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Questions to Ask Your OBGYN

Every OBGYN ought to be able to give answers to these tough questions.

Whether you are pregnant, want to be pregnant, or simply think that you want an OBGYN as part of your care team, here is a list of questions you can use to vet potential candidates.  

You might be surprised to find me suggesting that you go out and find yourself an OBGYN.


That’s not what I’m suggesting.

But if you are keen to enlist one to participate in your female health issues, then they ought to be able to answer every one of the rigorous questions I’ve prepared.


Listen to the episode here:

Or download and listen on the go:

Here is the transcript of the episode, plus the full question list.


I’ve touched on the state of current OBGYN care in the Western world in a couple of other podcasts, which I suggest you also check out: 

Don’t Just Lie There and Take It 


SOS: Save Our Reproductive Organs

My work is all about helping people to find and restore their own true power, and ability to heal themselves. 

The Western medical model is the opposite of this. It takes power AWAY from people and makes them reliant on an outside authority or a drug or lifetime of drugs. 

Nowhere do we see this more profoundly than in the realm of women’s reproductive health. 

From an early age, girls and women are taught that their bodily functions are shameful, inconvenient and a massive pain in the ass. 


There is a clear financial agenda with this as well. 

Women’s reproductive care used to lay in the hands and vaginas of women.  

Typically, midwives.  

In the early 1900’s, 99% of women birthed at home.

By 1950, it was only 50%.

Now, it’s about 1%.

Yet ironically, an American hospital is the most dangerous place to give birth.

At the turn of the last century, there were—and still are—orchestrated smear campaigns against midwives, to try and get women into hospitals to have their babies, rather than at home.

Ads were run in newspapers, talking about “filthy women from the old country”—uh, midwives—in an attempt to scare women into having their children in hospitals instead.

Here is a telling quote from Doctor Hodge in 1938, speaking to this agenda:

“If these facts can be substantiated, if this information can be promulgated, if females can be induced to believe that their sufferings will be diminished or shortened, and their lives and those of their offspring be safer in the hands of the profession, there will be no further difficulty in establishing the universal practice of Obstetrics. 

All the prejudices of the most ignorant and nervous female all the innate and acquired feelings of delicacy so characteristic of the sax will afford no obstacle to the employment of male practitioners.”

One of the biggest problems with all this, is that a woman’s sexual power is one of the most important gifts she has to shape her life and world wtih. 

And birth is THE most formative and life-altering experience that a woman has access to. 

When a birth is allowed to happen uninterrupted—a natural, physiological birth—it is an amazing, life-changing opportunity for women.

Not only because she is giving birth to new life.

But she is also rebirthing herself.

Guys take drugs, women give birth.

In First Nations cultures in North America, women were known to have access to other dimensions via the opening of their cervixes: during menstruation and during birth.

This was where they got their magic from.

Men, not naturally gifted with these events, had to go find their magic via sweat lodges, vision quests and psychoactive drugs.

Instead of being portals for self-realization, these events have been relegated to some kind of crisis.

These opportunities have been robbed and taken from women.

I want to be clear: If you were in a challenging birthing situation in a hospital, I am not blaming you. If you trusted a so-called expert with your health, you were simply trying to do what you thought was best for you and your child.

I do blame the allopathic medical establishment and the scores of snake-oil peddling OBGYNs who have a vested interest in removing these powers from women, and placing them in their own hands.


I’m going to be focusing on women’s reproductive health—specifically birth and pregnancy—in the coming weeks.

Listen to all of these episodes, where I’ll have a chance to elaborate on all these angles and nuances in-depth. 

If you are looking for an OBGYN, or in the market for someone to be part of your birth process, then I encourage you to print out this list of questions, walk in and pose them to your potential provider. I’m not sure how you’ll fit them all into your comprehensive five-minute appointment, but do your best!

Here we go: 

1) Have you ever actually healed a woman? I.e. cured her without taking out her internal organs (doesn’t count) or giving her drugs to mask her symptoms (nope, not healing)?

2) I’ve noticed that it’s really trendy these days to cut out women’s uteruses, ovaries and cervixes. Do you think this is a trend we ought to keep running with?

