From Porn to Power
To porn or not to porn? That is the question.
To porn or not to porn. That is the question!
A recent study showed that 94% of men had viewed pornography in the last six months.
And 82% considered themselves “regular viewers” of pornography.
There’s A LOT of information out there on the negative impacts of porn, from the depletion of testosterone and dopamine and its impact on erections, to how addictive it is, to keep its effects going.
And then there’s how porn effects a man’s relationships with women in general, and a regular partner especially.
Instead of rattling off a bunch more stats for you, I’m going to let Jonathon share with you directly.
He started using porn at age 17 and within a year had ED issues.
He’s had the classic porn trajectory, and now has come out the other side of it.
He says:
“Quitting porn was the best thing I ever did for my sex life.”
“Since starting the Sexual Mastery for Men course, I have not even thought of porn. The fire in our relationship has exploded once we got on the same sheet of music.”
In our raw and intimate conversation we talk about:
- Porn as a formative sexual influence in many young male lives
- The additive nature of porn
- What porn does to your cock
- What porn does to your relationship to yourself, and your partner
- Why watching porn is akin to being a cuckhold
- Porn’s contribution to the beta-fication of men
- The parasitic nature of porn
- The problem with depleting your fluids constantly
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