organs. As a human these days, it’s a rare feat to get through life with all of your organs intact. Western medicine is so very keen on cutting them out for you. You can increase the health and longevity of your internal organs, and especially your sexual ones, by supporting them so they don’t fall out on the floor. No one needs that now, do they? Except Western doctors. The cutting and falling out of organs is a very lucrative business for them.

Would you like to keep your uterus and cervix and ovaries? You can. Strengthening your pelvic floor to support them will keep them in place and keep them vital.

Plus, as you reconnect to these organs, which are the symbolic expression of your sexual self, you will inhabit them. Owning and inhabiting them is what keeps them intact. It’s when you are cut off from them that they can literally be cut off and cut out from you.

Each of your reproductive organs is a generator for your life-force energy, your creative and manifesting power. They are all integral to you.

A Strong Vagina Keeps the Botox Away Tip:

In Vaginal Kung Fu, I teach you to tap into and harness this power so that you can use it in your day-to-day life. When you are disconnected from these parts and your pelvic floor is weak, another symptom is urinary incontinence. You leak urine, just the way you leak your energy. Your sexual energy, your life-force energy, all of it is just draining away.

Think about this. According to Yale University School of Bend Me Over and Fuck Me Up The Ass for Money Medicine, up to 60% of American women have urinary incontinent issues. Fifty percent of women have had some kind of pelvic organ prolapse, i.e., their organs fall out of them—really strange thought, but true—after childbirth.

Half of all women are walking around with huge energetic leakage going on. These things can be reversed through using a jade yoni egg and Vaginal Kung Fu.

Now we come to the juicy part, the facelift and the breast lift. A weak pelvic floor means that not only do internal organs fall out, but our sexual energy leaks out of these channels. The leakage causes an entire downward gravitational pull in the body. Everything begins to sag. Lines form on the brow. Nasolabial folds increase. Breasts lose their firmness. Bellies get soft and through strengthening the pelvic floor, an energetic lift takes place in the body that firms, smooths, and supports everything in its wake.

A Strong Vagina Keeps the Botox Away Tip:

By practicing the recirculation of your sexual energy, you reverse gravity because sexual energy is the fountain of youth. In women, this translates into a natural facelift and often a breast lift as well. I have had countless women go through my salons and come out with fuller, perkier, and firmer breasts, and others whose friends think they got facelifts because their faces change so much. Not to mention all the formidable vagina power they now wield.

But don’t just take my word for it. In the first month of doing these practices, Taliana, the self-confessed pragmatic scientist and former Botox user, had this to say to me: “I am currently being pursued by more men than I will ever have time to respond to. I have had men make websites just to ask me out, take me on incredible dates, and most importantly, the one guy I am into seems to be equally into me, and I am starting a new, exciting, amazing relationship.

Although I have had a very solid and successful career, I can safely say this past month has been by far the most successful of my entire life. Today, before I sent out a very high-profile email, I did the breathing exercises and the vaginal egg practice, and the response was immediate. Excellent, let’s close the day. Oh, oh, oh, face-fucking lift. Surreal. And yes, I did not believe it was possible, but once again, you were right. Bye-bye, Botox. This work with you has been the most significant, highest-return investment of my life.”

So all of these things, to me, speak to that container, that sealing up of the energetic chain and the channel, so that energy then gets thrown back into you. It gets channeled back into you and your life, rather than just draining out of you.

The stats, like I said, are so incredibly high, and then we have people who start to do this kind of work, and they have these epic results. Because yeah, I’m just that good, actually. Sexual energy is just that powerful. Powerful enough to make breasts fuller and firmer, tone vaginas, and smooth years of tension out of a brow. From the bedroom to the boardroom, strong vaginas kick ass.

In the Vaginal Kung Fu Salon, we cover all of these practices for cultivating an uplifted vagina. You get my step-by-step instructions on using the jade yoni egg, as well as all of my vaginal power secrets and practices, including my full breast massage routine to tone, enlarge, and lift breasts.

You can get on the list to be notified when registration opens, and check out my free preview video series for the salon now. Click here to sign up.

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