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Your Vagina Is Money!

Let’s talk about the connections between vaginas and money and careers.

We’ll begin with the question: Is your career a reflection and expression of your deepest gifts?

There is a word in Sanskrit called “dharma”. 

It means the essential nature of a person that is translated into their life’s work.

Your dharma is what you were born to do, and you do it naturally and well.

Would you say that you are living your dharma?

That your vocation is something you’d be doing whether or not you were paid because it simply is who you are?

When we begin to express our sexual energy, channeling it out into the world, we naturally gravitate to things and manifest them, that are closer to our true selves.

This applies to friends, lovers and especially to our careers.

We easily let go of jobs or activities that are clearly no longer in resonance with us.

And we begin to birth the things that are the truest expression of who we really are. 

When you are expressing yourself and giving your gifts to the world, when you really show up in your life, when you put yourself out there, the universe responds in kind. 

It rewards you. 

Energy comes back to you in the form of abundance, wealth, and all the things your heart desires. 

It’s the great universal exchange. 

The more you get in touch with your sexual energy, which is your creative blueprint—remember, all of your entire genetic code is housed here—you get more in touch with your true self. 

Your work becomes more of an extension of you.

You self-realize in all parts of your life. 

When you turn on your vagina, you turn on your life. 

As you wake it up and activate it to be the divine birth-er of all things, it does exactly that, energetically. 

It magnetizes opportunities, people, ideas and wealth. 

Right into your lap.

Because that’s exactly what attracted them!

Listen to the episode now:

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Having a Kung Fu Vagina is every woman’s birthright and within her natural abilities.

With the right tools!

This is what is possible for every single vagina, on the daily:

  • Multiple, vaginal and ejaculating orgasms
  • Insane, life-changing pleasure
  • A vagina that is so responsive that it gets wet just from hearing your lover’s voice.
  • Produces a tsunami of wetness
  • A ravenous libido
  • Gives your lover a vaginal handjob with your sensational articulation skills. Aka “voodoo pussy”.
  • Shoots ping pong balls. This is the normal, healthy baseline for every vagina.
  • Zero urinary incontinence. Some women reverse this in a week.
  • Iron-clad pelvic floor strength that maintains your internal organs. Yep. You were meant to keep them.

In short: Ecstasy and power on tap. Courtesy of your Kung Fu Vagina.

Come and get it.

Feeling Insatiable?

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Your Vagina is Money! Transcript

Naked woman laying in bed of cash with a man symbolizing her vagina is money

Let’s talk about the connection between vaginas, deep orgasms and money and your career.

We’ll begin with the question: Is your career a reflection and expression of your deepest gifts?

There is a word in Sanskrit called “dharma”.

It means the essential nature of a person that is translated into their life’s work.

Your dharma is what you were born to do, and you do it naturally and well.

Would you say that you are living your dharma?

That your vocation is something you’d be doing whether or not you were paid, because it simply is who you are?

When we begin to express our sexual energy, channeling it out into the world, we naturally gravitate to things and manifest them, that are closer to our true selves.

This applies to friends, lovers and especially to our careers.

We easily let go of jobs or activities that are clearly no longer in resonance with us.

And we begin to birth the things that are the truest expression of who we really are.

Sex, money and creativity: all second chakra issues.

What I’ve seen over the decades of doing this work, both on myself and with others, is that the more they inhabit their sexual energy and clear the blocks to its free expression, the more they self-actualize.

Meaning: they become the most authentic versions of themselves.

Any kind of false armour and programming that they’ve picked up over the years easily falls off of them, and they emerge a clearer, brighter, more beautiful version of they really are.

This naturally leads to them seeking out people and activities reflecting their deeper truth.

Their talents and gifts begin to shine unstoppably out of them, and they attract and manifest opportunities in greater alignment with this deep truth of who they are, and are now effortlessly being.

I’m using words like “effortless”, “unstoppable” and “naturally” because I want to make this very clear:

The outdated mentality of having to slog at a job you hate, in order to pay the bills, and only be free on the weekends to do the things you love, is gone.

At least when you become sexually self-realized, it is.

When you are truly connected to this energy, your creative life-force bursts out of you and you begin to create and re-create the world around you.

From your genitals.

This is where your genetic, reproductive blueprint is housed.

This translates into new careers, and financial abundance.

You magnetize wealth to you to the point where it just falls into your lap. Because your lap is what attracted it.


The foundation of the whole Anami philosophy around sex, is that once you liberate your sexual energy, it acts as it was meant to: as a powerful, creative, manifesting force in the world.

Your sexual energy is your own personal genetic blueprint—this is the essence of who you are.

This is the greatest secret that is kept from humans in this day and age, and for the past millennia: All of the obscuring and censoring around sex is to hide the fact that this is the greatest power and healing source that we have available to us:

The reproductive power of the universe.

Mainlined through our genitals.

The only things that prevents us from accessing this power, are the false beliefs, programming and trauma that get layered onto top of this free flow and taint and mutate how this energy is expressed.


In its natural state, this energy is a divine turbo boost and compass in your life.

I often use the hashtag: #powered by vagina, because I give all the credit to mom vagina, as the creator of my life.

All the things I have manifested in my world have come from there.

I use vision boards and lists of what I want to create in my life.

When I look back at what I set out at a major turning point for me, which was back in 2011/2012, when I began my online salons, I see pretty much everything fulfilled on these lists. I’ve created my dream life.

So how do you do it?

In my own story, I’ve been on a path of conscious growth and transformation since my mid-teens.

I’ve always been fascinated with the idea of How do we change? How do we grow?

And also being in tune with my sexual energy.