3) Do you receive any kind of financial kickback for the organ tissue that you remove from women during these procedures? If so, how much per body part?

4) It’s been said that the birth control is the lazy OBGYN’s cure all? What do YOU think? 

5) Organ removal comes in second as “the answer to everything.” Is it? Are women really better off without their body parts? 

6) How much do you make in commission and affiliate sales from promoting drugs such as hormonal birth control and menopause-type hormones to women, and keeping them on this medication for their entire lives? This sounds like an amazing revenue source! 

7) How many hundreds women did you rape when they were unconscious while doing your practicum as an OBGYN resident? Do you think it’s okay for dozens of students to be marched into the operating room of some random woman who has no idea what is happening, because she was never informed about it and so could not consent, AND WHILE SHE IS UNDER ANESTHESIA, one by one, you all shove your hands inside of her?  

Do you think this sets a dangerous precedent for treating women—and their body parts—as non-sentient beings? Or do you actually think this IS essential training for how to look at women and their bodies in general, as objects to be used, ignored and overridden without their input?

Let me unpack this one for you. This is standard practice. It’s been outlawed now in Canada, and in several, well, actually only a handful of US states, meaning it’s still legal in most of them. It’s not talked about, and it’s this dirty secret that has long been kept behind closed doors. There have been a few whistleblowers in recent years who brought this practice to light. It, um, never sat well with them, and so they came out about it. 

One of them, Dr. Shawn Barnes, was part of a graduating medical class where he and his 60 or so classmates collectively performed approximately 6000 “pelvic exams on unconscious women” amongst them, or around 100 each. 

The definition of rape is sexual contact without consent or without the ability to consent. 

This practice is rape. Gang rape, actually. And like I said, it sets the tone for women and their reproductive organs being passive, unconscious entities. 

Amy Jo Goddard is making a documentary on this: At Your Cervix.

Let’s turn to pregnancy and birth: 

8) How much money do you make for a vaginal birth? How much for a C-section? From my research, a C-section is double the cost of a vaginal birth. It looks like you get $50,000 per C-section and $30,000 for a vaginal delivery. 

Do you see any conflict of interest there? Is there any relationship to this dollar figure and you encouraging women to “schedule” their births? 

9) The statistics say that most hospital births happen between 9am and 5pm from Monday to Friday. That’s so interesting.

I wonder if that has anything to do with OBGYNs like you wanting women to “schedule” C-sections so they don’t happen at an inconvenient time, like at 2pm on a Saturday afternoon, in the middle of your golf game? 

10) Do you think there is any merit in a woman giving birth naturally, without medical intervention? Do you believe it’s even possible? 

11) Why do you think the US has the highest maternal death rate in the developed world? And where mortality rates are continually rising? 

12) Why do you think the US has the highest newborn death rate in the developed world?

13) Do you think it’s because you are terrible at your job? 

14) The United States has an average hospital OBGYN C-section rate of 33%. At The Farm, which is a famous midwifery collective run by Ina May Gaskin, the average midwife-attended birth had a C-section transfer rate of 1.7%, which better reflects a state of actual emergency.

Please explain. Is this because you view birth as a surgical opportunity? Rather than a natural occurrence? IS this because if women simply gave birth naturally without intervention, you’d be out of a job?

Because if statistically speaking, 31% of those 33% of births are NOT emergencies, then what are they?

You needing to get home for dinner? Or you needing to feel like you “did your job” and saved the day from…. nothing? 

15) Have you ever been at a birth where you didn’t intervene and give a woman: 

  • Pitocin 
  • An epidural 
  • An episiotomy 
  • A C-section?

16) I was wondering if you could provide me with a list of all the known side effects to all the above-mentioned interventions. I’ve read numerous studies with links to everything from asthma to autism. Please explain to me your rationale in using these things, given such high risks. I understand that you’ll likely say it’s to “save the baby”.

However, as mentioned above, in the average midwife-attended birth, the C-section rate is 1.7%, which better reflects a state of emergency. The hospital process seems to actually manufacture emergencies, with its various interventions, yes? Egs. Pitocin creates stronger, more painful contractions, which leads to an epidural, which tends to slow down the birth, and then leads to a C-section. Very convenient chain of events.

