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Energy Sex in the Wild

Years ago, when I first began studying sexual energy, my goal was to learn to make love to my partner when he was on the other side of the room, or, on the other side of the planet.

Now I can.

Most people have had some kind of experience where they are thinking of their partner, or perhaps having very sensual thoughts and all the feels about their partner, and their partner calls them in that moment.

Or later tells them that they were thinking of them.

Sometimes people will describe feeling a rush of energy in their genitals, or feel their presence very strongly, or feel a wave of intense love.

This idea that we can reach out and touch each other across the miles and continents even shows up in science.

Einstein’s Entanglement Theory (or “Spooky Action at a Distance”) speaks to the idea that particles which are connected continue to affect each other, even when separated by great distances.

You can communicate with your partner and send them emotions, energy, love.

And orgasms.

You can send them plenty of orgasms and lots of fantasies and imagined next-time-I-see-you encounters.

Being separated by distance is no excuse for a lull in your relationship.

Whether that separation is across the room, or at a party, or in a public restaurant or over thousands of miles.

You are still connected and can still be making love to each other.

In this episode, we’ll discuss how and you’ll see some hilarious and epic examples of energy sex in the wild.

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Years ago, when I first began studying sexual energy, my goal was to learn to make love to my partner when he was on the other side of the room, or, on the other side of the planet.

Now I can.

Most people have had some kind of experience where they are thinking of their partner, or perhaps having very sensual thoughts and all the feels about their partner, and their partner calls them in that moment.

Or later tells them that they were thinking of them.

Sometimes people will describe feeling a rush of energy in their genitals, or feel their presence very strongly, or feel a wave of intense love.

This idea that we can reach out and touch each other across the miles and continents even shows up in science.

Einstein’s Entanglement Theory (or “Spooky Action at a Distance”) speaks to the idea that particles which are connected continue to affect each other, even when separated by great distances.

You can communicate with your partner and send them emotions, energy, love.

And orgasms.

You can send them plenty of orgasms and lots of fantasies and imagined next-time-I-see-you encounters.

Being separated by distance is no excuse for a lull in your relationship.

Whether that separation is across the room, or at a party, or in a public restaurant or over thousands of miles.

You are still connected and can still be making love to each other.


Energy orgasms are orgasms that take place without and kind of touch whatsoever.

You know the spiritual axiom that “thoughts are things.”

Well, here we see that in action.

Orgasms are things too and we can have them whenever and wherever we want!

Over the years, as a travelling nomad, I’ve often been separated from my partner by thousands of miles of ocean, for lengths of time.

Having the ability to make love to them on the other side of the planet is a very handy skill.

Psychologist and well-known sex researcher Barry Komisaruk at Rutgers University, has done multiple studies, mapping out the areas of the brain that are lit up during sexual and orgasmic states.

He has tested people in his lab, and their ability to “think themselves off”.

This is exactly as it sounds: people imagine themselves to orgasm, without any touch at all, as their brain waves are being monitored.

And lo and behold, the same areas of their brain light up, as when they are having orgasms with physical stimulation.


We also have the “thoughts are things” phenomenon show up in the work of the esteemed Dr. Masaru Emoto, and his experiments looking at the structure of water.

His work has been repeated in many forms. all over the world, to show that what we think forms and alters the world around us.

For those who are new to his work, he conducted a series of experiments where he had people direct a range of feelings into glasses of water.

These emotions from love to hate to boredom, to anger to indifference.

The molecular structure of the water changed and was different, for each emotion.

The water that was sent “positive” emotions formed beautiful, harmonious patterns.

And the water that was sent “negative” emotions formed mutated shapes.

Yes, thoughts—and orgasms—are things.


Let’s go on a fascinating expedition into the natural habitat of the species:

Energis Orgasmus.

Starting with:

Orgasmus Solo

In the “solo” expression, we may find either a man or a woman, writhing in ecstasy, enjoying the stimulation of their own hands, and imaginations.

Once one becomes accomplished in the art of Energy Orgasms, the hands…are optional.

One may simply propel themselves into states of ecstasy through thought—and writhing—alone.

Orgasmus Domesticus

The female, relaxing, enjoying her tea and her Jordan Peterson book.

She feels a twitch in her genitals.

And then a rush of energy from her groin, up to her chest.

It spreads from her chest, in waves, moving down her arms, and up into her face.

Waves, pulsations of bliss spread throughout her entire body.

She convulses with orgasmic pleasure.

Orgasmus Just the Tip

Here, pursuing sustenance at their local watering hole.

The male, partaking in a fine glass of kombucha.

The woman, places him in her sights and stealthily approaches him.

She has her eye on the prize.

Comes indeed.

All it takes is a flick of the wrist and a sly stroke of the finger and POOOOOFF! He’s a goner!

Orgasmus Huntress

The female is on the hunt for food.

Keen. Focused. She waits for her prey.

The male seizes the opportunity to… give her an orgasm.

He penetrates her with his gaze and energy.

She is unsuspecting, deciding whether she’ll have samosas or a chickpea salad.

And then it happens. The rush of energy.

In her chest.

In her groin.

She shivers in ecstasy.

The other animals notice the commotion.

I’ll have what she’s having.

Orgasmus Wildus

On their way to enjoy some leisure time, the female spontaneously decides to show the male some affection.


She aims straight for his groin.

He. Is. Pulverized.

Uncontrollably convulsing.

She delights, in how he is overcome. In absolute surrender.


Can everyone experience Energy Orgasms?


The biggest factor in having them is the degree of connection and openness you have with your partner.

I usually describe this kind of depth as “gourmet sex”.

Where you bring ALL parts of you to the table, and the bed:

Emotionally. Physically. Mentally. Spiritually.

If your energy channels and hearts and genitals are wide open to each other, you’ll be even more strongly connected across time and space.

You’ll be able to send and receive love, and thoughts. And orgasms.

I go into more detail on how to do this in my Energy Sex and Orgasms podcast, and walk you through it step-by-step in my Coming Together Salon for Couples.

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