The Well-F**ked Woman

video series

Video #1

Underf**ked vs. Well-F**ked

Please use headphones for optimal audio. A woman who lacks sexual pleasure suffers in her quality of life, work and relationships. A well-f**ked woman exudes confidence, sensuality and connectedness. Download this PDF and take the test: How underf**ked are you? **

Video #2

Ancient Techniques + Well-F**ked Singles

Please use headphones for optimal audio. 5000-year-old sexual techniques of ancient courtesans to harness your powerful sexual energy. Plus, how your orgasms are your secret weapon. And, how to be well-f**ked even when you are single!**

Video #3

50 Shades of Surrender

Please use headphones for optimal audio. What is the universal appeal of 50 Shades of Grey? What deep-seated, underf**ked needs are being met? Also, the power of surrender.