17) What do you think is an acceptable amount of time for a woman to be in labor before you give her some Pitocin to “helps things along”? Is it when you want to be home to watch the latest episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills? 

18) Speaking of arbitrarily “scheduling” women’s babies for delivery, do you think there is any merit in allowing a baby’s lungs to develop, which is known to be the cue which starts the labor and birth process? I mean, it’s kind of handy, since children will need their lungs to breathe, right? Do you think there is any relationship between the fact that children with asthma were more likely to have been induced, and not brought to full term, or allowed to initiate the birth process? 

19) Do you think open-doored hospital births are a great idea? The practice whereby anyone passing by in the hallway can peep in and check out a woman’a vagina, while she’s in the middle of giving birth?

20) Do you think it’s ideal to strap women down during labor, when moving around actually helps childbirth and moves the baby into an optimal position? And lying her down increases her chances of “stalling out” and eventually requiring a C-section? 

21) C-sections are the most commonly performed surgery in the US and in the world, followed closely by hysterectomies, and cutting off baby dicks, for 40+ years running. What’s with all the cutting? Do you truly not have any other skills for healing people? It’s kinda barbaric, don’t you think? 

22) Do you routinely cut off baby’s dicks when they are born? Do you think that boys and men might ever miss having the most sensitive, nerve-ending rich part of their anatomy? Do you see any moral issues with assaulting a young baby, without its consent, and cutting off its dick? Do you think the idea of cutting off male genitalia to prevent sexual pleasure is a concept that is no longer morally, physically and ethically sound? Was it ever? 

23) Foreskin tissue gets sold after you cut it off, right? How much do you make per foreskin when you cut them off healthy male babies? 

24) Are C-sections and hysterectomies the procedures that make you the most money in your practice? Do you think there’s any conflict of interest there? 

A few personal questions: 

I’m of the opinion that an expert ought to know how to do and be good at doing the things they are claiming expertise at. So… just curious….

25) Have you ever had a cervical orgasm before? If male, do you give them to your wife regularly? Do you think that being sexually inexperienced and underfucked makes you a bad candidate for doing your job well?

26) How did YOU make your babies? Did you buy them at the baby store or did you make sex? 

27) How did you birth them? How many interventions did you have in your birth? Did you or have you ever used your or your partner’s vagina for anything like sex or birth? If not, what do you think vaginas ought to be used for? 

And finally: 

28) Do you think that the orgasmic, rapturous, pleasurable, transcendent, life-changing experience of giving birth—that many women experience when they trust their own bodies and refuse routine interventions—is what birth was meant to be?

I do. 

** Download the PDF version of these questions here by clicking on this image, if you’d like to print it out and take it to your prospective OBGYN.   

 Sexy Mama 8-week online salon  

My 8-week online salon on holistic pregnancy and ecstatic childbirth is open for registration. Check out the free video series to dive deep into this topic and reclaim what birth is actually meant to be like:



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5 thoughts on “Questions to Ask Your OBGYN

  1. My first wife and I were R.N, ‘s. She had polycystic ovaries—very painful for her. We worked in a small hospital in Maine, where the OB-GYN always had difficulty getting to hospital on time for delivery. He lived on other side of the train tracks about 2 miles away from the hospital. We would call him when the cervix was at 9 so to give him time to arrive for delivery. We both worked the 11 pm to 7am shift. It was very rare for him to get there in time. Most of the time my wife and I did the delivery. His claim to fame was that “the train was going through” when he was on his way to the hospital. We were lucky that no one had a difficult delivery. The nearest neonatal unit was a two-hour air ambulance flight. This was back in the 1970’s.

    We both taught breastfeeding. We were lucky to adopt two newborns six months apart in age and she was able to breastfeed both.

    The questions you want the women to ask are very accurate and 100% correct. Thank you for empowering women to do their homework and then use a midwife and doulas. My advice to any woman stay a bazillion miles away from OB-GYN—male or female profit-first-healthcare 1%. Sad to say, but OB-GYNs are no different in 2019 than in 1970.