Podcasts & Videos

juice up your life and love


The Healing Power of 69

Bottoms up, kids.

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180 Days of Sex

“It started as a 180-day pact, and now it’s just a way of living.”

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The 5 Sexiest Things a Woman Can Do

What makes a woman irresistible?

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5 Sexiest Things a Man Can Do

The seduction guide for men.

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9 Signs of a Conscious Relationship

But make it sexy.

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20 Seconds of Insane Courage To Save Your Relationship

The universe rewards big, bold acts.

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The FÜKMOR Parenting Method

One of the most common and socially acceptable excuses for not having sex as a couple, is when you have children.

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Tantra + Slow Sex for Ecstatic Orgasms

Orgasms that last for hours and days. How much bliss can you handle?

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Polarity: The Hottest Sexual Chemistry

The hottest sexual chemistry and couples who can’t keep their hands off each other, generally have exaggerated feminine and masculine energies at play.

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From Fighting to F**king

If you aren’t f**king enough, or f**king well, you are going to be fighting.

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F*ck Medicine: Kim’s Sex Rx

Every time you have sex with your partner, you have the power to give them—and yourself—a rejuvenating, anti-aging, anti-depressant, weight loss drug and psychedelic experience.

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How Casual Is Casual Sex?

“Casual” sex is a massive contradiction and oxymoron.

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