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How to Grow Cock. Organically.

Can you really grow cock?


You can grow it organically too.

No Viagra or cock extensions or surgery needed.

So how do you get yourself a new or larger cock?

The primary thing to remember is that the cock is an extension of the man.

When the man is strong and powerful, his cock reflects that.

Weak, shrunken cock is an indicator that the man is shrinking from life.

His potency is diminished.

But you can get it back.

Remember the spiritual axiom?

“What you focus on grows.”

This great universal law also applies to cock.

Here’s how to grow it:

1) Erection power.

Most men don’t fully inhabit their erections. Even a strong 80-per-center still has room for growth, and some guys don’t even come close to that.

How much are you showing up in your life and self? Are you fully inhabiting your masculine energy and drive?

If so, your erection will reveal that.

It will swell with the weight of your gravitas.

Gravitas is the Latin term for weight, heaviness.

The quality of presence or influence.

Gravitas is balls.

There are many ways to boost erectile fullness, from diet to herbs to weight lifting (see below).

But the most important tool is simply owning your cock.

Occupy your cock.

2) Increased testosterone production.

There are a number of things that boost your testosterone. One key thing to remember is that dopamine builds testosterone.

One thing that depletes dopamine and therefore testosterone is excessive porn-fuelled masturbation.

What’s excessive? Daily, definitely.

One thing that builds dopamine is weight training. Working out three times a week with moderate to heavy weights will keep you in the happy-dopamine-motivated-zone and increase testosterone synthesis.

3) Pelvic weight lifting practice.

The equivalent to lifting things with your vagina is, well, lifting them with your cock.

For men, the benefits are:

  • Increased power and pleasure of orgasms
  • Better orgasmic control and stamina building
  • Able to harvest more sexual energy
  • Pleasure her much more consciously
  • Power thruster!
  • Grander, wilder, stronger and bigger erections

4) Lengthening and strengthening exercises.

From a strictly physical perspective, cock workouts are extremely effective.

A former lover of mine was obsessed with this practice. He devoted time to it every day.

He cultivated one of the girth-iest, sturdiest, most powerful cocks I had ever seen.

And felt.

My power-lifting vagina had met its match.

One exercise to this end is a simple cock stretching routine.

1) Practice with a flaccid cock.
2) Create the OK sign with one hand and grip just below head of cock.
3) Grasp the head of the cock with the other hand.
4) Stretch it out in all four directions: north, east, south and west, holding for 30 seconds in each section of the map.

Do this for five minutes, several times a week.

I’ve got a whole cock-ercise program for you guys in the Sexual Mastery for Men salon.

5) Confidence.

This is the most important one. Nothing screams supercock like a confident cock.

And nothing shouts weakness like a timid one.

Women don’t want their cock to be timid.


Caring. Loving. Sensitive.


But not timid.

Timid cock = flaccid man = not enough yang for her yin.

Confidence says:

“If you fall, I will catch you.”

“My cock and I will penetrate your core and not let you hide.”

This strength of character, your inner cock, if you will, is everything.

Nothing will grow your like this.

You’ll gain inches and her orgasms.

All with that alone.



Sexual Mastery for Men 8-week salon. Register now!


It’s cock boot camp for all you guys!

We’ll cover all the above and more plus explore the multi-dimensional ways you can be sexually masterful, resulting in everything from a bigger cock to a happier marriage and increased cash flow.

Your brand new cock is waiting for you.

Sign up now!

Webinar Replay

six-day sex date

Tools of the masterful trade. Plus a walk through of the 8-week program.

If you missed it, you can view the replay here:
Event password: sexual


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2 thoughts on “How to Grow Cock. Organically.

    1. That’s one of the best compliments I’ve ever received. Apart from being called The Cock Whisperer and a sexual genius.