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How to Be Original

Trailblazer, anyone? What it takes to be a leader and a game changer.

Over the years, I have often heard the phrase:

“There’s nothing original out there.”

And I’ve had my own add-on to that phrase:

“…and other bullshit.”

The only people who repeat this mantra are those who don’t ever make—and don’t know how to make—anything original.

The rest of us are out there making our mark on the world.

These days, there are a dime-a-dozen wannabe wellness coaches and even sex coaches.

What makes any of them different?

How do they distinguish themselves from the rest?

Well, mostly they don’t.

They blend into a pre-approved mold of “Live your dreams!” quotes and tepid self-help advice.

Are these the change-makers?


They’re boring as fuck.

“The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. Those who walk alone are likely to find themselves in places no one has ever been before.”

~ Einstein

The people who really create change in this world are those who dare.

They have a message that is unique.

And they have the balls and the ovaries to share it.

I often tell people that if I had gone the traditional route of “sex therapy school” that I’d be broke and unsuccessful.

Because truth, healing and revolutionary answers are not found there.

I found those things in my vagina.

Through decades of my own explorations and studies, and the requisite 10,000+ hours, I have singlehandedly created the genre of Holistic Sex and Relationship Coaching.

I have educated women the world over on the magical powers of their vaginas, orgasming and ejaculating across the room.

And for men, on what it means to be a Supercock, leaving behind Viagra well into your seventies.

I have brought the jade yoni egg to tens? hundreds? of thousands of vaginas on the planet, showing them the power and pleasure that is within.

What does it take to be an original, a game changer and a true leader?

Find out, in this week’s episode:

  • The top four traits of original people and how to attain them
  • I’ll talk about some of the people I admire and respect, who are forerunners in their work
  • The fastest and easiest way to get to not giving a f**k about what anyone else thinks
  • Why a bunch of garden gnomes led to my greatest viral marketing campaign
  • Can a plagiarist really teach someone how to do anything? Other than plagiarize?
  • How to be unstoppable

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