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The 30-Day Sex Challenge

A pillar of my philosophy is that regular sex keeps you in tune in so many dimensions.

It makes you smarter, happier, richer and hotter.

One of the best ways to kickstart a flagging sex life is to embark on a 30-day sex challenge.

So let’s do it! 

Starting today Wednesday April 4 until Thursday May 3rd:


Here’s how it’s going to work.

The Rules: 

Rule #1: Have sex every day. It can be oral, anal, vaginal or manual. Something has to be inserted somewhere, on someone.

Rule #2: See above.


1.  Q: Can you skip a day and do it twice the next day?

A:  You can do this “makeup sex” twice during the 30 days. The point is to connect daily.

2)   Q: Do we get bonus points for more than once a day?

A: Haha.

3)   Q: I’m single. Can I still do this? 

A: Sure! Same rules apply.

4)   Q: My partner and I are on the outs. Would we still do this sex every day thing? 

As much as I’m pro-sex, I don’t force people to have sex when the blocks between them are too immense. You have to clear the blocks first, resuscitate the desire, and then you can get back to the sex.

If you are really distant, better to seek counselling or do my Coming Together Salon first, and then you can organically and orgasmically rebuild your desire for each other.

The challenge is meant more for people who may be having a bit of a rough patch, claim they “just don’t have the time” or already have a good sex life and want to notch things a level higher.

The Reward: 

Besides taking your sexual relationship to the next level and becoming more financially abundant, beautiful and irresistable, I’m going to offer an additional incentive.

The couple (or single) who can show me that they are the most well-f**ked after the 30 days, will win a place in my Coming Together for Couples Salon. This is my signature 10-week online course for couples which begins in early May.

You’ll possibly be so well-fucked at that point that you may not need it.

Then again, my work is all about taking people to the next level. So even if you have an amazing sex life, it can still get better.

Details on submissions for this contest to follow! Sign up with your email on this page for announcements on the challenge over the next month.


1) Schedule it.

It’s easiest to stay on track if you carve out suitable slots ahead of time. Give this some thought for the next 30 days.

I suggest mornings—check out this video I made on Why Morning Sex Is the Best.

2) Get high. 

In my Coming Together video series, I give you Tantric breathing techniques to use, which I guarantee will make this much more enjoyable, energizing and may lead you to full-body orgasms.

Sign up for my Coming Together free video series here. 

3) Ask me anything.

I’ll be doing a series of Facebook Live events over the 30 days. To be informed of when I do, sign up for the same Coming Together list and I’ll email out the information the day before.

4) Quantum leap your progress. 

To accelerate your growth during the 30-day Sex Challenge, take my Anami Crystal Elixirs. These quantum-growth remedies will boost your healing, connection and orgasmic potential during the month.

Check out Luscious for Her and Resurrect for Him.

Get onboard, on-bed.


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