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Make Her Squirt, Make More Cash

Boss in bed = Boss in business.

The better you f**k your woman, the more money you’ll make.

You’ll slay not only in bed, but in business and far beyond.

In today’s episode, we have some amazing stories of men having epic sex dates and then closing the biggest deals of their lives, including a multi-million dollar blow job, and landing bucket-list gigs and finding dream houses.

All through the power of f**k.

We hear from salon members ALL the time who go through the salons, how people are just “throwing money at them” or how money just “falls into their laps”.

Yeah. Because your lap is exactly what attracted it.

Sometimes when I’m talking to the dudes, I try and keep things a bit less esoteric and more practical.

But at a certain level, the relationship between the quality and quantity of:

– Killer blow jobs you receive

– Vaginal and squirting orgasms your woman has

– Life changing, extended sex dates and sex weekends you go on

And YOU becoming a millionaire and slaying in business and in your career, is an equation that simply can’t be ignored!

In today’s episode:

  • 5 keys to using your sexual energy to make more cash and boost your business
  • How to create conscious, self-actualized cock
  • Learn to keep—instead of dump—your sexual energy. NoFap ain’t got nothing on this!
  • The impact of a shitty sex life on your bank balance
  • Are you bending life over and f**king it into oblivion?
  • The multi-million dollar blow job

Hear from four epic Well-F**ked All Stars on:

  • How they are making more money than they ever have in their lives
  • Closing their biggest business deal ever
  • Landing their dream creative gig
  • Manifesting and moving into their dream home

What are their secrets??

Says Paul: “How can you manifest that significant of a thing? We got it through great f**king!”

If you’re ready to become a legendary Supercock slayer in all areas of your life, check out my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon.
In this 8-week online program, you’ll learn:
  • How to build Superstar stamina to last for hours.
  • How to own your masculine power and drive and use your sexual energy to boost your business and income.
  • Master everything from communication to vaginal orgasm techniques to make your woman well-fucked.
  • And so much more.

You can signup for the 7 Days to Supercock series, and to be notified of when the Sexual Master for Men opens for registration.

Signup here.

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TRANSCRIPT – Make Her Squirt, Make More Cash

Boss in bed = boss in business

The better you f**k your woman, the more money you’ll make.

You’ll slay not only in bed, but in business and far beyond.

In today’s episode, we have some amazing stories of men having epic sex dates and then closing the biggest deals of their lives, including a multi-million dollar blow job, and landing bucket-list gigs and finding dream houses.

All through the power of f**k.

We hear from salon members ALL the time who go through the salons, how people are just “throwing money at them” or how money just “falls into their laps”.

Yeah. Because your lap is exactly what attracted it.

Sometimes when I’m talking to the dudes, I try and keep things a bit less esoteric and more practical.

But at a certain level, the relationship between the quality and quantity of:

– Killer blow jobs you receive

– Vaginal and squirting orgasms your woman has

– Life changing, extended sex dates and sex weekends you go on

And YOU becoming a millionaire and slaying in business and in your career, is an equation that simply can’t be ignored!

I’ll spell it out for you.

Super stamina + Deep throating + cervical orgasms + three-hour sex dates = $$$$$$$$$

I’m always talking about how sexual energy is creative energy and it has the power to generate new life.

And, how if you aren’t making babies with that energy, then you can learn to take that creative power and use it to manifest and shape the life you want.

You have the creative power of the universe at your genitals.

With every ejaculation, it flows through you.

And mostly, out of you and into a piece of toilet paper, or a condom, and maybe… your woman!

Most men waste this energy because they have no idea of its true power.

They have no idea the cost that is exacted on them mentally and physically by perpetually ejecting their load into the ethers.

The biggest lie we’ve been told about sexual energy is that somehow it’s inconsequential.

We can fritter it all away, with no impact on our lives.

I’d argue that sexual energy, when used unconsciously, is the biggest depleting factor of your core energy and ability to create, get shit done and conquer in the world.

And conversely, it’s your most potent power source—your secret weapon—when you understand how to use it.

So before we hear from our well-fucked men throwing down that Supercock energy left, right and center, let’s talk about how you make your sexual energy work for you.

Here are five keys to using your sexual energy to make more cash and boost your business.

1 Create a conscious, self-actualized cock.

Most people—men and women—are dissociated from their genitals and thus, their own power.

