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5 Laws of Female Orgasms

These are the five universal laws of orgasms for women.

They apply to all women, all vaginas, everywhere.

They are true in every circumstance, 100% of the time.

There are NO exceptions to these rules.



It doesn’t matter if a woman has had everything from sexual trauma, to reproductive organs removed, to a strict religious and shaming upbringing to being in menopause, to having emerged out of a 20-year shitty marriage or whether she is straight or gay, single or coupled.

These laws apply to EVERY WOMAN at any and every stage of her life.

We don’t do excuses in Anami Land. Or Band-Aids.

Only solutions.

So buck up bitches and let’s go.

Or download the podcast version and listen on the go: 

Feeling Insatiable?

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5 Laws of Orgasms for Women – TRANSCRIPT

These are the 5 universal laws of orgasms for women.

They apply to all women, all vaginas, everywhere.

They are true in every circumstance, 100% of the time.

There are NO exceptions to these rules.



It doesn’t matter if a woman has had everything from sexual trauma, to reproductive organs removed, to a strict religious and shaming upbringing to being in menopause, to having emerged out of a 20-year shitty marriage or whether she is straight or gay, single or coupled.

These laws apply to EVERY WOMAN at any and every stage of her life.

We don’t do excuses in Anami Land. Or Band-Aids.

Only solutions.

So buck up bitches and let’s go.

 Law #1. Every woman, every orgasm.

EVERY woman is capable of and can have EVERY type of orgasm: clitoral, G-Spot, cervical, squirting, nipple, full-body, energetic, anal.

You name it.

You can have it.

For some women it’s as basic as just knowing that she can.

Some people have bought into the allopathic ignorance and mythology that only SOME women can.

Once I tell them that this is an embarrassingly ludicrous crock of shit that only a sexually inexperienced and deeply underfucked teacher/coach/therapist/OBGYN/doctor/social justice warrior would say, and they believe me, some of them go home that very night and have their first G-Spot or squirting orgasm.

I’ve worked with hundreds of women who had bought into the lie that only some women can and some can’t.

Then they found my work and I told them that they could indeed have all of these orgasms.

All day. Every day.

And so can you.

LAW #2. One is never enough.


The more, the merrier.

One orgasm is NOT enough for a woman to feel sexually fulfilled.

A good rule of thumb (or cock) is: Good things come in threes.

Or at least that many.

Women are naturally voracious, multi-orgasmic creatures.

One paltry, superficial clitoral orgasm is going to leave them wildly underfucked.

The clingy, whiny, stereotype of a woman who is nagging her man all the time?

That’s the portrait of a woman who is not having enough orgasms.

One of the great sexual myths out there is that men are somehow more sexual than women.

Nope. Not even remotely true.

Men are TAUGHT that they are more sexual than women.

And women are TAUGHT that they are more emotional, not-so-into sex and have to be coerced into having it.

The biological truth is that women naturally outperform men.

What happens when a man comes?

It’s game over.

When a woman comes?

It’s only the beginning.

The Taoists say that sexually speaking, men are like fire; quick to ignite and quick to extinguish.

Women are like water, slow to boil but they keep on boiling.

The work for each is to meet somewhere in the middle:

Men develop their stamina and women come to live in a state of sexual simmer.

The main reason why most women are sexually unfulfilled is because they aren’t having good enough, deep enough or frequent enough sex.

NOT because they don’t want it.

But because it’s only whetting their appetite.
And they rarely—if ever—get the chance to be deeply, passionately fulfilled sexually.

The TRUTH is that women are insatiable.

And unless you are giving her prolific orgasms on a daily and weekly basis, she’s going to be underfucked.

And you are going to know about it.

A well-fucked woman needs a steady diet of deep, vaginal orgasms, and she needs a lot of them.

They are like food and medicine to her.

And in turn, she will be food and medicine to you.

When she’s getting them.

LAW #3: An orgasm a day...keeps all things shitty—health issues, depression, anger, weight gain, low self-esteem, marital problems, emotional imbalances and road rage—away.

Daily pleasure will lubricate your life in ways you never dreamed possible.

When you are connected to your powerful, life-force, sexual energy and inhabiting your sexuality, you are now firing on all cylinders.

You’ll be more powerful in life, love and career.

Daily orgasms keep you happy, in vibrant health, emotionally balanced,, help you to lose weight, improve your self-confidence, earn you more money and supercharge your relationship.

Orgasms are good medicine.

They are anti-aging—they remove seven physical years off of your appearance, they reduce your stress hormones and increase your oxytocin, they boost immunity, lift depression, and make your skin glow.

The magic bullet.

Your vagina and your sexuality is your power source.

Being connected to them is essential to tap into your true power, confidence, strength, and creativity as a woman.

The Taoists talked about The Daily Sex Prayer.

By making love in the morning and the evening, you fortify yourself for the day and then again for your dream time.

Instead of reaching for food, TV, drugs, alcohol and leaving cowardly and anonymous comments on internet posts you disagree with, you FEED each other.

You reach for each other. You fall into bed and plug into each other.

