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What Does a Well-F**ked Woman Look Like?

What does a well-f**ked woman look like?

See above. 

Out. Revealed. Naked. Putting it out there. Not giving a shit what anyone thinks.

What does an undef**ked woman look like?



Remember Bland Anne from Arrested Development?

Of course you don’t. No one does. Because she was invisible.

anne arrested development

Bland Anne was underf**ked.

I was facilitating a group a few years ago. After one of the sessions, I was chatting with one of the members. Let’s call her Cara. I made reference to one of the other group participants.


I explained who I was talking about.

Cara looked puzzled. “She’s in our class?”

There were only seven women in the group.

Nicola, the invisible one, was severely underf**ked. She was so underf**ked, that she was the inspiration for the my Playboy piece on hysteria, because she fit the description so perfectly. You can read more about her/it here.


Gunther was a German man who came to the same gym as me years ago. As we got to know each other, every time I saw him, he’d say one of two things:

“Ah, Kim! You look great!” Then he’d raise an eyebrow. “You are getting some, yes?”


“Ah, Kim.” He’d shake his head sadly. “It’s been a while, eh?”

He was always, uncannily, accurate.

I couldn’t figure out how he could see it so clearly.

Now I can see it that clearly too.


Being well-f**ked means that you are connected to your sexual energy. You’ve tapped into it and you are infusing it into every area of your life.

Even if you aren’t having sex, you can be totally well-f**ked.

What does this look like?

1) You glow.

That well-f**ked quality that Gunter observed in me (or not) for years, that I now can read in a split second, will radiate from you. PEOPLE NOTICE.

A friend of mine has been focusing on revving up her sexual energy for months now. She is diligently using the jade egg practice to wake up her vagina and reconnect to it as a source of power.

Men are stopping her on the street to talk to her. She can’t even fill her car up with gas without being asked out.

These men are acting on a visceral feeling. It’s blowing them over. She’s irresistible.

2) Your body, like the barometer it is, begins to reflect your self love.

A client of mine had been trying to lose weight for nearly two decades. She’d hired trainers, she was well-schooled in nutrition, but she couldn’t seem to lose that extra 20 pounds she’d carried around as a protective buffer for the past 18 years. After applying these ideas of connecting to her sexual energy, even as a single woman, she began to notice a change. In her words:

“The weight is just falling off me. I’ve lost 20 pounds in two months without even thinking about it. Instead, I feel fed by a love and a connection that goes beyond human existence.

My insecurity and a feeling of missing something were what used to cause me to overeat.

Now, I feel a completeness. I’m tapping into God-source.

It’s as though the feelings of love and connection I experience now are energetically sculpting my body, without any conscious ‘dieting’ effort.”

Well said.

3) You get rich.

The money comes pouring in. I talk a lot about the connection between sex and money. It’s profound.

If you are sexually blocked, you will be financially blocked. Period. Fire your business coach and start f**king instead. (Kidding. Your business coach can stay on if you start f**king too).

4) You get happy.

I read the shittiest article ever last month in, uh, Vogue magazine. I was in the checkout line at Whole Foods, and the headline on the cover caught my eye: “Good Mood or Good Sex: Do Women Have to Choose?”

Curious, (anything with “sex” in it will draw me in) I bought the magazine and read the article.

In it, the author tackles a conundrum that she claims many women face: If they go on anti-depressants, they’ll lose their libidos.

The way she describes the women in the article is as though they take antidepressants like others throw back vitamins. “I don’t feel so good. I must need antidepressants!”

She goes on at great length about how so many women feel so bad. They go on antidepressants. Then they feel numb. And have no desire for sex.


You can kill two birds with one orgasm.

If you have rev up your sexual energy, if you learn how to channel it into your life, whether single or married, your depression will lift.

Have more sex—gourmet sex. With yourself or with a partner.

If these women in the article (and millions of others) were well-f**ked they wouldn’t need the antidepressants in the first place.


I could go on. And on. (Like all the orgasms you ought to be having).

Instead, I invite you to come on over and begin your well-f**ked journey now.


How to Be a Well-F**ked Woman Salon

rankin via fluffy lychees

An 8-week Virtual Salon to Harness Female Sexual Power and Pleasure.

If you’ve been watching my video series, you know I’ve been talking this well-f**ked business up and down.

In a nutshell:

Being well-f**ked makes EVERYTHING in your life go better. From money to weight to your career and definitely your relationships.

Being underf**ked sucks every other piece of your life into it like a vortex.

It’s that simple.

Click here to check it out now.

I’ll be with you every step of the way to remove whatever is blocking you sexually, and set you up with a lifetime’s worth of tools for a well-f**ked life.

Take me now!

~ Kim xx

Image: top black/white Kim Anami, age 42, well-f**ked woman
Reclining sofa: Rankin

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