This can be due to a number of reasons, such as: sexual trauma, taking on cultural and family beliefs, circumcision, to name a few.

Everyone is dissociated to some degree, because how can you NOT when we all grow up in a realm with such distorted perceptions of sex?

Using tools like lingam massage—whether you do it to yourself or your partner does it to you—help you to reconnect with and truly own and wield that power tool that is your cock: creating the ultimate cockfidence.

I’d also put becoming a stamina maestro in the category of conscious cock ownership and having total control over when and if you ejaculate.

You wield your cock and sexual energy masterfully in the world.

2) Learn to keep, instead of dump, your sexual energy.

Instead of jerking off with the sole purpose of getting to orgasm and passing out as fast as possible, you learn to build and harness that energy, so you can channel it out into your life.

The fastest, easiest and most effective way to do this is through breathing.

I teach Tantric breathing and energy harnessing techniques in all of my salons.

These are essential not just to build super stamina, but to harvest your sexual energy.

Most people, when they get to orgasm, tend to hold the breath, breathe really shallowly, tighten up the body, and then just expel all of that high-quality energy, and then they literally collapse afterward.

What we want to do instead is become very conscious in the moments close to orgasm, and breathe.

Deep, steady, long breathing.

I have some great videos on this on my YouTube channel. If you check out the Sexual Mastery for Men playlist, there’s one, “How to Last Longer in Bed and Cure Premature Ejaculation Forever,” and I also go more deeply into them in my Sexual Mastery for Men salon.

3) Uplevel your relationship.


f you are in one, realize that your relationship has the power to build you up into a Supercock mover-and-shaker in the world, or drain you into a shell of a beta male.

Which is it going to be?

You can put the time and energy to clear the space in your relationship and get to a place of feeling aligned and connected,

as you’ll hear our all stars share about shortly, and reap the rewards…or you don’t, and all that energy inverts back on you and your bank account.

The moral of the story, is that you might think your shitty relationship and your shitty sex life have no impact on your business and your bank balance.

But you’d be wrong.

4) Own your masculine energy and power.

I’m forever giving men permission to occupy their most wild, primal and masculine selves.

Years back, a client had come to see me because he was experiencing impotency issues.

Young guy, in his 20s. Not using porn, so it wasn’t that.

I asked him about his work. He said he was holding back with clients and not really letting his full expression come out.

So I told him to go back to work and man up.

He did. He ended up getting a raise, a promotion, and a move to an exciting new city.

Guess what happened to his cock?

It came back in all its glory, and even grew.

So. The big barometric question is, are you fucking life?

Are you bending it over and slamming it against the headboard and fucking it senseless?

If not, it sounds like you’ve got further to go.

Your unbridled masculine energy needs outlets in which to be… unbridled.

5) Longer sex dates: with yourself and/or your partner.

If you listen to the all star stories coming up, you’ll notice that they have a similar thread running through them:


The longer you have sex for, the more energy you HARVEST.

And, becoming a marathon man in bed, stretches your endurance in life and business.

You train yourself to go harder, farther and wilder.

And tap your creative genius on the way.

Since women are naturally insatiable, once you open them up, they thrive on these extended sex dates where they can have multiple G-Spot, squirting and cervical orgasms.

And when your woman is well and deeply fucked, her squirting ejaculate becomes the secret sauce that lubricates the wheels of all of your business and life projects.


KIM: We’ve got four short clips today for you, to show you what’s possible from the bedroom to the boardroom, when you own your Supercock powers.

First off is Mark. He and his gorgeous wife Amanda are a crowd favourite in Anami Land and we’ve had them on the podcast a number of times.

In this clip, he shares how the more sexually and intimately nourished they are, it feeds their business.


MARK: in terms of business, that’s a really hard one to explain, I guess, and I don’t fully understand why—I mean, Mandy does. She’s far more in tune with this side of things, but opportunities have seemed to have presented themselves in our business life. You and I spoke earlier about just how challenging things are right now in the world with everything that’s going on. I don’t refer to the specifics of it because it’s just so ridiculous to continue to talk about what purveys in every part of our lives these days. But essentially it makes life more challenging. It makes travel, work, growing a business, growing a business overseas, just harder and harder.

But what’s happened, and as I say, I don’t specifically understand why, other than trusting, I guess, in the universe a little bit, but opportunities have presented themselves as a result of those challenges and what I would call in my business environment, somewhat catastrophes that have been able to be spun on their head and presented as opportunities, and in reality, massive opportunities.