THAT is your power and refuelling station.

LAW #4: Go deep.

ALL the good stuff is in the vagina.

The truly life-changing orgasms are inside—way up inside.

The clitoris is just the tip of the iceberg.

The deep, cataclysmic, transformative, self-actualizing and ecstatic, last-for-days orgasms are all-in.


So go there.

The vagina is a Pandora’s Box of sensation, emotion and experiences.

It houses an entire reflexology map of the body.

When you stimulate different areas, like the cervix for example, it corresponds to the heart.

So this orgasm is very deep, profound and cathartic.

It’s a full-body, blissful experience that can last for DAYS.

These are the kinds of orgasms that change your life.

This is another popular topic for underfucked people to argue about on the internet.

Actually, this is a really good example of how being underfucked negatively impacts all areas of your life.

Including how your brain functions.

Instead of fighting for the power of human potential, the chronically underfucked fight FOR THE RIGHT. NOT TO ORRRRRRGGASM.

I often get tagged on social media when people who follow me see something they know is opposite to my philosophy.

A few weeks back, someone tagged me in a conversation, where two women were fighting for the right not to have any vaginal orgasms.

They brought in another “educator” to reinforce the notion that “cock be bad” “we don’t need cock” “leave our vaginas alone”.

“Vaginas! What are they good for! Absolutely nothing! Say it again!!”

According to them, at least.

And, as further evidence of FUKME, one of these underfucked women happens to be a poster child for FUKME:

A self-flagellating, screechy, whiny, social justice warrior, who encourages uber-mediocrity AND rampant pharmaceutical use — she apparently LOVES her anti-depressants and encourages everyone to get on them.

Well, yeah. The proof is always in the pudding.

If someone is deeply underfucked, this is exactly what they would look like: burying their own pain and shadow through perpetual pharmaceutical addiction and crutches, and then projecting their own unresolved issues onto other people and fabricated “social justice” causes that give them the opportunity to whine and blame other people all day long.

THAT is a CLASSIC portrait of a woman who has only ever had clitoral—or maybe even no, by the looks of it—orgasms.

I could do a whole episode unpacking the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance here, but really, it’s fuckin’ boring.

So…. Let them eat clit.

If that’s what they really want.

And I will take you to the promised land of life-changing, transcendent, just-saw-God vaginal orgasms.

I have a number of amazing podcast episodes and YouTube videos on all things orgasms.

Check out:

“Orgasmapedia: 11 Different Orgasms”

“How to Have Vaginal Orgasms: G-Spot, Cervical and More”

5 Steps to Cervical Orgasms

Let’s leave it with the guarantee that ALL women can and ought to be having regular, vaginal orgasms.

They are unequivocally and vastly superior to clitoral orgasms.

The reason why these vaginal orgasms are SOOOOO important as good-fuck medicine for women is this:

LAW #5: Let it go.


The game-changing factor that separates the girls from the women, or the SJWs from the fuckables, and the clitoris from the vagina, is the ability to open up, drop your guard, and surrender.

If you can’t do that, you won’t have ANY orgasms, let alone the more intense and fulfilling deeper, internal orgasms.

Nowhere is this more important though than in the terrain of vaginal orgasms.

Or pretty much any orgasm besides clitoral.

These call on the deeper, internal parts of you.

Your vulnerability, your authentic self—they need to be present.

You can’t hide.

That’s why these orgasms are less likely to appear in casual sex situations.

Or, if you have unresolved issues in the space between you and your partner.

If anything is holding you back, you won’t get there.

While there are some great tips I can offer in terms of breathing and touch and sexual positions, this is only part of the process.

If you aren’t having vaginal orgasms, it isn’t necessarily because your technique is incorrect.

The most important orgasmic factor for women—especially for the deeper, vaginal orgasms—is how much a woman is willing to let go, open up and surrender.

How far will you let someone in????

Mechanics are only 10% of the game.

And this is why they are so pivotal, cathartic and necessary for women:

The journey to getting there IS the medicine.

To find whatever it takes to bring on this level of deep, cataclysmic, obliterating surrender, to give yourself over to that, changes you from the inside out.

When you pass through that portal, you emerge out the other side reborn, and into the most confident, beautiful, radiance, fierce, loving, empowered, authentic version of you.

But most people have no idea that this is the road to getting there.

But really, it’s the only game in town:

This kind of deep, soul-touch of surrender to yourself, the universe, the divine.

Go deep or go home.

Or rather, go deep and come home.


In conclusion:

These are the five Immutable. Irrefutable. Laws of female orgasms.

If anyone tells you otherwise, you send them to me!!!!!

And I’ll send them straight into their own vaginas, to find the truth.

The truth being that: ALL women are multi-orgasmic, salacious, innately sexual beings.

EVERYONE can experience daily, life-changing pleasure.

Life-changing orgasms are the keys and portals to your own daily ecstasy, self-realization and well-being.

And you can have them all.


To wake up your vaginal potential, check out my Vaginal Kung Fu free video series and my Yoni Egg Kit and Salonette sold in the Anami Alchemia online shop.

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