From my teenage years, I began exploring everything from meditation to Transpersonal Psychology—when I was in high school, I’d be going to the university library in my city, to get books out on the great philosophers. And poets. And thinkers.

I took responsibility for my own health by studying herbal healing and homeopathy and got deeply into personal growth.

And sex.

From my early sexual encounters, my experience was that sex allowed this massive energetic portal to open, to the universe. And this is when we had access to it.

And of course, this is true, right? This is how we create new life. How life moves from one dimension or plane of existence, to another.

This quest for knowledge wisdom has always been part of my life.

And then I began to realize that I’d feel more self-realized after cataclysmic sexual encounters.

I had some rockstar partners early on, who could literally fuck the shit out of me, and that’s exactly what they did.

My vagina became my crucible.

The place where I could heal and transform my pain and trauma, and in so doing, shed these layers of the me I thought I was, to become the me I truly am.

I did this through my vagina, in having tons of G-spot, squirting and cervical orgasms.

This was my salvation, and one of the greatest healing tools I have had in my life.

My vagina. My cervix.

What we want is an AWAKENED and ACTIVATED vagina.

A jade yoni egg can help you get there

When the vagina is functioning as it is meant to—as your divine mover and shaker, bliss and deep orgasm giver, and creator of your world—you become unstoppable.

You have now unblocked and unleashed the pure flow of this turbo-charged, life-force, creative energy into every part of your existence.

You can integrate your sexual energy into everything you do.

When women are dissociated from their vaginas, they are also cut off from the natural and enlivening flow of their sexual energy.

When the vagina is brought back to life, that vital, life-force energy is available to you to channel into all parts of your life.

When you are expressing yourself and giving your gifts to the world, when you really show up in your life, when you put yourself out there, the universe responds in kind.

It rewards you.

Energy comes back to you in the form of abundance, wealth, and all the things your heart desires.

It’s the great universal exchange.

The more you get in touch with your sexual energy, which is your creative blueprint—remember, all of your entire genetic code is housed here—you get more in touch with your true self.

Your work becomes more of an extension of you.

You self-realize in all parts of your life.

When you turn on your vagina, you turn on your life.

As you wake it up and activate it to be the divine birth-er of all things, it does exactly that, energetically.

It magnetizes opportunities, people, ideas and wealth.

Right into your lap.

Because that’s exactly what attracted them!


Even for me, it became clear that what fired me up the most, what really TURNED ME ON, was the sex and intimacy coaching.

And you have to remember that NO ONE was doing this back then.

The term “holistic and relationship coach” was created by me.

Me and my vag are the OG.

But here’s how this truth of the universe works.

As I let go of the parts of my work that weren’t as exciting for me, and stepped into the boldness and courageous of focusing on sex and intimacy and being the reverent and irreverent person I am, and channeling that out into the world, the world gave back to me.

My business grew. My income grew. My creativity was fed by me living more and more in fuller alignment with my truth.

There was a refining process.

I liked life coaching but I didn’t love it.

I liked business coaching, but I didn’t love it.

I loved sex coaching.

So I dropped the others, and focused on what I loved.

I began to really put myself out there, writing, offering workshops, and building an online presence.

And it all came together.

The universe rewards truth. And it rewards courage.

And you can get both of those in spades.

From your vagina.


And this is where the ANAMI GUARANTEE comes in:

EVERY woman can do this.

Everyone can have a ping pong ball shooting vagina!

I did an Instagram LIVE the other day, and one woman commented: “I want ping pong balls, NOT diapers!”

Every woman can. She just needs the right tools.

If you feel like your work and finances ARE NOT an expression of your truest self and gifts—and remember, money is the way the universe AFFIRMS to you that you are on the right path and truly giving YOUR unique, individual gifts to the world—then here’s what I suggest:

1) Revving up your sexual engine

You can do this through daily self-pleasuring or sex dates with your partner. But make it gourmet! Check out my YouTube video on Gourmet Sex and why it’s essential to really harness your sexual, creative energy, rather than just regular old junk food sex.

2) Start incorporating joyful and blissful activities (if you don’t already)

For example, maybe you don’t feel like you can quit your current job right now.

Okay, so after hours and on weekends, begin to bring in more things you love.

Even if they aren’t related to a career path or making you money, you’ll be creating the vibration of what you love, and that will help to magnetize more of those circumstances to you.

Especially with a turned on and magnetic vagina!

Which brings us to:!!!!!

3) Put the Kegels away and use a jade yoni egg!!!

The jade yoni egg is THE best tool you can use to ACTIVATE the vagina to be the creative, manifesting and birthing vessel it is meant to be.

You de-numb the vagina, and begin to integrate its true magnetic power into your life.

You strengthen it so it becomes this vibrant, alive, pulsating, pleasure centre of your existence.

This means you can tap into your creative, life-force sexual energy AT WILL.

Instead of your vagina being some numb, vacant, dissociated part of you, it is fully integrated and becomes your ECSTASY COMPASS.

It’s full of so much pleasure, that it attracts MORE of that to you.

Like attracts like, right!!?!

You’ll have opened the secrets of the universe, the life-force that is responsible for the creation of EVERYTHING, and now have it available to you.

It all starts by going inside. Deep inside!

Through the magical Pandora’s box portal of your vagina.


In the Vaginal Kung Fu Salon, you’ll learn how to convert sexual energy into creative energy to fuel your life, work and relationships.

You’ll learn how to increase the magnetic power of your vagina and your womb to attract your deepest desires, and learn how to birth your reality into existence.

And yes, you’ll build a lubricating, ejaculating vagina that can shoot ping pong balls, give your man a hand job, and give you multiple, vaginal orgasms.

Come one, come all!

Register now. 


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