I guess it’s the way you kind of look at things. You get punched in the face at times and then you either fall down and don’t get back up or you go, “Wait a minute, what’s that trying to tell me? Do I need to be heading in that direction or should I be heading in another direction?”

I’ve got the same businesses operating today that I had two years ago, pre-2020, pre-2019, they’re just heading in a completely different and more positive direction, and they’re exciting. It’s still massive amounts of hard work, it’s still grinding and challenging every day, but the opportunities that have presented themselves—which I just could never have predicted—but again, they’ve only come out of the fact that we’ve been doing our work. We’ve been trusting in each other, trusting in the universe, trusting in our partners, in business and things like that, and trusting the right thing will happen, and that’s what’s happening.

My place of comfort, my place of assurity is to come back to Mandy and just talk about these challenges. We usually talk and then we make love or we have sex or we fuck or whatever it is that needs to happen, that is almost 100% of the time what happens. We talk about what’s going on, good, bad, or indifferent, and then we still got to—as you use the word alchemize—we fuck on it and it materializes in a different way. And if I’m not there or she’s not there, one of us is always there. We’ll bring each other to where we need to be.

KIM:  #fuckspo. You know that hashtag, #inspo or #inspiration? It’s #fuckspo, getting that divine connection reestablished within yourselves through each other and your genitals.

She tells a great story or you guys were experimenting with the idea of, “Okay, we’ve got a big business meeting, or you do, let’s give you some good sex, get some good loving up before this meeting and see what happens.” What did happen? What was the difference when you did that specifically to prepare for your meeting?

MARK:  Yeah. It was probably one of those challenges that we were talking about before and what we did was, Mandy said, “You’re stressed and you’ve got so much going on,” she said, “Let’s just…” We’ve got a little Harry Potter room at work that we store some stuff in, so we went into the Harry Potter room and she gave me oral sex and work was going on and it always goes on, but the sex was amazing. We finished in the Harry Potter room and we came out and I went straight into my—well, it was a Zoom meeting—it was an opportunity to take our business to another country effectively, which is actually close to you guys. Well, I’m assuming you’re in the States. We wanted to manufacture our business—well, wanted to build our manufacturing business overseas.

One of the opportunities that came out of that meeting was essentially to create another manufacturing plant in another part of the world, which would mitigate a lot of the changes that were going on with the world at the moment and bring us so much closer to our market for one of our products.

That literally came out of a session that we had in the Harry Potter room that then came to a Zoom meeting with our respective business partners and partners in Mexico. Yeah. It was very enlightening.

The meeting was about the challenges we were facing and I don’t know who came up with the actual concept around the room, but essentially, the meeting was how we were going to deal with the challenges. What came out of the meeting was how we just elevate our business to just a completely other level by this—what seemed like a ridiculous idea. I felt like if we had had this idea a month earlier, during everything that was going on, it just would’ve been like, “Are you crazy? That’s insane!”

Then we alchemized the pressure and the love that we have for one another and take it to this meeting and go—poof—this is what we need to do. It’s clearly the—and everyone is like, “You know what? That’s probably going to work. That just might—that’s probably going to work!” And I’m like, “Of course it’s going to work. That’s exactly what we need to do.” Yet an hour earlier, I’m like, “What are we going to do? What are we going to do?” So, yeah, it just created the ideas.

I notice that I become, in my life, I have a connection with my wife, so that’s our business, that’s our home, that’s me as a dad, I’ve become the king. I am her king and she is my queen, and she treats me like a king. Just in every way. And it’s not always like that, so this is not this perfect fairy tale of life where I get to be the king and she gets to be the queen, because we still have our challenges and our ups and downs.

But when we know that we’re coming together and doing the work and when we know that she’s well-fucked and I’m well-fucked and we’re bringing that energy into everything that we do, I imagine it’s quite annoying for people around us to see how doting she is on me and vice versa. It’s a beautiful thing.

And to be someone’s king, to be the king in any sort of relationship but not a bastard king, just someone who is lucked up to as having taken care of the kingdom, it’s a beautiful thing and it just takes you to levels that I never knew possible.

And same for her. I mean, the respect and love I have for Mandy as my queen and the mother and all it means is that we just keep wanting to do more of what we’re doing for one another.

