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3 Keys to Lifelong Passion

You’ve heard me talk about the three-hour sex date and the six-day sex date.

Today I’m going to talk about the 10-week sex date.

If you’ve watched the free video I have: How to Spice Up Your Love Life, Even if You Don’t Have One, you’ve heard me talk about the couple who decided to have sex every day for 365 days.

In fact, the idea came from the wife, who wanted to gift her husband with a special 40th birthday present: sex every day for a year.

Initially the husband was reticent. He thought that having sex on a schedule would take the spontaneity out of it.

But in the end, he agreed.

After the year was over, the couple was interviewed.

They stuck to it: they had sex every day for a year.

Both of them said that by far, that was the best year of their marriage.

They had been together for about 20 years and had several children. Their sagging intimate life had become the white elephant in the room.

What they observed over the year, was how much sex was the great lubricating and connecting agent in their relationship. They both needed it and having it regularly helped the rest of their lives flow more smoothly.

In the busy modern world, where we have so many pulls on our time, carving out time for sex and intimacy is essential.

Your intimate life is the power source in your relationship.

Here are three keys to lifelong passion.

1) Schedule sex. 

Unless you have very loose schedules, like you both work from home and have no children and not much of a social life, you might end up having regular, extended sex dates.

Most people won’t.

They let everything else pile up as priorities before their sex lives.

2) Extended sex dates.

Having time set aside for deeper connection is essential.

One of my favourite things about several hours or a full day and by that I mean phones off, no interruptions, and ideally, room service of sex, is that we cover so much ground.

In between the licking and sucking and fucking there is talking. The talking is sweetened by the rawness that being super well-fucked evokes. The conversations are deeper, more heartfelt, and that brings us closer together emotionally.

And that leads to bodies colliding again. And again.

After several hours of being softened and opened and penetrated, your heart and mind become clear of cobwebs. You can speak your truth more easily and fully.

I often say that you can solve a lot of your problems in bed. And save thousands of dollars on therapy. Not that therapy doesn’t have its place but, fucking is one of the absolute best tools for self-actualization.

Even though I’ve studied a plethora of healing modalities over the years, sex has been one of the most powerful tools I use to center myself. Like I said last week, your lover is your secret weapon.

Plus, for women to truly reach the deeper, much-more-potent, life-changing vaginal orgasms, they need a build up. The emotional and physical foundation has to be laid for them to get there. That takes time.

3) Invest. Study. Explore.

The most well-f**ked couples I know are that way because even they have already have stellar sex lives, they know there is always another level to go, always something new to learn.

They look at their intimate life as this entity of its own. One that needs care, attention, time and education.

Read books, take courses, book out a luxury hotel room for the night or the weekend.

Grow or die.

There are a lot more keys to lifelong passion. And we’ll be exploring them in Coming Together.

Which brings us to the 10-week sex date.

Coming Together, my online salon for couples, begins next week.

In it, you’ll expand yourselves emotionally, sexually, orgasmically and be set with tools for life. We’ll cover everything from developing stamina in men, to the ways ALL women can achieve G-Spot and cervical orgasm, to how to use your relationship as a vessel for healing and transformation.

You’ll be setting aside time each week (if not daily) to focus on your intimate life.

You can change a lot in 10 weeks.

Like your whole life.

One of my favorite parts of the 10-week salon is the weekly Enlightened Sex Act video. In it, I break down a particular sex act and explain the deeper significance behind it. For example, did you know you can use anal sex to strengthen your connection to God and make more money? Find out why and how in the salon.


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