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juice up your life and love

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The Perfect Moment

You can’t choose when they come.

You just have to be ready.  

You can’t reschedule with life and say: “I’m not quite prepared for you—you, perfect job, perfect relationship, perfect house—I have a lot more work to do before I’m ready for you.”

It doesn’t work like that.

When the moment comes, you have to jump on it.

You can’t use your rational mind to weigh the pros and cons.

You have to use your gut.

When my gut churns with a heavy excitement (that can almost feel like fear), I know I’m on the precipice.

Of something big.

Something life-changing.

It’s similar to the feeling of deep, sexual desire.

My mouth gets dry.

My body (and my vagina) swell.

I feel hot and flushed.

My words evaporate, and I’m all throbbing body. A mass of viscera.

My heart is pounding. My knees get weak.

It’s one of the hardest things in life: that moment of saying “yes,” being honest about how much you really want someone or something.

And in your naked vulnerability, and all-consuming desire, walking straight toward it.

Or sprinting. Tackling it.

The price of admission to a greater life, to a bigger life, is being willing to dive into the uncertainty.

With no guarantees.

It’s what drives us to lean in for a first kiss.

“To press yourself against 
Whatever you find to be beautiful
And trembling with life.”

~ Neutral Milk Hotel

The kiss that starts a lifetime of love bruises and happiness.

The kiss that sets war ships sailing across the sea.

The kiss that changes your life.

Began with you saying yes.

If you lean in, you’ll get the results.

There is no perfectly scheduled moment when all your finances, schedule and well-laid plans line up.

There’s just a moment, with someone’s mouth poised in front of yours. Inches away.

Your whole life changes.


Top image: Maggie Lee

Feeling Insatiable?

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3 thoughts on “The Perfect Moment

    1. Absolutely. Half of me is screaming at the top of her lungs “He doesn’t deserve you! Run away!” and the other half can only whisper over the screaming “But I love him…”

      I will let you know Kim. Thank you for sharing this today. I want to cry, and laugh and crawl under the covers all at once. The uncertainty is SO loud right now.

      I don’t know how, but you always have the perfect words for me. Thank you for being THAT person!


  1. holy shit. amazing. truly. my heart started pounding in my ears when i read this. i am on the precipice of saying YES to that very thing…how much I really want someone. and something. and holy shit. so perfect. thank you kim.