In those moments, in those darker moments where you’re stressed and something has happened with family or something has happened with work or something has just happened in yourself, you’ve got this woman or the woman’s got this man that’s going, “Well, you’re my queen, I’m your king, what is it you need?” Or as far as my wife’s concerned, she knows what I need, and she just gives me what I need straightaway.

And I’m learning to do the same in return.


KIM: And now we’ve got Mark’s other half, Amanda, sharing their “multi-million dollar blow job story”

Amanda gives us frequent updates about her and Mark’s sexual adventures and their evolution over time. After reading your latest update, I just had to have you back to share your story.

So Mark was away for six weeks, and I know that you guys are very diligent about your connection time and your sex dates and staying really close to each other. You had this physical separation, and then, to really celebrate him coming back and reconnect consciously, you had a sex weekend.

Start there and tell us exactly what else happened.

AMANDA: Yes. So we had a couple of weeks when he was home from his trip, and we couldn’t get away just yet because the kids needed their time as well and the business needed things. We organized a sex weekend two weeks after he had returned. That Friday morning, he went and dropped the kids at school. When he came home, we began the sex weekend with an extended session of me providing him oral pleasure.

KIM: Extended for how long?

AMANDA: Ninety minutes before we got ready to go where we were going.

KIM: So 90 minutes just of oral sex?

AMANDA: Yes. Just of me, my mouth, his cock.

KIM: Welcome home, honey! Great to see you again.

AMANDA: It was very good. [Laughs] I was super keen because I really enjoy giving oral sex. When we got started, I wasn’t planning to go for 90 minutes; it just evolved into that because it was so incredibly enjoyable.

That went on for 90 minutes, and then we got ready. We packed up everything and were on our way to our hotel. When we go away for our sex weekends, we always switch off. We have no phones, no connection; it’s just time for him and I. But on the way, we received a phone call. And when Mark read the name on the phone, he said, “Oh my God, I’m so sorry; I have actually been waiting for this call. Do you mind if I take it?” Of course I said, “Yeah, take it. That’s fine.”

We were both in tears over how amazing this was; literally, we were crying in the car because of how big this deal was that we had just landed within our business. It’s the biggest deal that we’ve ever landed, and it was just mind-blowing. We said, “Oh my God.”

And he’s sitting in the car saying, “Do you think it could be from what we just did? Because Kim’s always talking about how chakra is connected to finances…” Anyway, so we were blown away. It was so exciting; we were so happy. We were checking in, and the woman at the front desk thought there was something wrong because we were both still saying, “Oh my God!” [Laughs]

We got upstairs, and we decided to celebrate again. And the things that flowed over the next 72 hours within our business, with us having that connecting sex date—it was like a domino effect that was almost overwhelming. It felt like, “It’s all coming to fruition. How are we actually going to handle what is going on?” It was that big.


KIM: Here’s another one of our all-star well-fucked couples, Paul and Barbara, talking about manifesting his dream gig and a new home for their family.

PAUL:  As a musician, one of the funny things for me is the creativity has just come out in different ways, too. I mean, the creativity is not just in the bed, but it’s increased my creativity.

Also, confidence to try new things, musically as well. It’s been—yeah. I had an amazing experience actually just last week. I was doing a recorded session with professional musicians here in Los Angeles and I had the French horn section that John Williams uses for Star Wars. One of the guys came up to me and complimented me on the writing and said, “I really like how you did this, and this was different, and I like how you tried this, and this worked really well.” It’s just breaking out of old molds and doing new, creative things. It’s just been amazing for me. I’ve got the confidence to try that, to just feel like, hey, I know what the hell I’m doing. I can do this, and I can make it happen.

It’s worked out. I mean, it’s worked out in other gigs that I’ve gotten, too. Just landed that other Abbey Road job. I mean, Abbey Road—for a musician that’s a recording musician that does orchestra music, Abbey Road is like the Holy Grail. It’s the Mecca. LA is amazing. Just amazing. But Abbey Road is like, that’s what everyone wants.

It’s pretty cool that I’m returning to Abbey Road for this other thing that just popped up like a month ago and when these things like that happen, I just—I mean, my brain is still struggling with the idea, did I get this call because I had great sex last night?

It’s one of those things that’s weird. This is something I’ve always struggled with because it isn’t normal human stuff; you have great sex and then something amazing happens.

