5 Qualities of Self-Actualized Cock
Since first hearing of it years ago, I’ve been fascinated by the idea of self-actualization.
Usually associated with Maslow, and his Hierarchy of Needs chart, we see self-actualization as the highest attainment of human expression.
Once your basic needs for food, shelter, security and love are met, you can move onto the elevated task of truly realizing your unique gifts in the world.
Carl Rogers, the American psychologist referred to self-actualization as “the curative force in psychotherapy—man’s tendency to actualize himself, to become his potentialities… to express and activate all the capacities of the organism.”
Or, as I might say:
To express all his capacities of orgasm.
Same same.
For a person to be truly self-actualized, he or she needs to be living a life that fully incorporates their sexuality and their sexual energy into everything that they do.
You have heard me speak over and over again on how sexual energy is life force energy, the creative energy that is your source of reproduction and who you are.
It is the essence of you.
If you aren’t tapping into it, you are living in a deficiency.
The deepest parts of you, your literal, fluid and energetic essence is not being birthed into the world.
This leads to all sorts of problems, from FUKME (both men and women can have FUKME) to loss of erections, premature ejaculation, to lackluster relationships and failed marriages, to career and financial woes.
All because you aren’t fucking enough.
And in a way that allows the deepest parts of you to come out.
“Coming out” is what it’s all about.
“Becoming” more conscious of who you are and letting that truth shine out into the world.
Letting your cock shine, like the gorgeous harbinger of light that it ought to be.
What does a self-actualized, shiny cock look like?
1) It loves to f*ck.
It can’t get enough of the stuff.
It loves to show up, ready-to-rumble, at the most opportune and inopportune moments.
The life-energy is flowing so powerfully through a man’s psyche and body, that it fills up his erection relentlessly and looks for a place to channel it.
As it should.
Share away, boys.
2) Has a purpose in life.
As I mentioned in the post about The 3 Best-Kept Secrets to Killer Erections, the way a man shows up in the world is largely related to his cock.
Or reflected by it.
If he is actively expressing his gifts in life, his erections will be solid and unwavering.
The cock is the barometer for how much of the man is showing up in the world.
If the erection is soft, the man is holding back in his life. ??
Self-actualized cock generates killer erections.
3) Is all that it can be.
Cocks grow.
Yes, they get erect.
But when a man is truly showing up and inhabiting his power, he also inhabits his cock to such a degree that it grows larger.
Into its full potential.
Another 1/2 inch? Totally attainable.
I’ve seen it.
And felt it.
With my own… eyes.
And other parts.
This is not a spam folder rumour.
It’s genital truth.
It can do all kinds of other crazy shit too like separate orgasm from ejaculation, have 10 orgasms in a night without emitting any fluid, and heal a woman with its awe-inducing powers.
This kind of cock magic is your birthright.
4) It loves itself.
And the man loves his cock.
The cock is an extension of the man.
When the man truly loves himself, by extension, he loves his cock.
He struts proudly with that thing.
He uses it with great care.
He realizes what a source of power his cock is.
And hopefully, he finds a woman who realizes that as well.
5) The heart and the cock are connected.
The great chasm in our modern, sexually fucked up world, is the mammoth gap between heart and genitals.
The self-actualized cock may respond to all sorts of superficial stimulation.
At its core though, it’s most aroused and made erect by the steamy combination of gourmet sex: emotional openness and physical abandon.
A deep, soul-stirring pull that marshals all of its erectile and divine healing power into action.
And fucks the world and his woman into smithereens.
And that, my loves, is the true purpose of cock.
To be the relentless penetrator that opens, probes, finds truth and smashes it into aliveness.
And illuminates some vagina along the way.
Get your self-actualized cock today.
Sexual Mastery for Men Salon is open now!
8 weeks of cock love and cock magic.
Your brand new cock is waiting for you.
Registration ends tonight at midnight PST.
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