But when it happens again and again, it just really makes you want to keep on having amazing sex. And honestly, the jobs are great. The jobs have been amazing, and I’m super happy with them. But there was one thing that was significantly more amazing than that. About nine, ten months ago we made the decision to get out of Los Angeles. I’ve lived there all my life; my career was there. Her career was there. We decided that it would be best for our family if we left.

This was a huge thing for us because we had never lived outside of this one little pocket on the north end of LA. So we started looking in this one area in Southern Utah that we really liked because we’d vacationed there. I said, “This place is gorgeous. My grandfather used to live here. We love it here, and the people are amazing. We can really find our people here.” And we felt a really strong connection with the place.

Our realtor that we had met by complete accident—that’s a whole other story—said, “There are 1,600 people looking for houses in your price range, and there are only 180 properties available.”

We bid on a property, didn’t get it. We bid on a property, didn’t get it. We bid on another one, sight unseen, got outbid by 40 grand on five properties.

This kept on happening, and our house had sold. I said, “We’re going to be homeless. We’ve got to be out of our house.” And we literally had no place to go. I said to Barbara—

KIM: We’ve got to get fucking! [Laughs] We’ve got to get fucking!

PAUL: Absolutely! And we did. We talked about it; we tried to really connect before we did. We had a great night, and the next morning the deal came through. Out of all this, that is one of the most amazing things. We got it for under asking, which is impossible.

KIM: Yeah!

PAUL: But it was a situation where I just accidentally happened upon this place for sale by the owner. The realtor went by and talked to the guy. It turns out that his best friend coached baseball with him, and so there was that instant connection. And the guy wanted to get out of the house. He said, “I’ve got somebody for you right here,” and so we got it.

It’s a great place. We love it here, and that’s honestly the biggest life change. How can you manifest that significant of a thing, you know? But I feel like we were desperate; our family needed this. We had to do something. And if you can get it through great fucking, then that’s great. [Laughs]

Our intimate life is the priority and is the thing that all that grows from.


KIM: And to round it off, here’s Jeff who we’ll be featuring in another interview on Dickmatizing Your Woman, who famously told us:

“My stamina has increased and I can fuck for hours. Her blowjobs have become savage. (Love that comment!!) While I have been very successful with my business, things have really taken off now.  People are throwing money at me.”

KIM: Tell me about the changes in your business. One of the things we talk about a lot in my work is how once we open up more of our sexual channel and flow, we see that come back to us with money, business success, and abundance. People often use the phrase “This thing just fell into my lap.” It’s because your lap is what attracted it. So what have you noticed there?

JEFF: Yeah. I was already doing pretty well, but it’s just this radiance that you have as a person. I’m a contractor, so I sell things and work with mechanical equipment. When we’re doing estimates, it’s easier for me to sell stuff. People can just feel it coming off you. You’re just in a better mood.

If you’re a salesperson that’s not pushy and you take the time and joke around and make eye contact and you’re just in your element, people pick up on it and it’s easier to close deals. It doesn’t matter what line of work you are in.

If you’re attracting people, they want what you’re selling. It’s just easier for me to land jobs. I was doing well before, but now it seems I can’t not sell something. It’s if I show up, I get it.

I’ve never made so much money in my life. It certainly has something to do with this because I’m doing it for her. That’s what this is all about, providing for my family. Now I’m energized to do that and I want to see what’s next, and these sex weekends are expensive, so I need to make money. It’s good motivation to do it. It’s working out great.


If that’s not #fuckspo for you, I don’t know what is!

The proof is always in the pudding.

At first glance, this stuff might seem “woo woo”, but after you see it happen enough times, when you see the cause and effect of:

*Epic sex = more deals, more money, more business expansion*

You can’t deny it.

You become a believer.

Then a disciple and ambassador.

And you start planning those sex dates before big meetings and scheduling those sex weekends months in advance because…

When you know, you know.


If you’re ready to become a legendary Supercock slayer in all areas of your life, check out my Sexual Mastery for Men Salon, which opens for registration at the end of August.

In this 8-week online program, you’ll learn:

  • How to build Superstar stamina to last for hours.
  • How to own your masculine power and drive and use your sexual energy to boost your business and income.
  • Master everything from communication to vaginal orgasm techniques to make your woman well-fucked.
  • And so much more.

You can signup for the 7 Days to Supercock series, and to be notified of when the salon opens for registration.

Signup here.

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